// Description: Algorithms for colors
#include "pastel/gfx/color/color.h"
#include "pastel/gfx/color/coloradapter.h"
namespace Pastel
//! Generates a random rgb color.
Color randomRgbColor();
//! Returns the weights of the rgb-to-luma conversion.
Color lumaWeights();
//! Computes the luma of an rgb color.
The luma is computed from non-linear sRGB values
and is a crude approximation to lightness. An ideal
conversion would convert to CIELab, zero the ab components
and convert back to sRGB. This is quite costly an
operation and for many applications luma does good enough.
real32 luma(const Color& rgb);
//! Sets all colors out of the [0, 1] range to black.
Color fitColorBlack(const Color& rgb);
//! Fits an rgb color to [0, 1]^3 range while preserving hue.
Components less than zero are set to zero.
If a color has a component greater than 1, then
the color is normalized by max(rgb). This operation
maps the color to the legal range by decreasing intensity
while preserving hue.
If no such cases apply, the color is returned as it is.
Color fitColor(const Color& rgb);
//! Sets negative components to zero.
Color fitNegativeColor(const Color& rgb);
class Luma_Color_Adapter
using Logical = Color;
using Physical = real32;
Logical convert(const Physical& physical) const
return Color(physical);
Physical revert(const Logical& logical) const
return luma(logical);
using Color_Luma_Adapter = ReverseAdapter<Luma_Color_Adapter>;
#include "pastel/gfx/color/color_tools.hpp"