Back to Image-based texture with EWA resampling
#include "pastel/gfx/texture/ewaimage_texture.h"
#include "pastel/gfx/texture/linearimage_texture.h"
#include "pastel/math/matrix/matrix_determinant.h"
#include "pastel/math/matrix/matrix_eigen.h"
#include "pastel/geometry/shape/ellipsoid.h"
namespace Pastel
template <typename Type, integer N>
void EwaImage_Texture<Type, N>::setFilter(
const FilterPtr& maxFilter,
const FilterPtr& minFilter)
ENSURE(maxFilter && minFilter);
real filterRadius =
std::max(minFilter->radius(), maxFilter->radius());
const integer tableSize = filterRadius * 1024;
real scaling = square(filterRadius) / tableSize;
std::vector<real> minFilterTable(tableSize);
std::vector<real> maxFilterTable(tableSize);
for (integer i = 0;i < tableSize;++i)
const real t = std::sqrt(i * scaling);
minFilterTable[i] = minFilter->evaluate(t);
maxFilterTable[i] = maxFilter->evaluate(t);
filterTableSize_ = tableSize;
filterRadius_ = filterRadius;
template <typename Type, integer N>
Type EwaImage_Texture<Type, N>::operator()(
const Vector<real, N>& p_,
const Matrix<real>& m_) const
// Read ewaimatexture.txt for implementation documentation.
if (!mipMap_ || mipMap_->empty())
return Type(0.5);
integer n = m_.height();
const Array<Type, N>& mostDetailedImage = mipMap_->mostDetailed();
Vector<real, N> imageExtent(mostDetailedImage.extent());
// The derivative vectors along with 'uv' represent an affine
// transformation from the image plane to the texture plane.
const Vector<real, N> p(p_ * imageExtent);
Matrix<real> basis = m_;
for (integer i = 0;i < n;++i)
basis.column(i) *= imageExtent * filterRadius_;
// Find the ellipse that is obtained by applying
// that affine transformation to a unit sphere.
Matrix<real> quadraticForm =
// We do not use the coefficients as computed.
// These small modifications make sure that
// the filter always intersects at least one pixel.
// This way the filter can also be used for
// reconstruction.
quadraticForm *= square(determinant(basis));
quadraticForm(0, 0) += square(filterRadius_);
quadraticForm(1, 1) += square(filterRadius_);
quadraticForm /= determinant(quadraticForm);
// Now find out the ellipses major
// and minor axis. These are given
// by the eigenvectors and eigenvalues
// of the 'quadraticForm'.
// Let
// x^T S x = 1
// where S is symmetric.
// Let x be an eigenvector of S corresponding to the eigenvalue k
// with the restriction that it lies on the ellipsoid:
// x^T S x = k x^T x = 1
// =>
// k = 1 / |x|^2
// =>
// |x| = 1 / sqrt(k)
// Thus the lengths of the principal axes can be
// computed from the eigenvalues.
// NOTE: We don't have a general function to compute the
// eigenvalues of a matrix. Until we have that we must
// restrict to 2D.
Vector<real, N> eigenValue = symmetricEigenValues(quadraticForm);
// The eigenvalues are returned in ascending order.
real majorAxisLength2 = inverse(eigenValue[0]);
real minorAxisLength2 = inverse(eigenValue[eigenValue.size() - 1]);
real eccentricity2 = majorAxisLength2/ minorAxisLength2;
real MaxEccentricity2 = square(30);
if (eccentricity2 > MaxEccentricity2)
// The ellipse is way too skinny. This can
// cause an unbounded amount of computation
// for the filtering and thus we need to modify the filter
// somehow. This will cause errors: we just hope that
// the errors are not that noticable. We have two options:
// 1) Shortening the major axis. This results in aliasing.
// 2) Lenghtening the minor axis. This results in blurring.
// We can't allow 1) so we select 2).
