Back to Algebra of subspaces Cl(3, 0)


   # Description: Tutorial code for Cl(3, 0)

if True:

### Initialization

    # Import all symbols from the `sympy` and `sympy.galgebra` packages.
    from sympy.galgebra import *
    from sympy import *

### Defining a basis

    # Use the basis e1, e2, e3 for the 1-vectors, and
    # choose the symmetric bilinear form so that we 
    # have Cl_{3, 0}.
    e1, e2, e3 = MV.setup('e1 e2 e3', metric = '[1, 1, 1]')

    # The e1, e2, e3 on the left are the basis-vectors which
    # you use for programming. The e1, e2, e3 on the right
    # are the printed names of those basis vectors. They
    # need not be the same.

    # You can also leave the symmetric bilinear form
    # unspecified. This is useful when you want to prove
    # that something does not depend on the choice of the
    # bilinear form.

    print 'Algebra of subspaces Cl(3, 0)'
    print '-----------------------------'

### Grade involution

    # Definition:
    # Grade-involution is the automorphism of geometric
    # algebra determined by negating 1-vectors.

    # Unfortunately, the package does not support 
    # grade-involution. Fortunately, it is easy to
    # implement yourself.

    def gradeInvolution(v):
        return v.even() - v.odd()

    a0, a1, a2, a3, a12, a13, a23, a123 = symbols('a0 a1 a2 a3 a12 a13 a23 a123')

    v = (a0 + 
        a1 * e1 + a2 * e2 + a3 * e3 + 
        a12 * e1 * e2 + a13 * e1 * e3 + a23 * e2 * e3 + 
        a123 * e1 * e2 * e3)

    print 'Grade-involution of'
    print v.Fmt(3)
    print '='
    print gradeInvolution(v).Fmt(3)

### Reversion

    # Definition:
    # Reversion is the anti-automorphism of geometric
    # algebra determined by the identity function on
    # 1-vectors.

    print 'Reversion of'
    print v.Fmt(3)
    print '='
    print v.rev().Fmt(3)

### Conjugation

    # Definition:
    # Conjugation is the anti-automorphism of geometric
    # algebra determined by negating 1-vectors.

    # The package does not support conjugation either.
    # Fortunately it is easy to implement too.

    def conjugation(v):
        return gradeInvolution(v).rev()

    print 'Conjugation of'
    print v.Fmt(3)
    print '='
    print conjugation(v).Fmt(3)

### Exterior product of vectors

    # Define some 1-vectors.
    a = 5 * e1 - 3 * e2
    b = 2 * e1 + 9 * e2

    # Compute a 2-blade as the exterior product `a ^ b`:
    p = a ^ b

    # The `p` now represents a weighted, oriented
    # 2-dimensional plane spanned by `a` and `b`.

    # Theorem: 
    # a_1 ^ ... ^ a_n = 0 <=> {a_1, ..., a_n} is linear independent.

    # We can use this fact to test whether an arbitrary
    # vector is on the plane `p` or not.

    # Test whether various vectors are on the plane `p`.
    print 'Plane containment:'
    print 'a ^ p =', a ^ p
    print 'b ^ p =', b ^ p
    print 'e3 ^ p =', e3 ^ p

### Reverse of a k-versor

    # Definition:
    # A k-versor is a geometric product of 1-vectors.

    # Define some 1-vectors.
    a = 5 * e1 - 3 * e2
    b = 2 * e1 + 9 * e2

    # Compute a geometric product of vectors to get a 2-versor.
    v = a * b

    # Compute the reverse of `v`.
    print 'Reverse of a 2-versor', v, '=', v.rev()

    # Compute the reverse of `v` explicitly.
    d = b * a

### Reverse of a k-blade

    # Theorem:
    # A k-blade is a k-versor.

    # Define some 1-vectors.
    a = 5 * e1 - 3 * e2
    b = 2 * e1 + 9 * e2

    # Compute a geometric product of vectors to get a 2-versor.
    v = a ^ b

    # Compute the reverse of `v`.
    print 'Reverse of a 2-blade', v, '=', v.rev()

    # Compute the reverse of `v` explicitly.
    d = b ^ a

### Inverse of a k-versor

    # Define some 1-vectors.
    a = 5 * e1 - 3 * e2
    b = 2 * e1 + 9 * e2

    # Compute a 2-versor.
    v = a * b

    # Theorem:
    # A k-versor v is invertible under the geometric product
    # if and only if v* v != 0, where * is the reversion.

    # Theorem:
    # The inverse of an invertible k-versor `v` is given by v* / (v* v),
    # where * is the reverse of a multi-vector.

