#include "pastel/gfx/image_file/pcx/savepcx.h"
#include "pastel/gfx/image_file/pcx/pcxheader.h"
#include "pastel/gfx/color/color_palette.h"
#include "pastel/gfx/color/coloradapter.h"
#include "pastel/gfx/color/color_tools.h"
#include "pastel/gfx/color/color_palette.h"
#include "pastel/gfx/color/coloradapter.h"
#include "pastel/sys/adaptedarray.h"
#include "pastel/sys/binaryfile.h"
#include "pastel/sys/tuple.h"
#include "pastel/sys/view/view_tools.h"
#include "pastel/sys/view/arrayview.h"
#include "pastel/sys/vector.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
namespace Pastel
namespace Pcx_
inline void saveScanline(BinaryFile& file,
const std::vector<uint8>& scanline,
integer width)
integer xPos = 0;
while(xPos < width)
uint8 aData = scanline[xPos];
integer repetition = 1;
while (xPos < width && scanline[xPos] == aData)
if (((aData & 0xC0) == 0xC0) ||
repetition > 1)
while (repetition > 63)
file << (char)(0xC0 | 63);
file << aData;
repetition -= 63;
if (repetition > 0)
file << (char)(0xC0 | repetition);
file << aData;
file << aData;
inline bool saveBinaryPcx(
const ConstAbstractArray<2, bool>& image,
const std::string& fileName)
// TODO: This does not work with empty images!
std::cout << "Saving a binary image to file "
<< fileName
<< " in pcx format."
<< std::endl;
if (fileName.empty())
std::cout << "No filename given. Aborting..."
<< std::endl;
return false;
integer width = image.extent().x();
integer height = image.extent().y();
integer bytesPerScanlinePerPlane =
roundUpToEven((width + 7) / 8);
PcxHeader pcxHeader;
pcxHeader.manufacturer_ = 10;
pcxHeader.version_ = 5;
pcxHeader.encoding_ = 1;
pcxHeader.bitsPerPixel_ = 1;
pcxHeader.leftMargin_ = 0;
pcxHeader.upperMargin_ = 0;
pcxHeader.rightMargin_ = (int16)(width - 1);
pcxHeader.lowerMargin_ = (int16)(height - 1);
pcxHeader.hss_ = 72;
pcxHeader.vss_ = 72;
pcxHeader.colorPlanes_ = 1;
pcxHeader.bytesPerScanlinePerPlane_ =
pcxHeader.paletteInfo_ = 1;
BinaryFile file(fileName, false, true);
// Define the palette.
pcxHeader.palette16_[0 * 3 + 0] = 0;
pcxHeader.palette16_[0 * 3 + 1] = 0;
pcxHeader.palette16_[0 * 3 + 2] = 0;
pcxHeader.palette16_[1 * 3 + 0] = 255;
pcxHeader.palette16_[1 * 3 + 1] = 255;
pcxHeader.palette16_[1 * 3 + 2] = 255;
for (integer i = 2;i < 16;++i)
pcxHeader.palette16_[i * 3 + 0] = 0;
pcxHeader.palette16_[i * 3 + 1] = 0;
pcxHeader.palette16_[i * 3 + 2] = 0;
integer bytesPerScanline =
(integer)pcxHeader.bytesPerScanlinePerPlane_ * (integer)pcxHeader.colorPlanes_;
std::vector<uint8> scanline(pcxHeader.bytesPerScanlinePerPlane_, 0);
for (integer yPos = height - 1;yPos >= 0;--yPos)
for (integer xPos = 0;xPos < width;xPos += 8)
uint8 data = 0;
integer i = 0;
for (i = 0;i < 8 && xPos + i < width;++i)
data <<= 1;
if (image(Vector2i(xPos + i, yPos)))
data += 1;
data <<= 8 - i;
scanline[xPos >> 3] = data;
Pcx_::saveScanline(file, scanline, bytesPerScanline);
//std::cout << "Pcx image saving complete." << std::endl;
return true;
inline bool saveBinaryPcx(
const Array<bool, 2>& image,
const std::string& fileName)
IdentityAdapter<bool> adapter;
return saveBinaryPcx(image, fileName, adapter);
inline bool saveIndexedPcx(
const ConstAbstractArray<2, uint8>& image,
const std::vector<Color>& colorPalette,
const std::string& fileName)
// TODO: This does not work with empty images!
std::cout << "Saving an indexed image to file "
<< fileName << " in pcx format."
