
Back to Rip mapping


// Description: RipMap example
// DocumentationOf: ripmap.h

#include "pastel_example.h"

#include "pastel/sys/string_algorithms.h"
#include "pastel/sys/arrayview.h"
#include "pastel/sys/view_tools.h"

#include "pastel/gfx/pcx.h"
#include "pastel/gfx/color_tools.h"
#include "pastel/gfx/drawing.h"

#include "pastel/gfx/ripmap_tools.h"

using namespace Pastel;


    void testRipMap()
       This test computes a ripmap from the
       input image. It then combines all the
       individual ripmaps to a single image.

        Array<Color, 2> texture;
        loadPcx("lena.pcx", texture);

        RipMap<Color, 2> ripMap(arrayView(texture));

        transform(ripMap, fitColor);

        Vector<integer, 2> position;

        Array<Color, 2> outputImage(texture.extent() * 2, Color(1));

        integer yPosition = 0;

        const Vector<integer, 2> textures = ripMap.levels();
        for (integer y = 0;y < textures.y();++y)
            Vector<integer, 2> position(0, yPosition);

            for (integer x = 0;x < textures.x();++x)
                Array<Color, 2>& image = ripMap(Vector<integer, 2>(x, y));

                    position, arrayView(outputImage));

                position.x() += image.extent().x();

            yPosition += ripMap(Vector<integer, 2>(0, y)).extent().y();

        savePcx(outputImage, "ripmap.pcx");

    void addTest()
        testRunner().add("RipMap", testRipMap);

    CallFunction run(addTest);
