
Back to Overlap testing



#include "pastel/geometry/overlap/overlaps_alignedbox_triangle.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/overlap/overlaps_alignedbox_plane.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/shape/alignedbox.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/shape/triangle.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/shape/plane.h"

#include "pastel/sys/mytypes.h"
#include "pastel/sys/vector.h"
#include "pastel/sys/vector/vector_tools.h"
#include "pastel/sys/math_functions.h"

#include "pastel/sys/math/minmax.h"

namespace Pastel

    namespace Overlaps_AlignedBox_Triangle

        template <typename Real, integer N_>
        bool overlaps2D(
            const AlignedBox<Real, N_>& box,
            const PASTEL_TRIANGLE(Real, N_)& triangle)
            ENSURE_OP(box.n(), ==, 2);
            ENSURE_OP(triangle.n(), ==, 2);

            static constexpr integer N = 2;

            // Using the separating axis theorem.

            // Separating axes:
            // * AlignedBox edge normals (2)
            // * Triangle edge normals (3)

            // Center geometry on aligned box min.

            PASTEL_TRIANGLE(Real, 2) workTriangle(
                triangle[0] - box.min(),
                triangle[1] - box.min(),
                triangle[2] - box.min());

            Tuple<Vector<Real, 2>, 3> edges(
                triangle[1] - triangle[0],
                triangle[2] - triangle[1],
                triangle[0] - triangle[2]);

            // Calculate aligned box widths

            Vector<Real, 2> halfWidths(
                abs(evaluate((box.max() - box.min()) * Real(0.5))));
            Vector<Real, 2> boxCenter(
                box.min() + halfWidths);

            Real triangleProjMin(0);
            Real triangleProjMax(0);

            // Test axis [1, 0].

            // Calculate triangle projection interval.

                workTriangle[0][0], workTriangle[1][0],
                triangleProjMin, triangleProjMax);

            // Is this a separating axis?

            if (triangleProjMax < halfWidths[0] ||
                triangleProjMin > halfWidths[0])
                return false;

            // Test axis [0, 1].

            // Calculate triangle projection interval.

                workTriangle[0][1], workTriangle[1][1],
                triangleProjMin, triangleProjMax);

            // Is this a separating axis?

            if (triangleProjMax < halfWidths[1] ||
                triangleProjMin > halfWidths[1])
                return false;

            // Test for triangle normals

            for (integer i = 0;i < 3;++i)
                integer i2 = (i + 1) % 3;
                integer i3 = (i + 2) % 3;

                // In the following, note that triangle
                // vertices 'i' and 'i2' project to the
                // same point, so it is enough to project
                // only two triangle vertices per axis.

                // Calculate normal vector for the current
                // triangle edge.

                Vector<Real, 2> normal(cross(edges[i]));

                // Project the triangle to the axis.

                Real triangleProj1(
                    dot(normal, workTriangle[i]));
                Real triangleProj2(
                    dot(normal, workTriangle[i3]));

                // Calculate triangle projection interval.

                    triangleProj1, triangleProj2,
                    triangleProjMin, triangleProjMax);

                // Calculate the radius of the aligned box projection
                // (the aligned box is centered on the origin).

                Real boxRadius(
                    halfWidths[0] * abs(normal[0]) +
                    halfWidths[1] * abs(normal[1]));

                // Is this a separating axis?

                if (triangleProjMax < -boxRadius ||
                    triangleProjMin > boxRadius)
                    return false;

            // No separating axis found. Thus
            // the aligned box and the triangle must intersect.

            return true;

        template <typename Real, integer N_>
        bool overlaps3D(
            const AlignedBox<Real, N_>& box,
            const PASTEL_TRIANGLE(Real, N_)& triangle)
            ENSURE_OP(box.n(), ==, 3);
            ENSURE_OP(triangle.n(), ==, 3);

            // To avoid dynamic allocations, we
            // will create the temporaries using
            // a fixed dimension.
            static constexpr integer N = 3;

            // Using the separating axis theorem.

            // Potential separating axes:
            // * Triangle normal.
            // * Box normals (3 normals).
            // * cross(triangle edges, box edges) (3 * 3)
            // = 13 axes to test.

            // Many of the cross and dot products
            // have been rolled open for optimization
            // because the vectors contain zeros and ones.

            // Test for triangle normal
            // ------------------------

            // This is equivalent to testing for the overlap
            // of the triangle plane and the box.

            Plane<Real, N> plane(
                cross((triangle[1] - triangle[0]),
                (triangle[2] - triangle[0])));

            if (!overlaps(box, plane))
                return false;

            // We will be dealing with the box in the form
            // center + radius, rather min + max.

            // Compute the radii of the box.

            Vector<Real, N> boxRadius(
                abs((box.max() - box.min()) * 0.5));

            // Calculate the box center.

            Vector<Real, N> boxCenter(
                box.min() + boxRadius);

            // The algorithm transforms
            // the problem such that the box is centered
            // on the origin. This simplifies calculations.

            PASTEL_TRIANGLE(Real, N) workTriangle(
                Vector<Real, N>(triangle[0] - boxCenter),
                Vector<Real, N>(triangle[1] - boxCenter),
                Vector<Real, N>(triangle[2] - boxCenter));

            // Calculate the edge vectors of the triangle.

