
Back to Pcx image files


// Description: Loading of images in PCX format
// Documentation: pcx.txt


#include "pastel/gfx/color/color.h"

#include "pastel/sys/array.h"
#include "pastel/sys/abstractarray.h"

#include <string>
#include <vector>

namespace Pastel

    //! Loads an indexed pcx into an index array.

   Whether succesful or not.

   The name of the pcx file to load.

   An array to store the image to.

   An array to store the palette to.

   Exception safety:

   Indexed pcx images come in 4 different types:
   1, 2, 4 and 8 bits per pixel.
   This function reads all of them, using
   one byte per pixel also for 1, 2 and 4 bit depths.

   Binary images do not have
   a palette, but one will be returned for
   consistency, where zero is set to black
   and one is set to white.
   The palette for bit depths 2 and 4 is retrieved
   from the pcx header ("ega palette").
   For bit depth 8, the palette
   is retrieved from the optional vga palette,
   if present. If it is not present,
   the palette is set to the default palette
   as defined by the vga standard.

   If the loading is not succesful, it could be because:
   * The file does not exist
   * It can't be opened for reading for some reason
   * It is of unknown format
   * It is of wrong format (more color planes)

    bool loadIndexedPcx(
        const std::string& fileName,
        AbstractArray<2, uint8>& image,
        std::vector<Color>* colorPalette = 0);

    template <typename Type, typename Adapter>
    bool loadIndexedPcx(
        const std::string& fileName,
        Array<Type, 2>& image,
        const Adapter& adapter,
        std::vector<Color>* colorPalette = 0);

    //! Loads an indexed pcx image into a bool array.
   This is a convenience function that
   uses Integer_To_Bool<uint8>
   as the adapter.

    bool loadIndexedPcx(
        const std::string& fileName,
        Array<bool, 2>& image,
        std::vector<Color>* colorPalette = 0);

    //! Loads an indexed pcx image into an uint8 array.
   This is a convenience function that
   uses Identity_Adapter<uint8>
   as the adapter.

    bool loadIndexedPcx(
        const std::string& fileName,
        Array<uint8, 2>& image,
        std::vector<Color>* colorPalette = 0);

    //! Loads any pcx to an image array.
   Whether succesful or not.

   The name of the pcx file to load.

   An array to store the image to.

   Exception safety:

   This function can read both indexed images
   and rgb images, that is, all the common types of pcx's.
   The result is given as a color image.

   If the loading is not successful, it could be because:
   * The file does not exist
   * It can't be opened for reading for some reason
   * It is of unknown format

    bool loadPcx(
        const std::string& fileName,
        AbstractArray<2, Color>& image);

    template <typename Type, typename Adapter>
    bool loadPcx(
        const std::string& fileName,
        Array<Type, 2>& image,
        const Adapter& adapter);

    //! Loads a pcx image into a Color array.
   This is a convenience function that
   uses Color_ColorByte_Adapter
   as the adapter.
    bool loadPcx(
        const std::string& fileName,
        Array<Color, 2>& image);

    //! Loads a pcx image into a ByteColor array.
   This is a convenience function that
   uses Luma_Adapter<ByteColor>
   as the adapter.
    bool loadPcx(
        const std::string& fileName,
        Array<real32>& image);

    //! Loads a pcx image into a ByteColor array.
   This is a convenience function that
   uses Identity_Adapter<ByteColor>
   as the adapter.
    bool loadPcx(
        const std::string& fileName,
        Array<ByteColor, 2>& image);

    //! Loads a pcx image into an rgb888 array.
   This is a convenience function that
   uses ColorByte_Integer_Adapter<uint32, 8, 8, 8>
   as the adapter.

    bool loadPcx(
        const std::string& fileName,
        Array<uint32, 2>& image);

    //! Loads a pcx image into an rgb565 array.
   This is a convenience function that
   uses ColorByte_Integer_Adapter<uint16, 5, 6, 5>
   as the adapter.

    bool loadPcx(
        const std::string& fileName,
        Array<uint16, 2>& image);


#include "pastel/gfx/image_file/pcx/loadpcx.hpp"
