Compiler differences

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This section contains some differences in compilers. These differences cause code compiling on one platform to not compile on another platform. Since I run to these problems constantly, I will document them here.

Delayed C++14 implementations


The gcc 4.8‘s C++ Standard Library does not support C++14 fully. For example, it does not implement alias templates for type-traits, such as std::make_unsigned_t.


Option 1: Update the compiler; gcc 4.9 has improved support for C++14.

Option 2: Replace the unsupported stuff with supported stuff, as in typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type.

Shadowed template parameter


In gcc and Clang, declaring a type Type in a class template with a template parameter Type produces an error about shadowing a type.


Our actual use-case is to store the template-argument into the class. In this case the ambiguity does not matter:

template <typename Type>
struct C
    using Type = Type;

However, it is good that the error is emitted because of code such as this:

template <typename Type>
struct C
    using Type = int;


Use a trailing underscore for template parameters to avoid the ambiguity.

template <typename Type_>
struct C
    using Type = Type_;

Friend class namespace


The following fails to compile in gcc and Clang, but compiles in Visual Studio 2013:

class C;

namespace N

    class A
        friend class C;

        A() {}


class C
        N::A a;

int main()
    C c;

    return 0;

By the standard, the code should not compile, since here friend class C; is equivalent to friend class N::C. The problem is that Visual Studio allows the friend declaration to find the referred class from a parent namespace, which may suggest that this is the standard behaviour.


Replace friend class C; with friend class ::C. When the namespace is not specified, the friend class is assumed to be in the enclosing namespace, that is, N.

Multiple base-classes of the same type


The following fails to compile in gcc and Clang, but compiles in Visual Studio 2013:

class A {};

class B
: public A

class C
: public A
, public B
    A& f()
        return *this;

int main()
    C c;

    return 0;

The problem is that it is ambiguous which base-class A is meant. I thought that this should resolve to the direct base-class A. I don’t know what the standard says.


To disambiguate to B::A, replace return *this; with return (B&)*this;. I don’t know how to disambiguate to C::A.