            Tuple<Vector<Real, N>, N> edges(
                workTriangle[1] - workTriangle[0],
                workTriangle[2] - workTriangle[1],
                workTriangle[0] - workTriangle[2]);

            // Test for box's normals
            // ----------------------

            Real triangleMin(0);
            Real triangleMax(0);

            // C = [1, 0, 0]

                triangleMin, triangleMax);
            if (triangleMax < -boxRadius[0] ||
                triangleMin > boxRadius[0])
                return false;

            // C = [0, 1, 0]

                triangleMin, triangleMax);
            if (triangleMax < -boxRadius[1] ||
                triangleMin > boxRadius[1])
                return false;

            // C = [0, 0, 1]

                triangleMin, triangleMax);
            if (triangleMax < -boxRadius[2] ||
                triangleMin > boxRadius[2])
                return false;

            // Test for cross product normals
            // ------------------------------

            integer jSet[] = {1, 2, 0};
            integer kSet[] = {2, 0, 1};

            Real r = 0;
            Real triangleProj1 = 0;
            Real triangleProj2 = 0;
            for (integer i = 0;i < 3;++i)
                // For every edge of the triangle, check
                // the separating axes given by the
                // cross products with the [1, 0, 0],
                // [0, 1, 0] and [0, 0 ,1].

                integer j = jSet[i];
                integer k = kSet[i];

                // Notice in the following that
                // only two triangle vertices need
                // to be projected for each axis,
                // because the left out vertex 'j' always
                // projects to the same parameter as vertex 'i'.

                // Because the tested separating axes
                // are not of unit length,
                // the obtained parameter is actually _not_
                // the projection parameter. This is an
                // optimization, possible because only
                // the order of the projected points matter.

                // C = cross([1, 0, 0], edges[i])
                // = [0, -edges[i][2], edges[i][1]]
                    // triangleProj1 = dot(workTriangle[i], C)

                    triangleProj1 = workTriangle[i][1] * (-edges[i][2]) +
                        workTriangle[i][2] * edges[i][1];

                    // triangleProj2 = dot(workTriangle[k], C)
                    triangleProj2 = workTriangle[k][1] * (-edges[i][2]) +
                        workTriangle[k][2] * edges[i][1];

                    Pastel::minMax(triangleProj1, triangleProj2,
                        triangleMin, triangleMax);

                    // An elegant way of computing the radius
                    // of the box's projection (remember the
                    // aligned box is centered on origin).

                    // r = dot(boxRadius, abs(C))
                    r = boxRadius[1] * abs(edges[i][2]) +
                        boxRadius[2] * abs(edges[i][1]);

                    // Check if this is a separating axis.
                    if (triangleMin > r || triangleMax < -r)
                        return false;

                // C = cross([0, 1, 0], edges[i])
                // = [edges[i][2], 0, -edges[i][0]]
                    // triangleProj1 = dot(workTriangle[i], C)
                    triangleProj1 = workTriangle[i][0] * edges[i][2] +
                        workTriangle[i][2] * (-edges[i][0]);
                    // triangleProj2 = dot(workTriangle[k], C)
                    triangleProj2 = workTriangle[k][0] * edges[i][2] +
                        workTriangle[k][2] * (-edges[i][0]);

                    Pastel::minMax(triangleProj1, triangleProj2,
                        triangleMin, triangleMax);

                    // r = dot(boxRadius, abs(C))
                    r = boxRadius[0] * abs(edges[i][2]) +
                        boxRadius[2] * abs(edges[i][0]);

                    // Check if this is a separating axis.
                    if (triangleMin > r || triangleMax < -r)
                        return false;

                // C = cross([0, 0, 1], edges[i])
                // = [-edges[i][1], edges[i][0], 0]
                    // triangleProj1 = dot(workTriangle[i], C)
                    triangleProj1 = workTriangle[i][0] * (-edges[i][1]) +
                        workTriangle[i][1] * edges[i][0];
                    // triangleProj2 = dot(workTriangle[k], C)
                    triangleProj2 = workTriangle[k][0] * (-edges[i][1]) +
                        workTriangle[k][1] * edges[i][0];

                    Pastel::minMax(triangleProj1, triangleProj2,
                        triangleMin, triangleMax);

                    // r = dot(boxRadius, abs(C))
                    r = boxRadius[0] * abs(edges[i][1]) +
                        boxRadius[1] * abs(edges[i][0]);

                    // Check if this is a separating axis.
                    if (triangleMin > r || triangleMax < -r)
                        return false;

            return true;


    template <typename Real, integer N>
    bool overlaps(
        const AlignedBox<Real, N>& box,
        const PASTEL_TRIANGLE(Real, N)& triangle)
        // Only dimensions 2 and 3 are supported.
        PASTEL_STATIC_ASSERT(N == Dynamic);

        integer n = box.n();

        ENSURE_OP(n, ==, triangle.n());
        ENSURE1(n == 2 || n == 3, n);

        if (n == 2)
            return Overlaps_AlignedBox_Triangle::overlaps2D(box, triangle);

        return Overlaps_AlignedBox_Triangle::overlaps3D(box, triangle);      

    template <typename Real>
    bool overlaps(
        const AlignedBox<Real, 2>& box,
        const PASTEL_TRIANGLE(Real, 2)& triangle)
        // An overload for 2D to avoid run-time selection
        // between versions.

        return Overlaps_AlignedBox_Triangle::overlaps2D(box, triangle);

    template <typename Real>
    bool overlaps(
        const AlignedBox<Real, 3>& box,
        const PASTEL_TRIANGLE(Real, 3)& triangle)
        // An overload for 3D to avoid run-time selection 
        // between versions.

        return Overlaps_AlignedBox_Triangle::overlaps3D(box, triangle);

