#include "pastel/geometry/poisson_disk_pattern.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/intersect/intersect_alignedbox_alignedbox.h"
#include "pastel/sys/vector/vector_tools.h"
#include "pastel/sys/vector.h"
#include "pastel/sys/array.h"
#include "pastel/sys/view/subview.h"
#include "pastel/sys/view/arrayview.h"
#include "pastel/math/sampling/uniform_sampling.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/overlap/overlaps_alignedbox_point.h"
#include <vector>
namespace Pastel
namespace PoissonDiskPattern_
template <typename Real, integer N>
class Visitor
explicit Visitor(
const Vector<Real, N>& newPoint,
const Real& minDistance2,
bool& validNewPoint)
: newPoint_(newPoint)
, minDistance2_(minDistance2)
, validNewPoint_(validNewPoint)
void operator()(const Vector<Real, N>& point) const
if (validNewPoint_ && point.x() != (Real)Infinity())
Vector<Real, N> delta = newPoint_ - point;
if (dot(delta) < minDistance2_)
validNewPoint_ = false;
Vector<Real, N> newPoint_;
Real minDistance2_;
bool& validNewPoint_;
template <typename Real, integer N, typename ReportFunctor, typename ConstSeedIterator>
void poissonDiskPattern(
const AlignedBox<Real, N>& window,
const NoDeduction<Real>& minDistance,
ReportFunctor& reportFunctor,
const ConstSeedIterator& seedSetBegin,
const ConstSeedIterator& seedSetEnd,
integer maxRejections)
// This is the algorithm from the paper:
// "Fast poisson disk sampling in arbitrary dimensions",
// Robert Bridson, Siggraph 2007.
// Assume we work in R^n.
// We wish to construct a grid
// with cubic voxels with such
// dimensions that every voxel can
// contain at most one point of
// the poisson disk pattern.
// If the voxel edge length is given by h,
// then the diagonal length is given by
// sqrt(n * h^2) = h * sqrt(n).
// If the minimum distance is r,
// then we want to have:
// h * sqrt(n) <= r
// =>
// h <= r / sqrt(n)
// The number of voxels in the e_i axis is then
// given by:
// voxels_i = ceil(width_i / (r / sqrt(n)))
// = ceil(width_i * (sqrt(n) / r))
const Real minDistance2 = minDistance * minDistance;
Real invDiagonal = std::sqrt((Real)N / minDistance2);
Vector<Real, N> windowDelta = window.max() - window.min();
Vector<integer, N> extent =
ceil(windowDelta * invDiagonal);
Vector<Real, N> invVoxelDelta = Vector<Real, N>(extent) / windowDelta;
//const Vector<integer, N> voxels = ceil(windowDelta * invDiagonal);
Array<Vector<Real, N>, N> grid(extent + 1, Vector<Real, N>((Real)Infinity()));
AlignedBox<integer, N> gridWindow(Vector<integer, N>(0), extent);
std::vector<Vector<integer, N> > activeSet;
if (seedSetBegin == seedSetEnd)
Vector<Real, N> seedPoint(window.at(randomVector<Real, N>()));
Vector<integer, N> seedGridPosition(
floor((seedPoint - window.min()) * invVoxelDelta));
grid(seedGridPosition) = seedPoint;
ConstSeedIterator iter = seedSetBegin;
while(iter != seedSetEnd)
const Vector<Real, N> seedPoint(*iter);
Vector<integer, N> seedGridPosition(
floor((seedPoint - window.min()) * invVoxelDelta));
grid(seedGridPosition) = seedPoint;
integer randomIndex = randomInteger(activeSet.size());
std::swap(activeSet[randomIndex], activeSet[activeSet.size() - 1]);
Vector<integer, N> coordinates = activeSet.back();
Vector<Real, N> activePoint = grid(coordinates);
bool foundNewPoint = false;
foundNewPoint = false;
for (integer i = 0;i < maxRejections && !foundNewPoint;++i)
// Generate a new point from the annulus
// around the active point.
Vector<Real, N> newPoint =
activePoint +
randomVectorAnnulus<Real, N>(
minDistance, 2 * minDistance);
// See if the new point is inside the region.
if (!overlaps(window, newPoint))
// Search the neighbourhood to see
// if the new point fits or not.
Vector<integer, N> gridPosition(
(newPoint - window.min()) * invVoxelDelta);
AlignedBox<Real, N> neighborhood(
newPoint - minDistance,
newPoint + minDistance);
AlignedBox<integer, N> searchWindow(
Vector<integer, N>((neighborhood.min() - window.min()) * invVoxelDelta),
Vector<integer, N>((neighborhood.max() - window.min()) * invVoxelDelta) + 1);
AlignedBox<integer, N> searchWindow(
gridPosition - 2,
gridPosition + 3);
AlignedBox<integer, N> clippedSearchWindow;
bool validNewPoint = true;
if (intersect(searchWindow, gridWindow, clippedSearchWindow))
PoissonDiskPattern_::Visitor<Real, N> visitor(
newPoint, minDistance2, validNewPoint);
visit(subView(arrayView(grid), clippedSearchWindow), visitor);
if (validNewPoint)
// The point can be added as a new point
// in the pattern.
grid(gridPosition) = newPoint;
foundNewPoint = true;
template <typename Real, integer N, typename ReportFunctor>
void poissonDiskPattern(
const AlignedBox<Real, N>& window,
const NoDeduction<Real>& minDistance,
ReportFunctor& reportFunctor,
integer maxRejections)
std::vector<Vector<Real, N> > seedSet;
window, minDistance, reportFunctor,
seedSet.begin(), seedSet.end(), maxRejections);