<< std::endl;
if (fileName.empty())
std::cout << "No filename given. Aborting..."
<< std::endl;
return false;
integer width = image.extent().x();
integer height = image.extent().y();
PcxHeader pcxHeader;
pcxHeader.manufacturer_ = 10;
pcxHeader.version_ = 5;
pcxHeader.encoding_ = 1;
pcxHeader.bitsPerPixel_ = 8;
pcxHeader.leftMargin_ = 0;
pcxHeader.upperMargin_ = 0;
pcxHeader.rightMargin_ = (int16)(width - 1);
pcxHeader.lowerMargin_ = (int16)(height - 1);
pcxHeader.hss_ = 72;
pcxHeader.vss_ = 72;
pcxHeader.colorPlanes_ = 1;
pcxHeader.bytesPerScanlinePerPlane_ =
odd(width) ?
(int16)(width + 1) : (int16)width;
pcxHeader.paletteInfo_ = 1;
integer colors = std::min((integer)16, (integer)colorPalette.size());
for (integer i = 0;i < colors;++i)
Color color = fitColor(colorPalette[i]);
pcxHeader.palette16_[i * 3 + 0] = quantizeUnsigned(color[0], 256);
pcxHeader.palette16_[i * 3 + 1] = quantizeUnsigned(color[1], 256);
pcxHeader.palette16_[i * 3 + 2] = quantizeUnsigned(color[2], 256);
for (integer i = colors;i < 16;++i)
pcxHeader.palette16_[i * 3 + 0] = 0;
pcxHeader.palette16_[i * 3 + 1] = 0;
pcxHeader.palette16_[i * 3 + 2] = 0;
BinaryFile file(fileName, false, true);
integer bytesPerScanline =
(integer)pcxHeader.bytesPerScanlinePerPlane_ * (integer)pcxHeader.colorPlanes_;
std::vector<uint8> scanline(pcxHeader.bytesPerScanlinePerPlane_, 0);
for (integer yPos = height - 1;yPos >= 0;--yPos)
for (integer xPos = 0;xPos < width;++xPos)
scanline[xPos] = image(Vector2i(xPos, yPos));
Pcx_::saveScanline(file, scanline, bytesPerScanline);
file << (char)0xC;
// There can be more than 256 colors in the palette,
// so write at most 256 colors.
integer colorsToWrite = std::min((integer)colorPalette.size(), (integer)256);
for (integer i = 0;i < colorsToWrite;++i)
Color color = fitColor(colorPalette[i]);
uint8 red = quantizeUnsigned(color[0], 256);
uint8 green = quantizeUnsigned(color[1], 256);
uint8 blue = quantizeUnsigned(color[2], 256);
file << red << green << blue;
// If the palette does not define all 256 colors,
// define the rest as (0, 0, 0).
for (integer i = colorsToWrite;i < 256;++i)
file << (uint8)0;
file << (uint8)0;
file << (uint8)0;
//std::cout << "Pcx image saving complete." << std::endl;
return true;
inline bool saveIndexedPcx(
const Array<uint8, 2>& image,
const std::vector<Color>& palette,
const std::string& fileName)
IdentityAdapter<uint8> adapter;
return saveIndexedPcx(image, palette, fileName, adapter);
inline bool savePcx(
const ConstAbstractArray<2, Color>& image,
const std::string& fileName)
// TODO: This does not work with empty images!
std::cout << "Saving an rgb image to file "
<< fileName
<< " in pcx format."
<< std::endl;
if (fileName.empty())
std::cout << "No filename given. Aborting..."
<< std::endl;
return false;
integer width = image.extent().x();
integer height = image.extent().y();
PcxHeader pcxHeader;
pcxHeader.manufacturer_ = 10;
pcxHeader.version_ = 5;
pcxHeader.encoding_ = 1;
pcxHeader.bitsPerPixel_ = 8;
pcxHeader.leftMargin_ = 0;
pcxHeader.upperMargin_ = 0;
pcxHeader.rightMargin_ = (int16)(width - 1);
pcxHeader.lowerMargin_ = (int16)(height - 1);
pcxHeader.hss_ = 72;
pcxHeader.vss_ = 72;
pcxHeader.colorPlanes_ = 3;
pcxHeader.bytesPerScanlinePerPlane_ =
odd(width) ?
