
Back to LU decomposition


// Description: LU decomposition


#include "pastel/math/matrix/matrix.h"

#include "pastel/sys/mytypes.h"

namespace Pastel

    //! LU decomposition
    template <typename Real>
    class LuDecomposition
        // Using default copy constructor.
        // Using default destructor.

        //! Constructs with the decomposition of the identity matrix.
       n >= 0
        explicit LuDecomposition(integer n);

        //! Constructs with the decomposition of the given matrix.
       matrix.m() == matrix.n()
        LuDecomposition(Matrix<Real> matrix);

        //! Copy-constructs from another decomposition.
        LuDecomposition(const LuDecomposition& that);

        //! Move-constructs from another decomposition.
        LuDecomposition(LuDecomposition&& that);

        //! Swaps with another decomposition.
        void swap(LuDecomposition& that);

        //! Assigns from another decomposition.
        LuDecomposition& operator=(LuDecomposition that);

        //! Decomposes the given matrix.
        bool decompose(Matrix<Real> matrix);

        integer n() const;

        //! Returns L and U matrices packed together.
       The diagonal belongs to the U matrix; the L has 1's 
       on the diagonal.
        const Matrix<Real>& packedLu() const;

        //! Returns the P as a permutation vector.
        const Tuple<integer>& rowPermutation() const;

        //! Returns whether the permutation in P is even.
        bool evenPermutation() const;

        //! Returns whether the decomposed matrix was singular.
        bool singular() const;

        LuDecomposition() = delete;

        bool decompose();

        Matrix<Real> packedLu_;
        Tuple<integer> rowPermutation_;
        bool evenPermutation_;
        bool singular_;

        Vector<Real> invLargestInRow_;


namespace Pastel

    //! Solves the linear system PLUx = b.
    template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
    Vector<Real> solveLinear(
        const LuDecomposition<Real>& lu,
        const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& b);

    //! Returns the determinant of PLU.
    template <typename Real>
    Real determinant(
        const LuDecomposition<Real>& lu);


#include "pastel/math/matrix/lu_decomposition/lu_decomposition.hpp"
