
Back to Translational point-pattern matching


// Description: Point pattern matching under translations
// Documentation: match_points_kr.txt


#include "pastel/geometry/nearestset/nearestset_concept.h"

#include "pastel/geometry/pointkdtree/pointkdtree.h"

// Optional argument requirements

#include "pastel/sys/output/output_concept.h"
#include "pastel/math/normbijection/normbijection_concept.h"

// Default optional arguments

#include "pastel/sys/output/null_output.h"
#include "pastel/math/normbijection/euclidean_normbijection.h"

// Implementation

#include "pastel/sys/iterator/counting_iterator.h"
#include "pastel/sys/hashing/iteratoraddress_hash.h"
#include "pastel/sys/graph/matching/maximum_bipartite_matching.h"
#include "pastel/sys/range.h"
#include "pastel/sys/vector.h"
#include "pastel/sys/output/push_back_output.h"
#include "pastel/sys/stdpair_as_pair.h"
#include "pastel/sys/hashing/iteratoraddress_hash.h"

#include "pastel/geometry/search_nearest.h"

#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>

namespace Pastel

    enum class MatchPointsKr_MatchingMode : integer

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    struct MatchPointsKr_Return
        bool success;
        Vector<Real, N> translation;
        Real bias;

    //! Find a matching translation between unpaired point-sets.
   kNearest > 0
   minMatchRatio >= 0
   maxBias >= 0
   maxBias <= 1
   matchingDistance2 >= 0

   The point-set to search for.

   The point-set from which to search for.

   Optional arguments

   kNearest (integer : 16):
   The number of nearest neighbors to use for disambiguation
   in case a point has multiple candidate pairs in its 
   matching distance.

   matchingMode (MatchPointsKr_MatchingMode : First):
   MatchPointsKr_MatchingMode::First: Accept the first match.
   MatchPointsKr_MatchingMode::Maximum: Search for the best match.

   matchingDistance2 (Real : 0.1):
   The maximum distance between a point in the model-set
   and a point in the scene-set to accept them as a pair.
   Measured in terms of the norm-bijection.

   maxBias (real : 0.1):
   The maximum bias which to accept from a match.
   The bias is the norm-bijection of the mean
   error, divided by 'matchingDistance2'.
   Matches with larger bias will be ignored.

   minMatchRatio (Real : 0.8):
   The minimum ratio of model-points that need to be 
   paired scene-points to accept a match.

   normBijection (NormBijection : Euclidean_NormBijection<Real>()):
   The distance measure.

   report (Output(Point, Point) : nullOutput()):
   The point-pairs are reported in the form
   std::make_pair(scenePoint, modelPoint).


   success (bool):
   Whether a match was found.

   translation (Vector<Real, N>):
   The translation which maps model-set to the scene-set.

   bias (Real):
   The bias of the match; in the range [0, 1].
    template <
        typename Model_NearestSet,
        typename Scene_NearestSet,
        typename... ArgumentSet,
            Models<Model_NearestSet, NearestSet_Concept>,
            Models<Scene_NearestSet, NearestSet_Concept>
        > = 0
    decltype(auto) matchPointsKr(
        const Model_NearestSet& model,
        const Scene_NearestSet& scene,
        ArgumentSet&&... argumentSet)
        using std::begin;
        using std::end;

        using Model_ConstIterator = PointSet_Point<Model_NearestSet>;
        using Scene_ConstIterator = PointSet_Point<Scene_NearestSet>;
        static constexpr integer N = Point_N<Model_ConstIterator>::value;
        //using Real = Point_Real<Model_ConstIterator>;
        using Real = real;

        integer kNearest = 
            PASTEL_ARG_S(kNearest, 16);
        // This is deliberately real (not Real).
        real minMatchRatio = 
            PASTEL_ARG_S(minMatchRatio, 0.8);
        Real matchingDistance2 = 
            PASTEL_ARG_S(matchingDistance2, 0.1);
        Real maxBias = 
            PASTEL_ARG_S(maxBias, 0.1);
        MatchPointsKr_MatchingMode matchingMode = 
            PASTEL_ARG_S(matchingMode, MatchPointsKr_MatchingMode::First);
        auto&& normBijection = PASTEL_ARG(
            [](){return Euclidean_NormBijection<Real>();},
            [](auto input) {return implicitArgument(Models<decltype(input), NormBijection_Concept>());});
        auto&& report = PASTEL_ARG(
            [](){return nullOutput();},
            [](auto input) {return std::true_type();});

        ENSURE_OP(kNearest, >, 0);
        ENSURE(minMatchRatio >= 0);
        ENSURE(minMatchRatio <= 1);
        ENSURE(matchingDistance2 >= 0);
        ENSURE(maxBias >= 0);
        ENSURE(maxBias <= 1);

        using Match = MatchPointsKr_Return<Real, N>;

        using Pair = std::pair<Scene_ConstIterator, Model_ConstIterator>;
        using PairSet = std::vector<Pair>;
        using Pair_Iterator = typename PairSet::iterator;
        using Pair_ConstIterator = typename PairSet::const_iterator;