(int16)(width + 1) : (int16)width;
pcxHeader.paletteInfo_ = 1;
BinaryFile file(fileName, false, true);
integer bytesPerScanline =
(integer)pcxHeader.bytesPerScanlinePerPlane_ * (integer)pcxHeader.colorPlanes_;
std::vector<uint8> scanline(bytesPerScanline, 0);
for (integer yPos = height - 1;yPos >= 0;--yPos)
for (integer xPos = 0;xPos < width;++xPos)
Color color = image(Vector2i(xPos, yPos));
scanline[xPos] =
quantizeUnsigned(color[0], 256);
scanline[xPos + pcxHeader.bytesPerScanlinePerPlane_] =
quantizeUnsigned(color[1], 256);
scanline[xPos + pcxHeader.bytesPerScanlinePerPlane_ * 2] =
quantizeUnsigned(color[2], 256);
Pcx_::saveScanline(file, scanline, bytesPerScanline);
//std::cout << "Pcx image saving complete." << std::endl;
return true;
inline bool savePcx(
const Array<uint32, 2>& image,
const std::string& fileName)
Integer_To_Color<uint32, 8, 8, 8> adapter;
return savePcx(image, fileName, adapter);
inline bool savePcx(
const Array<uint16, 2>& image,
const std::string& fileName)
Integer_To_Color<uint16, 5, 6, 5> adapter;
return savePcx(image, fileName, adapter);
inline bool savePcx(
const Array<Color, 2>& image,
const std::string& fileName)
IdentityAdapter<Color> adapter;
return savePcx(image, fileName, adapter);
inline bool savePcx(
const Array<ByteColor, 2>& image,
const std::string& fileName)
ByteColor_To_Color adapter;
return savePcx(image, fileName, adapter);
namespace Pastel
template <typename Type, typename Adapter>
bool saveBinaryPcx(
const Array<Type, 2>& image,
const std::string& fileName,
const Adapter& adapter)
ConstAdaptedArray<2, bool, Type, Adapter> adaptedImage(
image, adapter);
return saveBinaryPcx(adaptedImage, fileName);
template <typename Type, typename Adapter>
bool saveIndexedPcx(
const Array<Type, 2>& image,
const std::vector<Color>& palette,
const std::string& fileName,
const Adapter& adapter)
ConstAdaptedArray<2, uint8, Type, Adapter> adaptedImage(
image, adapter);
return saveIndexedPcx(adaptedImage, palette, fileName);
template <typename Type, typename Adapter>
bool savePcx(
const Array<Type, 2>& image,
const std::string& fileName,
const Adapter& adapter)
ConstAdaptedArray<2, Color, Type, Adapter> adaptedImage(
image, adapter);
return savePcx(adaptedImage, fileName);
template <typename Real>
bool saveGrayscalePcx(
const Array<Real>& image,
const std::string& fileName,
bool maximizeContrast)
Real maxValue = image.empty() ? 1 :
std::max(*std::max_element(image.cbegin(), image.cend()), (Real)0);
ReverseAdapter<Integer_To_Real<Real, uint8> > adapter(
Integer_To_Real<Real, uint8>(256, maxValue));
real32 paletteMaxValue = maximizeContrast ?
1 : maxValue;
std::vector<Color> palette;
grayscalePalette(palette, 256, paletteMaxValue);
return saveIndexedPcx(image, palette, fileName, adapter);
template <typename Real>
bool saveRainbowPcx(
const Array<Real>& image,
const std::string& fileName,
bool maximizeContrast)
Real maxValue =
std::max(*std::max_element(image.begin(), image.end()), (Real)0);
ReverseAdapter<Integer_To_Real<Real, uint8> > adapter(
Integer_To_Real<Real, uint8>(256, maxValue));
std::vector<Color> palette;
smoothFalseColorPalette(palette, 256);
return saveIndexedPcx(image, palette, fileName, adapter);