// Scale the minor axis so that the eccentricity
// becomes MaxEccentricity:
// majorAxisLength / (k * minorAxisLength) = MaxEccentricity
// =>
// k = majorAxisLength / (minorAxisLength * MaxEccentricity)
// = eccentricity / MaxEccentricity
Vector<real, N> aMajorAxisCandidate(
quadraticForm(1, 0), eigenValue[0] - quadraticForm(0, 0));
Vector<real, N> bMajorAxisCandidate(
eigenValue[0] - quadraticForm(1, 1), quadraticForm(1, 0));
Vector<real, N> majorAxis;
if (manhattanNorm(aMajorAxisCandidate) <
majorAxis = bMajorAxisCandidate;
majorAxis = aMajorAxisCandidate;
majorAxis /= norm(majorAxis);
Vector<real, N> minorAxis = cross(majorAxis);
minorAxisLength2 *= (eccentricity2 / MaxEccentricity2);
minorAxis *= std::sqrt(minorAxisLength2);
majorAxis *= std::sqrt(majorAxisLength2);
// The quadratic form has to be recomputed since
// the minor axis has changed.
quadraticForm = ellipsoidQuadraticForm(
matrix2x2<real>(minorAxis, majorAxis));
// Select an appropriate mipmap level.
// We want the minor axis to cover at least 'pixelsPerMinorAxis' pixels per 'minorAxis' length
// in the more detailed image (note that it is half of the minor diameter).
real invLn2 = inverse(constantLn2<real>());
real pixelsPerMinorAxis = 2;
const real level = 0.5 * std::log(minorAxisLength2 /
square(pixelsPerMinorAxis * filterRadius_)) * invLn2;
//return Type(level / (mipMap_->levels() - 1));
AlignedBoxD bound =
ellipsoidBoundingAlignedBox(quadraticForm) + p;
// We want 'f' to give the value of
// 'filterTableSize' at the edge of the ellipse.
// This normalization does that.
quadraticForm *= filterTableSize_;
// Compute filter transition coefficient.
real transitionBegin = 0;
real transitionEnd = 0.15;
real transitionWidth = transitionEnd - transitionBegin;
real normalizedLevel = level / (real)(mipMap_->levels() - 1);
real tTransition = clamp((normalizedLevel - transitionBegin) / transitionWidth,
(real)0, (real)1);
//return Type(tTransition);
// If the level is non-positive, then
// we have magnification and can simply reconstruct
// the most detailed image.
if (level <= 0)
sampleEwa(p, quadraticForm, bound, 1, tTransition,
// If the ellipse covers the whole image, we can
// simply return the average of the whole image.
if (level >= mipMap_->levels() - 1)
return mipMap_->coarsest()(0, 0);
// Otherwise we interpolate the results of the two
// image levels.
integer detailLevel = std::floor(level);
const Array<Type, 2>& detailImage = (*mipMap_)(detailLevel);
Type detailSample =
sampleEwa(p, quadraticForm, bound, (real)1 / (1 << detailLevel), tTransition,
integer coarseLevel = detailLevel + 1;
const Array<Type, 2>& coarseImage = (*mipMap_)(coarseLevel);
Type coarseSample =
sampleEwa(p, quadraticForm, bound, (real)1 / (1 << coarseLevel), tTransition,
return linear(detailSample, coarseSample, level - detailLevel);
template <typename Type, integer N>
Type EwaImage_Texture<Type, N>::sampleEwa(
const Vector<real, N>& p,
const Matrix<real>& quadraticForm,
const AlignedBoxD& bound,
real scaling,
real tTransition,
const Array<Type, N>& image) const
// Read ewaimatexture.txt for implementation documentation.
AlignedBox<integer, N> window(
floor(bound.min() * scaling),
ceil(bound.max() * scaling));
// Compute start values.
const Vector<real, N> pStart(Vector<real, N>(window.min()) + 0.5 - p * scaling);
real formScaling = inverse(square(scaling));
real fLeft = dot(pStart * quadraticForm, pStart) * formScaling;
Vector<real, N> dfLeft = (2 * (pStart * quadraticForm) + diagonal(quadraticForm)) * formScaling;
const Matrix<real> ddf = (2 * formScaling) * quadraticForm;
Type imageSum(0);
real weightSum = 0;
for (integer i = window.min().y();i < window.max().y();++i)
real f = fLeft;
real dfDu = dfLeft.x();
for (integer j = window.min().x();j < window.max().x();++j)
real fClamped = f < 0 ? 0 : f;
if (fClamped < filterTableSize_)
real weight = linear(maxFilterTable_[fClamped],
minFilterTable_[fClamped], tTransition);
imageSum += weight * extender_(image, Vector<integer, N>(j, i));
weightSum += weight;
f += dfDu;
dfDu += ddf(0, 0);
fLeft += dfLeft.y();
dfLeft += ddf.cColumn(1);
if (weightSum <= 0)
// Reaching this place would mean
// that no pixels intersected the ellipse.
// This should never happen because
// the filter we use always
// intersects at least one pixel.
return Type(0);
return imageSum / weightSum;