
Back to Point kd-tree search algorithms


// Description: SearchAlgorithm_PointKdTree concept
// Documentation: pointkdtree_searchalgorithm.txt


namespace Pastel

    namespace SearchAlgorithm_PointKdTree_Concept

        class SearchAlgorithm_PointKdTree
            template <typename State>
            class Instance
                //! Returns whether there are nodes left to visit.
                bool nodesLeft() const;

                //! Returns the next node to visit.

               In case there are no more nodes left to visit,
               this should return std::pair<Real, Cursor>();
                State nextNode();

                //! Whether to terminate when a node is culled.
               For example, when the best-first search algorithm
               sees the first node that is culled, it can terminate
               safely, because it chooses the nodes in increasing
               distance. On the contrary, the depth-first search
               algorithm can't deduce anything from an culling event.
                bool breakOnCulling() const;

                //! Whether a split-node should be searched or not.
               For example, if the whole subtree does not contain
               more than 'bucketSize' number of points, it makes
               more sense to search it with brute-force right-away,
               than to traverse the hierarchy.
                bool shouldSearchSplitNode(
                    const State& state, 
                    integer bucketSize) const;

                //! Whether to skip the given node.
               For example, nodes which have no points under their
               subtree can be skipped at will.
                bool skipNode(const State& state) const;

                //! Queue a node to be visited later.
                void insertNode(const State& state);

                //! Queue two nodes to be visited later.
                void insertNodes(
                    const State& left, 
                    const State& right);