    # Unfortunately, the inverse in the package
    # is buggy. For example,
    # print inv(v)
    # crashes.

    # Fortunately, the versor inverse is easy to
    # implement yourself.

    def versorInverse(v):
        return v.rev() / (v.rev() * v).scalar()

    # Compute the inverse of `v` by the theorem.
    print 'k-versor inverse:'
    print 'v * versorInverse(v) =', v * versorInverse(v)
    print 'versorInverse(v) * v', '=', versorInverse(v) * v

### Inverse of a k-blade

    # Theorem:
    # A k-blade is a k-versor.

    # Define some 1-vectors.
    a = 5 * e1 - 3 * e2
    b = 2 * e1 + 9 * e2

    # Compute a 2-blade.
    v = a ^ b

    # Theorem:
    # A k-blade is a k-versor.

    # Compute the inverse of `v` by the versor inverse.
    print 'k-blade inverse:'
    print 'v * versorInverse(v) =', v * versorInverse(v)
    print 'versorInverse(v) * v', '=', versorInverse(v) * v

### Versor rotation

    # Define a rotation 2-blade.
    B = 4 * e1 ^ e2

    # Define a rotation angle.
    alpha = pi / 2

    # Construct a versor representing
    # rotation around 'p' with angle `alpha`.
    q = ((alpha / 2) * (B / B.norm())).exp()

    # This is the same as
    # q = cos(alpha / 2) + sin(alpha / 2) * (p / p.norm())

    # Define a vector to rotate.
    v = 3 * e1 + 6 * e2 - 7 * e3

    # Rotate the vector.
    rv = q * v * inv(q)

    # Output the rotated vector.
    print 'Rotate', v, 'around', B, '=', rv

    # Define a 2-blade to rotate.
    A = (2 * e1) ^ (-3 * e2)

    # Rotate the 2-blade.
    # Note: can't do it with quaternions.
    rA = q * A * inv(q)

    # Output the rotated 2-blade.
    print 'Rotate', A, 'around', B, '=', rA

    # You can also rotate a 0-blade (a scalar),
    # or a 3-blade (a pseudo-scalar). Both
    # remain unaffected by the rotation;
    # volume is preserved. Of course, you can
    # also rotate multi-vectors by linearity.

### Versor reflection

    # Define a vector along which to reflect.
    q = e3

    # Define a vector to reflect.
    v = 3 * e1 + 6 * e2 - 7 * e3

    # Reflect along e3.
    rv = q * gradeInvolution(v) * inv(q)

    # Note that this is a reflection along `q`.
    # We can also define reflection through `q`;
    # just remove the grade-involution 

    # Output the reflected vector.
    print 'Reflect', v, 'along', q, '=', rv

    # Define a 2-blade to reflect.
    A = (2 * e1) ^ (-3 * e2 + 5 * e3)

    # Reflect A along e3.
    rA = q * gradeInvolution(A) * inv(q)

    # Output the reflected 2-blade.
    print 'Reflect', A, 'along', q, '=', rA

### Orthogonal complement

    # Compute a 2-blade `p`, representing a plane.
    a = 5 * e1 - 3 * e2
    b = 2 * e1 + 9 * e2
    p = a^b

    # Definition:
    # A pseudoscalar is a scalar multiple of a non-zero 
    # n-vector, where `n` is the dimension of the underlying
    # vector space.

    # Define a pseudoscalar.
    I = 3 * e1 ^ e2 ^ e3

    # Theorem:
    # An orthogonal complement (a dual) of a k-blade can be 
    # computed by a contraction with the inverse of a pseudo-scalar.

    # Compute the orthogonal complement of the plane `p`;
    # Since we are in Cl(3, 0), this is the normal vector of
    # the plane.
    print 'Complement of', p, 'in', I, 'is', (p < inv(I))

### Contraction and orthogonal projection

    # Define a plane `p`.
    a = 5 * e1 - 3 * e2
    b = 2 * e1 + 9 * e2
    p = a^b

    # Define a vector outside the plane.
    c = -4 * e1 + 7 * e2 - e3

    # Compute the contraction of `c` onto `p`.
    # This is the orthogonal complement of the
    # orthogonal projection of `c` onto `p`,
    # on `p`.
    d = c < p
    print 'Contract ', c, 'onto', p, '=', d

    # Compute the orthogonal complement of `d` on `p`.
    e = d < inv(p)
    print 'Project ', c, 'onto', p, '=', e
    # The `e` is the orthogonal projection of `c` onto `p`!

### Contraction properties

    a1, a2, a3 = symbols('a1 a2 a3')
    b0, b1, b2, b3, b12, b13, b23, b123 = symbols('b0 b1 b2 b3 b12 b13 b23 b123')
    c0, c1, c2, c3, c12, c13, c23, c123 = symbols('c0 c1 c2 c3 c12 c13 c23 c123')

    a = a1 * e1 + a2 * e2 + a3 * e3
    B = (b0 + 
        b1 * e1 + b2 * e2 + b2 * e3 + 
        b12 * e1 * e2 + b13 * e1 * e3 + b23 * e2 * e3 + 
        b123 * e1 * e2 * e3)
    C = (c0 + 
        c1 * e1 + c2 * e2 + c2 * e3 + 
        c12 * e1 * e2 + c13 * e1 * e3 + c23 * e2 * e3 + 
        c123 * e1 * e2 * e3)

    L = a < (B ^ C)
    R = ((a < B) ^ C) + (gradeInvolution(B) ^ (a < C))
    print (L - R)