       'Quantitative analysis of dynamic association in 
       live biological fluorescent samples',
       Pekka Ruusuvuori, Lassi Paavolainen, Kalle Rutanen, 
       Anita Mäki, Heikki Huttunen, Varpu Marjomäki, 
       PLoS ONE 9 (4), 2014.

        integer d = pointSetDimension(model);

        std::vector<Model_ConstIterator> indexToModel;
        // FIX: Enable these two reserves.
        RANGES_FOR(auto&& point, model)
        std::random_shuffle(indexToModel.begin(), indexToModel.end());

        std::vector<Scene_ConstIterator> indexToScene;
        RANGES_FOR(auto&& point, scene)

        std::unordered_map<Scene_ConstIterator, integer, IteratorAddress_Hash> sceneToIndex;
            integer j = 0;
            RANGES_FOR(auto&& i, scene)
                sceneToIndex[i] = j;

        Vector<Real, N> searchPoint(ofDimension(d));
        Vector<Real, N> translation(ofDimension(d));
        // We allow relative error for the nearest neighbor,
        // since this is an approximate algorithm anyway.
        // This gives us some performance boost.
        Real maxRelativeError = 1;

        integer minMatches =
                (integer)ceil(minMatchRatio * (integer)indexToModel.size()),

        PairSet bestPairSet;
        Vector<Real, N> bestTranslation(ofDimension(d));
        Real bestBias = 1;

        Array<integer> nearestSet(Vector2i(indexToModel.size(), kNearest));

        auto forEachAdjacent = [&](integer iModel, auto&& visit)
            for (integer k = 0;k < kNearest;++k)
                integer iScene = nearestSet(iModel, k);
                if (iScene < 0 || !visit(iScene))

        bool exitEarly = false;

        integer n = indexToModel.size();
        for (integer i = 0;i < n && !exitEarly;++i)
            // Pick a model pivot point.
            Model_ConstIterator modelPivot = indexToModel[i];

            // Go over all scene pivot points.
            RANGES_FOR(auto&& scenePivot, scene)
                if (exitEarly)

                translation =
                    pointAsVector(scene.asPoint(scenePivot)) -

                // Find out how many points match
                // under this translation.
                std::fill(nearestSet.begin(), nearestSet.end(), -1);
                for (integer j = 0;j < indexToModel.size();++j)
                    Model_ConstIterator modelPoint = indexToModel[j];

                    searchPoint = 
                        pointAsVector(model.asPoint(modelPoint)) + translation;

                    integer k = 0;
                    auto nearestReport = [&](
                        const Real& distance,
                        const Scene_ConstIterator& scenePoint)
                        nearestSet(j, k) = sceneToIndex[scenePoint];

                        PASTEL_TAG(report), nearestReport,
                        PASTEL_TAG(kNearest), kNearest,
                        PASTEL_TAG(maxDistance2), matchingDistance2,
                        PASTEL_TAG(maxRelativeError), maxRelativeError);

                    //std::cout << "Distance " << neighbor.key() << std::endl;


                PairSet pairSet;
                    [&](integer iModel, integer iScene)
                        pairSet.push_back(std::make_pair(indexToScene[iScene], indexToModel[iModel]));

                //std::cout << pairSet.size() << " ";

                if (!pairSet.empty() &&
                    pairSet.size() >= minMatches &&
                    pairSet.size() >= bestPairSet.size())
                    // We have found a possible match.
                    //std::cout << pairSet.size() / (real)indexToModel.size() << std::endl;

                    // Compute the bias of the match.
                    // The bias is the norm of the mean difference
                    // between the pairs, divided by the matching distance.
                    Real bias = 0;
                        Vector<Real, N> meanDelta(ofDimension(d));

                        Pair_ConstIterator iter = pairSet.begin();
                        Pair_ConstIterator iterEnd = pairSet.end();
                        while(iter != iterEnd)
                            meanDelta += 
                                pointAsVector(scene.asPoint(iter->first)) -
                                (pointAsVector(model.asPoint(iter->second)) + 


                        meanDelta /= pairSet.size();

                        Real meanDeltaNorm2 = 
                            norm2(meanDelta, normBijection);

                        bias = meanDeltaNorm2 / matchingDistance2;

                    // Check that the bias is not too large.
                    if (bias <= maxBias)
                        // We have a match.

                        // See if it is better than the existing
                        // match. Larger match size is primarily better,
                        // smaller bias is secondarily better.
                        if (pairSet.size() > bestPairSet.size() ||
                            (pairSet.size() == bestPairSet.size() &&
                            bias < bestBias))
                            bestTranslation = translation;
                            bestBias = bias;

                        if (matchingMode == MatchPointsKr_MatchingMode::First)
                            // The first match was asked for,
                            // so return this match.
                            exitEarly = true;
                        // else we are looking for the best match,
                        // and continue searching.


        bool success = false;
        if (!bestPairSet.empty())
            // A match was found. Report it.
            success = true;

                bestPairSet.begin(), bestPairSet.end(),
                [&](const std::pair<Scene_ConstIterator, Model_ConstIterator>& that)

        return Match{ success, bestTranslation, bestBias };

