
Back to Resampling


// Description: Signal resampling


#include "pastel/sys/mytypes.h"
#include "pastel/sys/view/view.h"
#include "pastel/sys/extender/arrayextender.h"
#include "pastel/sys/range.h"

#include "pastel/gfx/filter/table_filter.h"

namespace Pastel

    template <
        typename Computation_Element,
        typename Input_RandomAccessConstRange,
        typename Output_RandomAccessRange>
    void resampleRange(
        const Input_RandomAccessConstRange& inputSet,
        const Output_RandomAccessRange& outputSet,
        const ConstFilterPtr& filter,
        const IndexExtenderPtr& indexExtender,
        const typename boost::range_value<Input_RandomAccessConstRange>::type& border = 
        typename boost::range_value<Input_RandomAccessConstRange>::type(),
        real blurFactor = 1);

    template <
        typename Computation_Element,
        typename Input_RandomAccessConstRange,
        typename Output_RandomAccessRange>
    void resampleRangeTable(
        const Input_RandomAccessConstRange& inputSet,
        const Output_RandomAccessRange& outputSet,
        const ConstTableFilterPtr& filter,
        const IndexExtenderPtr& indexExtender,
        const typename boost::range_value<Input_RandomAccessConstRange>::type& border = 
        typename boost::range_value<Input_RandomAccessConstRange>::type(),
        real blurFactor = 1);

    //! Resamples a 1-dimensional array to a different size.
   blurFactor >= 1

    template <
        typename Computation_Element,
        typename Input_Element,
        typename Input_View,
        typename Output_Element,
        typename Output_View>
        void resampleTable(
        const ConstView<1, Input_Element, Input_View>& input,
        const NoDeduction<ArrayExtender<1, Input_Element>>& arrayExtender,
        const ConstTableFilterPtr& filter,
        const View<1, Output_Element, Output_View>& output,
        real blurFactor = 1);

    template <
        typename Computation_Element,
        typename Input_Element,
        typename Input_View,
        typename Output_Element,
        typename Output_View>
        void resample(
        const ConstView<1, Input_Element, Input_View>& input,
        const NoDeduction<ArrayExtender<1, Input_Element>>& arrayExtender,
        const ConstFilterPtr& filter,
        const View<1, Output_Element, Output_View>& output,
        real blurFactor = 1);

    //! Resamples a multi-dimensional array to a different size.
   blurFactor >= 1

   This function essentially calls the 1-dimensional
   array resampling function for each row of each axis.

    template <
        typename Computation_Element,
        integer N,
        typename Input_Element,
        typename Input_View,
        typename Output_Element,
        typename Output_View,
        RequiresC<(N > 1)> = 0>
    void resampleTable(
        const ConstView<N, Input_Element, Input_View>& input,
        const NoDeduction<ArrayExtender<N, Input_Element>>& arrayExtender,
        const ConstTableFilterPtr& filter,
        const View<N, Output_Element, Output_View>& output,
        real blurFactor = 1);

    //! Resamples a multi-dimensional array to a different size.
   blurFactor >= 1

   This function calls the corresponding resampleTable()
   function after constructing a Table_Filter out of
   the given filter.

    template <
        typename Computation_Element,
        integer N,
        typename Input_Element,
        typename Input_View,
        typename Output_Element,
        typename Output_View,
        RequiresC<(N > 1)> = 0>
    void resample(
        const ConstView<N, Input_Element, Input_View>& input,
        const NoDeduction<ArrayExtender<N, Input_Element>>& arrayExtender,
        const ConstFilterPtr& filter,
        const View<N, Output_Element, Output_View>& output,
        real blurFactor = 1);


#include "pastel/gfx/resampling/resampling.hpp"
