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% Locally optimal transformation between unpaired point-sets.
% match = icp(modelSet, sceneSet, matchingDistance, ...
% 'key', value, ...)
% where
% MODELSET is an (d x n) numeric array, where each column
% contains the coordinates of a d-dimensional point. The
% points in the MODELSET are attempted to match to the points
% in the SCENESET.
% SCENESET is an (d x m) numeric array, where each column
% contains the coordinates of a d-dimensional point.
% MATCHINGDISTANCE ('matchingDistance') is a non-negative real number
% which specifies the distance over which to accept points being matched.
% Optional input arguments in 'key'-value pairs:
% KNEAREST ('kNearest') is a positive integer which specifies the number
% of nearest neighbors to search for each model point in each iteration.
% Having a greater number of nearest neighbors allows flexibility for
% finding bijective pairings (when MATCHINGTYPE = biunique).
% Default: 10.
% MINITERATIONS ('minIterations') is a positive integer which specifies
% the minimum number of iterations for the algorithm to take.
% Default: 1.
% MAXITERATIONS ('maxIterations') is a positive integer which
% specifies the maximum number of iterations for the algorithm to take.
% Default: 100.
% MINERROR ('minError') is the minimum trimmed-mean-square error under
% which to accept the transformation and stop iteration.
% Default: 1e-11.
% MATRIX ('matrix') is a string which specifies constraints
% for the matrix Q. Must be one of
% free: Q^T Q = I (default)
% identity: Q = I
% TRANSLATION ('translation') is a string which specifies constraints
% for the translation t. Must be one of
% free: T free (default)
% identity: T = 0
% ORIENTATION ('orientation') is an integer which specifies constraints
% for the determinant of Q. Must be one of
% -1: det(Q) < 0,
% 0: det(Q) free, or
% 1: det(Q) > 0 (default).
% MATCHINGTYPE ('matchingType') is a string which specifies the strategy
% to remove nearest neighbor pairs from being used in the estimation of
% the transformation in an iteration. Must be one of
% closest: closest point pairing
% biunique: approximate minimum-distance maximum matching
% in the k-neighbor graph (default)
% Q0 ('q0') is a (d x d) real matrix, containing the initial guess on
% the matching transformation Q. Default: eye(d, d).
% T0 ('t0') is a (d x 1) vector, containing the initial guess on
% the matching translation T. Default: s - Q0 * m, where s and m are
% the centroids of the scene and model point-sets, respectively. This
% is the optimal translation assuming SCENESET and MODELSET match
% bijectively and Q0 = Q.
% INLIERTHRESHOLD ('inlierThreshold') is a real number in the range
% [0, 1] which specifies a threshold for the ratio of model points taking
% part on estimation (the inlier ratio). When the inlier ratio exceeds
% the inlier threshold, the KNEAREST is decremented by 1 (if > 1). This
% coarse-to-fine strategy helps the algorithm to get over possible local
% minima. Default: 0.25 (obtained by experimentation)
% LAMBDATHRESHOLD ('lambdaThreshold') is a real number in the range
% [0, 1] which specifies a threshold for the ratio of NC-outliers in the
% model set (lambda). When lambda exceeds the lambda threshold, then
% the strategy for distance-rejection changes.
% Default: 0.1
% REPORTER ('reporter') is a lambda function which takes a single
% struct argument. The reporter is called after each iteration with
% the currently found transformation. This can be used to visualize
% or debug the workings of the algorithm. The reported struct consists
% of the following fields:
% modelSet, sceneSet: The input values.
% Q, t, pairSet: As in return values.
% transformedSet: Q * modelSet + ones(1, n) * t
% iteration: The iteration number, an integer.
% lambda
% meanDistance: The mean-squared distance between the paired points.
% inlierRatio
% Return values
% -------------
% The returned MATCH object is a struct containing the following fields.
% Q ('Q') is a (d x d) special-orthogonal matrix, containing the
% matching rotation.
% T ('t') is a (d x 1) vector, containing the matching translation.
% PAIRSET ('pairSet') is a (2 x k)-integer-array of indices, where each
% column is a pair (i, j), where i is the index of a model point, and j
% is the index of its matched scene point.
% It should approximately be true that
% Q * modelSet + t * ones(1, n)
% matches sceneSet. The parameter choices correspond to known
% algorithms roughly as follows:
% Original ICP:
% kNearest = 1
% matchingType = 'closest'
% Biunique ICP:
% kNearest = k
% matchingType = 'biunique'
% Description: Locally optimal transformation between unpaired point-sets.
% Detail: Original and Biunique ICP algorithms.
% Documentation: icp.txt
function match = icp(modelSet, sceneSet, ...
matchingDistance, varargin)
% See _Robust ICP Registration using Biunique Correspondence_,
% Lei Zhang, Sung-In Choi, Soon-Yong Park
% International Conference on 3D Imaging, Modeling, Processing,
% Visualization and Transmission, 2011.
% Check that the dimensions of the point-sets are equal.
if size(modelSet, 1) ~= size(sceneSet, 1)
error('The dimensions of MODELSET and SCENESET must be equal.')
d = size(sceneSet, 1);
n = size(modelSet, 2);
m = size(sceneSet, 2);
% Optional input arguments
kNearest = 10;
minIterations = 1;
maxIterations = 100;
minError = 1e-11;
matrix = 'orthogonal';
translation = 'free';
orientation = 1;
matchingType = 'biunique';
Q0 = eye(d, d);
t0 = {};
inlierThreshold = 0.25;
lambdaThreshold = 0.1;
reporter = {};
'kNearest', 'minIterations', 'maxIterations', ...
'minError', 'matrix', 'translation', ...
