Nearest neighbors searching

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Let be a finite point-set, and a metric. Let and be the (total) relation


If then is said to be nearer to q than . If is ordered with , then the k:th nearest neighbor of in is the k:th smallest element of , denoted . The exact nearest neighbor problem asks for the points nearest to , i.e., . The approximate nearest neighbor problem asks for points such that


i.e., the found points have no more than amount of relative error when comparing the distances of the found neighbors to the distances of the exact neighbors.


Pastel implements nearest-neighbor searching and counting in both approximate and exact forms. There are several algorithms that might be appropriate in different situations. The brute-force algorithm is a naive try-all algorithm, which scales in performance as . A more elegant algorithm is made possible by a branch-and-bound algorithm using a kd-tree. The advantage of the brute-force algorithm is that it has minimal dependence to dimension. Due to curse of dimensionality, in dimensions high enough (e.g. dimension > 32), it is the case that the kd-tree has to inspect almost all of the points, giving the same asymptotic performance as the brute-force search. In these cases, it can make sense to use the brute-force algorithm instead for better practical performance. However, in all other cases you should use the kd-tree.

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An aggregate file nearest neighbors searching.