
Back to Least-squares transformations


// Description: Least-squares affine transformation between point-sets.
// Documentation: ls_transformations.txt


#include "pastel/sys/math/sign.h"

#include <armadillo>

namespace Pastel

    enum class LsAffine_Matrix : integer

    enum class LsAffine_Scaling : integer

    enum class LsAffine_Translation : integer

    template <typename Real>
    struct LsAffine_Return
        arma::Mat<Real> Q;
        arma::Mat<Real> S;
        arma::Col<Real> t;

    //! Least-squares affine transformation between point-sets
   d > 0
   m > 0
   n > 0

   The Q, S, and t are chosen such that they minimize the error metric

     sum_{i = 1}^m sum_{j = 1}^n w_{ij} ||(QS p_i + t) - r_j||^2

   subject to the given constraints. If m = n, and W is diagonal,
   then the error metric simplifies to

     sum_{i = 1}^m w_{ii} ||(QS p_i + t) - r_i||^2.


   fromSet ((d x m)-matrix):
   Each column contains the coordinates of a d-dimensional point.

   toSet ((d x n)-matrix):
   Each column contains the coordinates of a d-dimensional point.
   If W is not specified, it must hold that m = n.


   Q ((d x d)-matrix):
   An orthogonal matrix, representing a rotation or a reflection.
   Initialized with Q0 (e.g. avoid reallocation using std::move).

   S ((d x d)-matrix):
   A symmetric matrix, representing a scaling. By the eigenvalue 
   decomposition, a symmetric matrix is the composition of a 
   rotation, axis-aligned scaling, and a reverse rotation. 
   Initialized with S0 (e.g. avoid reallocation using std::move).

   t ((d x 1)-matrix):
   A vector, representing a translation. 
   Initialized with t0 (e.g. avoid reallocation using std::move).

   Optional arguments

   matrix (LsAffine_Matrix : Free):
   Constraint for the matrix Q.
       Free: Q^T Q = I
       Identity: Q = I

   scaling (LsAffine_Scaling : Free):
   Constraint for the scaling S.
       Free: S^T = S
       Diagonal: S is diagonal
       Conformal: S = sI
       Rigid: S = +/- I

   translation (LsAffine_Translation : Free):
   Constraint for the translation t.
       Free: no constraint
       Identity: t = 0

   orientation (integer : 1):
   Constraint for the determinant of QS.
       <0: det(QS) < 0
        0: no constraint
       >0: det(QS) > 0
   Orientation cannot be constrained when 
   scaling == Free; this would result in solutions 
   with det(QS) = 0.

   W (arma::Mat<Real> : arma::Mat<Real>()): 
   A non-negative (m x n) matrix, which contains the weights 
   for the least-squares error metric. If W is not given, or is
   the empty matrix, then it is required that m = n, and it 
   is assumed that W is the (n x n) identity matrix. 

   Q0 (arma::Mat<Real> : arma::Mat<ReaL>()):
   A (d, d) matrix by which to initialize the returned Q.
   If empty, then Q is initialized with the identity matrix,
   with fresh memory.

   S0 (arma::Mat<Real> : arma::Mat<ReaL>()):
   A (d, d) matrix by which to initialize the returned S.
   If empty, then S is initialized with the identity matrix,
   with fresh memory.

   t0 (arma::Col<Real> : arma::Col<ReaL>()):
   A (d, 1) matrix by which to initialize the returned t.
   If empty, then t is initialized with the zero matrix,
   with fresh memory.
    template <
        typename Real,
        typename... ArgumentSet>
    LsAffine_Return<Real> lsAffine(
        arma::Mat<Real> fromSet,
        arma::Mat<Real> toSet,
        ArgumentSet&&... argumentSet)
        // Least-Squares Transformations between Point-Sets_,
        // Kalle Rutanen, Germán Gómez-Herrero, 
        // Sirkka-Liisa Eriksson, Karen Egiazarian, 
        // 18th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, 
        // pp.501-511, June 17-20, 2013.

