Back to Least-squares transformations
% Description: Testing for ls_affine.m.
% DocumentationOf: ls_affine.m
function test_ls_affine()
clear all;
close all;
trials = 400;
threshold = 1e-11;
% Randomly chosen cases.
fails = 0;
for k = 1 : trials
m = randi(10);
n = randi(100) + 10;
W = eye(n) * rand() * 10;
matrixSet = {'free', 'identity'};
matrix = matrixSet{randi([1, numel(matrixSet)])};
scalingSet = {'free', 'conformal', 'rigid'};
scaling = scalingSet{randi([1, numel(scalingSet)])};
translationSet = {'free', 'identity'};
translation = translationSet{randi([1, numel(translationSet)])};
orientationSet = {-1, 0, 1};
orientation = orientationSet{randi([1, numel(orientationSet)])};
if strcmp(scaling, 'free') || strcmp(matrix, 'identity')
% Orientation can not be forced when scaling is free or
% the matrix Q is identity.
orientation = 0;
Q = eye(m, m);
if strcmp(matrix, 'free')
Q = random_orthogonal(m, 'orientation', orientation);
S = eye(m, m);
if strcmp(scaling, 'free')
S = randn(m, m);
S = S + S';
if strcmp(matrix, 'free')
[U, D, V] = svd(Q * S);
Q = U * V';
S = V * D * V';
if strcmp(scaling, 'conformal')
s = abs(randn(1, 1) * 5);
S = s * eye(m, m);
t = zeros(m, 1);
if strcmp(translation, 'free')
t = randn(m, 1) * 10;
% Generate test point-sets.
P = randn(m, n);
R = Q * S * P + t * ones(1, n);
% Compute the transformation back by least-squares.
[QE, SE, tE] = ls_affine(...
P, R, ...
'orientation', orientation, ...
'matrix', matrix, ...
'scaling', scaling, ...
'translation', translation, ...
'W', W);
% Check that the errors are small.
if norm(QE - Q) > threshold || ...
norm(SE - S) > threshold || ...
norm(tE - t) > threshold || ...
(orientation ~= 0 && sign(det(QE * SE)) ~= sign(orientation))
fails = fails + 1;
if fails > 0
failPercent = num2str((fails / trials) * 100);
error(['Computation failed in ', num2str(failPercent), '% cases']);