'orientation', 'matchingType', ...
'Q0', 't0', 'inlierThreshold', 'lambdaThreshold', ...
'reporter'}, ...
if iscell(t0)
% Compute centroids for both point-sets.
modelCentroid = sum(modelSet, 2) / n;
sceneCentroid = sum(sceneSet, 2) / m;
t0 = sceneCentroid - Q0 * modelCentroid;
modelSet, 'pointset', ...
sceneSet, 'pointset', ...
minError, 'real', ...
matchingDistance, 'real');
if ~iscell(reporter)
concept_check(reporter, 'lambda_function');
if kNearest < 1
error('KNEAREST must be at least 1.')
if minIterations > maxIterations
error('It must hold that MINITERATIONS <= MAXITERATIONS.');
matchingTypeSet = {'closest', 'biunique'};
if ~ismember(matchingType, matchingTypeSet)
error('MATCHINGTYPE must be either closest or biunique.');
if matchingDistance < 0
error('MATCHINGDISTANCE must a non-negative real number.');
if size(Q0, 1) ~= d || size(Q0, 2) ~= d
error(['Q0 must be of size d x d, where d is ', ...
'the dimension of the point-sets.']);
if size(t0, 1) ~= d || size(t0, 2) ~= 1
error(['t0 must be of size d x 1, where d is ', ...
'the dimension of the point-sets.']);
% Check matrix.
matrixSet = {'free', 'identity'};
if ~ismember(matrix, matrixSet)
error('MATRIX must be either free, or identity.');
% Check translation.
translationSet = {'free', 'identity'};
if ~ismember(translation, translationSet)
error('TRANSLATION must be either free or identity.');
% Check orientation.
orientationSet = [-1, 0, 1];
if ~any(orientation == orientationSet)
error('ORIENTATION must be one of -1, 0, or 1.')
biunique = strcmp(matchingType, 'biunique');
if strcmp(matchingType, 'closest') && kNearest > 1
% When closest-point matching is used, using
% more than one nearest neighbor is redundant.
kNearest = 1;
warning('KNEAREST set to 1 since MATCHINGTYPE = closest.')
kdTree = PointKdTree(d);
Q = Q0;
t = t0;
neighborGraph = int32(zeros(2, kNearest * n));
for iteration = 0 : maxIterations - 1
% Compute the transformed model-set.
transformedSet = Q * modelSet + t * ones(1, n);
% Find nearest neighbors for each point in the
% transformed model-set.
matchingDistanceSet = Inf(1, n);
neighborSet = kdTree.search_nearest(...
transformedSet, ...
'maxDistanceSet', matchingDistanceSet, ...
'kNearest', kNearest);
if biunique
neighborGraph = biunique_matching(neighborSet');
neighbors = size(neighborGraph, 2);
% Form a bipartite neighbor graph from the neighbor-relation.
neighbors = 0;
for i = 1 : n
for j = 1 : kNearest
neighbor = neighborSet(i, j);
if neighbor == 0
neighbors = neighbors + 1;
neighborGraph(1, neighbors) = i;
neighborGraph(2, neighbors) = neighbor;
% Matching pairs.
matchSet = neighborGraph(:, 1 : neighbors);
% Compute the positions of the corresponding points.
aSet = transformedSet(:, matchSet(1, :));
bSet = sceneSet(:, matchSet(2, :));
distanceSet = sum((aSet - bSet).^2);
% The ratio of NC-outliers w.r.t. model points.
lambda = 1 - (neighbors / n);
% Mean-squared-distance between corresponding points.
meanDistance = mean(distanceSet);
% Compute the threshold for rejecting pairs based on
% their distance.
t = meanDistance;
if lambda > lambdaThreshold
% Compute centroids for both point-sets.
aCentroid = sum(aSet, 2) / size(aSet, 2);
bCentroid = sum(bSet, 2) / size(bSet, 2);
centroidDistance2 = sum((bCentroid - aCentroid).^2);
t = t * (kNearest^lambda) + centroidDistance2;
% Reject those pairs which are too far apart.
acceptSet = distanceSet <= t;
acceptPairSet = distanceSet <= matchingDistance^2;
pairSet = matchSet(:, acceptPairSet);
% Compute the positions of the corresponding points.
matchSet = matchSet(:, acceptSet);
distanceSet = distanceSet(acceptSet);
aSet = modelSet(:, matchSet(1, :));
bSet = sceneSet(:, matchSet(2, :));
meanDistance = mean(distanceSet);
% Compute a new estimate for the optimal transformation.
[Q, S, t] = ls_affine(aSet, bSet, ...
'matrix', matrix, ...
'scaling', 'rigid', ...
'translation', translation, ...
'orientation', orientation);
% Compute the inlier ratio. It is the ratio of model points
% taking part on the estimation phase.
inlierRatio = size(matchSet, 2) / n;
if inlierRatio > inlierThreshold
% Since almost all points are inliers, we can afford
% to decrease the number of nearest neighbors. This
% also helps the algorithm to not to get stuck on
% local minima.
kNearest = max(kNearest - 1, 1);
if ~iscell(reporter)
'Q', Q, ...
't', t, ...
'pairSet', pairSet, ...
'modelSet', modelSet, ...
'sceneSet', sceneSet, ...
'transformedSet', transformedSet, ...
'iteration', iteration, ...
'meanDistance', meanDistance, ...
'lambda', lambda, ...
'inlierRatio', inlierRatio));
if meanDistance < minError && iteration >= minIterations - 1
% Since the mean-square-error has dropped
% below the required level, we can stop iterating.
match = struct();
match.Q = Q;
match.t = t;
match.pairSet = pairSet;