        ENSURE_OP(fromSet.n_rows, ==, toSet.n_rows);

        arma::Mat<Real>& P = fromSet;
        arma::Mat<Real>& R = toSet;

        integer d = fromSet.n_rows;
        integer m = fromSet.n_cols;
        integer n = toSet.n_cols;

        ENSURE_OP(d, >, 0);
        ENSURE_OP(m, >, 0);
        ENSURE_OP(n, >, 0);

        LsAffine_Matrix matrix =
            PASTEL_ARG_ENUM(matrix, LsAffine_Matrix::Free);
        LsAffine_Scaling scaling =
            PASTEL_ARG_ENUM(scaling, LsAffine_Scaling::Free);
        LsAffine_Translation translation =
            PASTEL_ARG_ENUM(translation, LsAffine_Translation::Free);
        integer orientation =
            PASTEL_ARG_S(orientation, (integer)1);
        arma::Mat<Real> W = 
            PASTEL_ARG_S(W, arma::Mat<Real>());
        arma::Mat<Real> Q = 
            PASTEL_ARG_S(Q0, arma::Mat<Real>());
        arma::Mat<Real> S = 
            PASTEL_ARG_S(S0, arma::Mat<Real>());
        arma::Col<Real> t= 
            PASTEL_ARG_S(t0, arma::Col<Real>());

        // Initialize Q, S, and t.
        Q.eye(d, d);
        S.eye(d, d);

        // We wish to preserve the memory storage
        // of Q, S, and t. Store the memory addresses
        // to check the preservation later.
        const Real* qPointer = Q.memptr();
        const Real* sPointer = S.memptr();
        const Real* tPointer = t.memptr();

        auto result = [&]()
            // Make sure that memory was not reallocated.
            ASSERT(Q.memptr() == qPointer);

            ASSERT(S.memptr() == sPointer);

            ASSERT(t.memptr() == tPointer);

            return LsAffine_Return<Real>{std::move(Q), std::move(S), std::move(t)};

        bool wSpecified = !W.is_empty();

        // When W is not specified, we require
        // the point-sets to have an equal number
        // of points.
            wSpecified || 
            (fromSet.n_cols == toSet.n_cols), 
            fromSet.n_cols, toSet.n_cols);

        // When Q = I, and S is not rigid, forcing the
        // orientation results in solutions for which
        // det(QS) = 0.
        ENSURE(!(matrix == LsAffine_Matrix::Identity &&
            scaling != LsAffine_Scaling::Rigid &&
            orientation != 0));

        // When S is free, forcing the orientation
        // results in solutions for which det(QS) = 0.
        ENSURE(!(scaling == LsAffine_Scaling::Free &&
            orientation != 0));

        // This case is not implemented; I do not know
        // the solution to this problem.
        ENSURE(!(matrix == LsAffine_Matrix::Free &&
            scaling == LsAffine_Scaling::Diagonal));

        // When Q = I and S = +/- I, a negative
        // det(QS) is only possible in odd dimensions.
        ENSURE(!(orientation < 0 &&
            matrix == LsAffine_Matrix::Identity &&
            scaling == LsAffine_Scaling::Rigid &&

        Real totalWeight = n;
        if (wSpecified)
            totalWeight = arma::accu(W);


        arma::Col<Real> fromCentroid(d);
        arma::Col<Real> toCentroid(d);

        if (translation == LsAffine_Translation::Free)
            if (wSpecified)
                // With weighting.
                fromCentroid = 
                    P * W * arma::ones<arma::Mat<Real>>(n, 1) / totalWeight;
                toCentroid = 
                    R * W.t() * (arma::ones<arma::Mat<Real>>(m, 1) / totalWeight);
                // Without weighting.
                fromCentroid = arma::sum(P, 1) / m;
                toCentroid = arma::sum(R, 1) / n;

            // Form the centered point-sets. The optimal transformation
            // will map fromCentroid to toCentroid. After this the problem
            // has been reduced from affine to linear.
            P.each_col() -= fromCentroid;
            R.each_col() -= toCentroid;

        arma::Mat<Real> PP(d, d);
        arma::Mat<Real> RP(d, d);

        if (wSpecified)
            // With weighting.
            PP = P * arma::diagmat(arma::sum(W, 1)) * P.t();
            RP = R * W.t() * P.t();
            // Without weighting.
            PP = P * P.t();
            RP = R * P.t();

        if (scaling == LsAffine_Scaling::Free && 
            matrix == LsAffine_Matrix::Identity)
            // f(x) = Sx

            // Find the optimal scaling.
            arma::Mat<Real> S_;
            if (!arma::syl(S_, PP, PP.t(), -(RP + RP.t())))
                // In failure, the output matrix is resetted,
                // so we cannot use S as the output matrix.
                return result();

            S = S_;

            // Forced oriented solution would have det(QS) < 0;
            // oriented solution is not implemented.
            ASSERT_OP(orientation, ==, 0);

        if (scaling == LsAffine_Scaling::Free && 
            matrix == LsAffine_Matrix::Free)
            // f(x) = Ax

