// Description: Nearest neighbors searching in a kd-tree
// Documentation: nearestset.txt
// Template concepts
#include "pastel/sys/indicator/indicator_concept.h"
#include "pastel/sys/output/output_concept.h"
#include "pastel/sys/point/point_concept.h"
#include "pastel/math/normbijection/normbijection_concept.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/nearestset/nearestset_concept.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/search_nearby.h"
// Template defaults
#include "pastel/math/normbijection/euclidean_normbijection.h"
#include "pastel/sys/indicator/all_indicator.h"
#include "pastel/sys/output/null_output.h"
// Implementation requirements
#include "pastel/sys/rankedset/rankedset.h"
namespace Pastel
//! Finds the nearest neighbors of a point in a nearest-set.
nearestSet (NearestSet):
The nearest-set in which to search neighbors in.
searchPoint (Point):
The point for which to search a neighbor for.
Optional arguments
accept (Indicator(PointId)):
An indicator which decides whether to accept a point
as a neighbor or not.
Default: allIndicator()
kNearest (integer >= 0):
The number of nearest neighbors to search for.
Default: 1
maxDistance2 (Real >= 0):
The distance after which points are not considered neighbors
anymore. Can be set to (Real)Infinity(). This distance
is in terms of the used norm bijection.
Default: (Real)Infinity()
sortDistances (bool):
Whether to report the neighbors in increasing
order of distance, as opposed to arbitrary order.
Default: true
report (Output(Real, PointId)):
An output to which the found neighbors
are reported to. The reporting is done in the
form report(distance, point).
Default: nullOutput()
reportMissing (bool):
Whether to always report kNearest points, even
if there are not so many neighbors. The missing
points are reported as (Infinity(), nearestSet.notFound()).
Default: true
The norm used to measure distance.
returns (std::pair<Real, PointId>)
The first element is the distance
(in terms of the norm bijection) to the k:th
nearest neighbor. If the k:th nearest neighbor
does not exist, (Real)Infinity().
The second element is the k:th nearest neighbor.
If the k:th nearest neighbor does not exist, nearestSet.notFound().
template <
typename NearestSet,
typename Search_Point,
typename... ArgumentSet,
Models<NearestSet, NearestSet_Concept>,
Models<Search_Point, Point_Concept>
> = 0
auto searchNearest(
const NearestSet& nearestSet,
const Search_Point& searchPoint,
ArgumentSet&&... argumentSet)
using std::begin;
using PointId = PointSet_PointId<NearestSet>;
using Real = Point_Real<Search_Point>;
auto&& report =
[]() {return nullOutput();},
[](auto input) {return std::true_type();}
auto&& accept =
[]() {return allIndicator();},
[](auto input)
return Models<decltype(input),
auto&& normBijection =
[]() {return Euclidean_NormBijection<real>();},
[](auto input)
return implicitArgument(
integer kNearest = PASTEL_ARG_S(kNearest, 1);
Real maxDistance2 = PASTEL_ARG_S(maxDistance2, (Real)Infinity());
bool reportMissing = PASTEL_ARG_S(reportMissing, false);
bool sortDistances = PASTEL_ARG_S(sortDistances, true);
ENSURE_OP(kNearest, >=, 0);
ENSURE_OP(maxDistance2, >=, 0);
using Result = std::pair<Real, PointId>;
Result notFound((Real)Infinity(), *begin(nearestSet.pointSet()));
if (kNearest == 0 || maxDistance2 == 0)
// There is nothing to search for.
// Note that we consider the search-ball open.
return notFound;
struct Less
bool operator()(const Result& left, const Result& right) const
return left.first < right.first;
// The number of points in the point-set.
const integer n = setSize(nearestSet);
// There cannot be more than n neighbors;
// avoid allocating storage in case kNearest
// is excessive. If we are counting, we
// do not track any neighbor.
const integer resultSetSize = std::min(kNearest, n);
// This set contains the points currently closest
// to the search-point.
using ResultSet = RankedSet<Result, Less>;
// There will be at most k elements in this set.
ResultSet resultSet(resultSetSize);
auto reportCandidate = [&](
const Real& distance2,
const auto& pointId)
resultSet.push(Result(distance2, pointId));
if (resultSet.full())
return resultSet.top().first;
return (Real)Infinity();
// Sort the neighbors in order of
// increasing distance.
auto sortedSet = resultSet.release(sortDistances);
// Report the nearest neighbors.
RANGES_FOR(auto&& entry, sortedSet)
report(entry.first, entry.second);
// There should be at most k neighbors.
const integer neighbors = sortedSet.size();
ASSERT_OP(neighbors, <=, kNearest);
if (reportMissing)
// Report "not found" for the missing neighbors.
for (integer i = neighbors;i < kNearest;++i)
report(notFound.first, notFound.second);
if (neighbors < kNearest)
// Since there are less than k neighbors,
// the k:th nearest neighbor does not
// exist.
return notFound;
// Return the k:th nearest neighbor,
// or the farthest neighbor when
// counting.
return sortedSet.back();