Back to Algebra of quaternions Cl(3, 0)_+
# Description: Tutorial code for Cl(3, 0)+
if True:
### Initialization
# Import all symbols from the `sympy` and `sympy.galgebra` packages.
from sympy.galgebra import *
from sympy import *
### Defining a basis
# Theorem:
# Cl(3, 0)+ is algebra-isomorphic to quaternions
# Set up Cl_{3, 0}.
e1, e2, e3 = MV.setup('e1 e2 e3', metric='[1, 1, 1]')
i = e1 * e2
j = e1 * e3
k = e2 * e3
print 'Algebra of quaternions Cl(3, 0)+'
print '--------------------------------'
### Quaternion multiplication
# Set up an arbitrary quaternion.
a0, a1, a2, a3 = symbols('a0 a1 a2 a3')
a = a0 + a1 * i + a2 * j + a3 * k
# Set up another arbitrary quaternion.
b0, b1, b2, b3 = symbols('b0 b1 b2 b3')
b = b0 + b1 * i + b2 * j + b3 * k
# What is the product of `a` and `b`?
c = a * b
# Print one component per line.
print 'Quaternion multiplication:'
print c.Fmt(3)
# I don't know how to make the package to print
# `i`, `j`, and `k`.
### Quaternion rotation
# Define a rotation axis.
v = 9 * k
# Define a rotation angle.
alpha = pi / 2
# Construct a quaternion representing
# rotation around `v` with angle `alpha`.
q = ((alpha / 2) * (v / v.norm())).exp()
# This is the same as
# q = cos(alpha / 2) + sin(alpha / 2) * (v / v.norm())
# Define a vector to rotate.
v = 3 * i + 6 * j - 7 * k
# Rotate the vector.
rv = q * v * inv(q)
# Output the rotated vector.
print 'Rotate', v, 'around k', '=', rv
### Quaternion interpolation
# Define two rotation axes.
v1 = 5 * i - 3 * j + 9 * k
v2 = 3 * i + 4 * j + k
# Define two rotation angles.
alpha1 = pi / 8
alpha2 = pi / 2
# Compute the rotation quaternions.
q1 = ((alpha1 / 2) * (v1 / v1.norm())).exp()
q2 = ((alpha2 / 2) * (v2 / v2.norm())).exp()
# Interpolate midpoint between the quaternions.
t = 0.5
# This is what should be done:
# q = exp((1 - t) * log(q1) + t * log(q2))
# Unfortunately, the package does not support a logarithm.
# Alternatively, one could do
# q = q1 * (inv(q1) * q2)**t * q2
# Unfortunately, the package does not support a power either.
# To create an interesting animation, you would
# linearly interpolate t from 0 to 1, and then
# observe how the object rotates from one
# position to another.
### Quaternion reflection
# Define a vector along which to reflect.
q = k
# Define a vector to reflect.
v = 3 * i + 6 * j - 7 * k
# Reflect along q.
rv = -q * v * inv(q)
# Note that this is a reflection along `q`.
# We can also define reflection through `q`;
# just remove the minus.
# Output the reflected vector.
print 'Reflect', v, 'along k', '=', rv