            // Compute the optimal linear transformation.
            //[UP, UR, X, DP, DR] = arma::gsvd(PP, RP);
            //A = UR * (DR * arma::pinv(DP)) * UP.t();
            arma::Mat<Real> pinvPP;
            if (!arma::pinv(pinvPP, PP))
                return result();

            arma::Mat<Real> A = RP * pinvPP;

            // Compute Q and S from A such that
            // A = QS and S is symmetric positive semi-definite.
            arma::Mat<Real> U;
            arma::Mat<Real> V;
            arma::Col<Real> s;
            if (!arma::svd(U, s, V, A))
                return result();

            Q = U * V.t();
            S = V * arma::diagmat(s) * V.t();

            // Forced oriented solution would have det(QS) < 0;
            // oriented solution is not implemented.
            ASSERT_OP(orientation, ==, 0);

        if (matrix == LsAffine_Matrix::Free &&
            (scaling == LsAffine_Scaling::Rigid ||
            scaling == LsAffine_Scaling::Conformal))
            // f(x) = sQx

            // Compute the optimal orthogonal transformation.
            arma::Mat<Real> U;
            arma::Mat<Real> V;
            arma::Col<Real> s;

            if (!arma::svd(U, s, V, RP))
                return result();

            // Compute the optimal non-oriented orthogonal Q.
            Q = U * V.t();

            if (orientation != 0 &&
                sign(arma::det(Q)) != sign(orientation))
                // If orientation is to be forced at det(A) = g, where g = +- 1,
                // then A is given by:
                //    Q = UDV^T, where
                //    D = [1, ..., 1, g det(UV^T)].

                arma::Col<Real> s(d, arma::fill::ones);
                s(d - 1) = -1;

                // Compute the optimal oriented orthogonal Q.
                Q = U * arma::diagmat(s) * V.t();

        if (matrix == LsAffine_Matrix::Identity &&
            scaling == LsAffine_Scaling::Diagonal)
            // f(x) = Dx

            // The error is given by
            // sum_{i = 1}^d S_{ii}^2 (PP^T)_{ii} - 
            // 2 sum_{i = 1}^d S_{ii}  (RP^T)_{ii}

            // Compute the optimal diagonal scaling S.
            // FIX: Make this orthogonality-maximizing.
            S.diag() = RP.diag() / PP.diag();

            // Compute det(QS) = det(S).
            Real sDet = arma::prod(S.diag());

            if (orientation != 0 &&
                sign(sDet) != sign(orientation))
                // From the form of the error functional
                // we see that we can obtain the solution
                // of the oriented problem by negating that
                // diagonal element of S for which 
                // S_{ii} (RP^T)_{ii} is the smallest.

                arma::Col<Real> product = S.diag() * RP.diag();

                // Find smallest S_{ii} (RP^T)_{ii}.
                integer iMin = 0;
                Real minValue = Infinity();
                for (integer i = 1;i < d;++i)
                    // S_{ii} (RP^T)_{ii} >= 0; otherwise
                    // the non-oriented solution would not
                    // have minimum error.
                    ASSERT_OP(product(i), >=, 0);
                    if (product(i) < minValue)
                        iMin = i;
                        minValue = product(i);

                // Negate that diagonal element which causes
                // the least error.
                S(iMin, iMin) = -S(iMin, iMin);

        if (scaling == LsAffine_Scaling::Conformal)
            // f(x) = sQx

            // Compute the optimal scaling parameter.
            Real s = arma::trace(Q.t() * RP) / arma::trace(PP);
            S *= s;

            if (matrix == LsAffine_Matrix::Free)
                if (orientation != 0)
                    // The orientation has already been handled
                    // in the selection of Q.
                    ASSERT(sign(arma::det(Q * S)) == sign(orientation));
                // det(sQ) < 0 is possible only when d is odd.
                // In addition, forced oriented solutions would 
                // have det(sQ) = 0; oriented solution is not 
                // implemented.
                ASSERT_OP(orientation, ==, 0);

        if (matrix == LsAffine_Matrix::Identity &&
            scaling == LsAffine_Scaling::Rigid &&
            orientation < 0)
            ASSERT1(odd(d), d);

            // S = -I is the only possible choice, since
            // det(QS) = det(S) = det(-I) = (-1)^d = -1;
            // here we require d to be odd.
            S = -S;

        if (translation == LsAffine_Translation::Free)
            // Compute the optimal translation.
            t = toCentroid - Q * S * fromCentroid;

        return result();

