#include "pastel/math/matrix/lu_decomposition.h"
#include "pastel/math/matrix/matrix_tools.h"
namespace Pastel
template <typename Real>
LuDecomposition<Real>::LuDecomposition(integer n)
: packedLu_(n, n)
, rowPermutation_(ofDimension(n))
, evenPermutation_(true)
, singular_(false)
, invLargestInRow_(ofDimension(n), 1)
ENSURE_OP(n, >=, 0);
setDiagonal(packedLu_, 0);
integer size = rowPermutation_.size();
for (integer i = 0;i < size;++i)
rowPermutation_[i] = i;
template <typename Real>
LuDecomposition<Real>::LuDecomposition(Matrix<Real> matrix)
: packedLu_(std::move(matrix))
, rowPermutation_(ofDimension(packedLu_.n()))
, evenPermutation_(true)
, singular_(false)
, invLargestInRow_(ofDimension(packedLu_.n()), 1)
ENSURE_OP(packedLu_.m(), ==, packedLu_.n());
template <typename Real>
LuDecomposition<Real>::LuDecomposition(const LuDecomposition& that)
: packedLu_(that.packedLu_)
, rowPermutation_(that.rowPermutation_)
, evenPermutation_(that.evenPermutation_)
, singular_(that.singular_)
, invLargestInRow_(that.invLargestInRow_)
template <typename Real>
LuDecomposition<Real>::LuDecomposition(LuDecomposition&& that)
: packedLu_(that.n(), that.n())
, rowPermutation_(ofDimension(that.n()))
, evenPermutation_(true)
, singular_(false)
, invLargestInRow_(ofDimension(that.n()), 1)
template <typename Real>
void LuDecomposition<Real>::swap(LuDecomposition& that)
std::swap(evenPermutation_, that.evenPermutation_);
std::swap(singular_, that.singular_);
template <typename Real>
LuDecomposition<Real>& LuDecomposition<Real>::operator=(
LuDecomposition that)
return *this;
template <typename Real>
bool LuDecomposition<Real>::decompose(Matrix<Real> matrix)
packedLu_ = std::move(matrix);
return decompose();
template <typename Real>
integer LuDecomposition<Real>::n() const
return packedLu_.n();
template <typename Real>
const Matrix<Real>& LuDecomposition<Real>::packedLu() const
return packedLu_;
template <typename Real>
const Tuple<integer>& LuDecomposition<Real>::rowPermutation() const
return rowPermutation_;
template <typename Real>
bool LuDecomposition<Real>::evenPermutation() const
return evenPermutation_;
template <typename Real>
bool LuDecomposition<Real>::singular() const
return singular_;
// Private
template <typename Real>
bool LuDecomposition<Real>::decompose()
// This is Crout's algorithm to
// compute LUP-decomposition in-place.
// We take the LUP-decomposition of a square matrix A as
// A = P^-1 LU,
// where
// P is a permutation matrix
// L is a unit lower triangular matrix
// U is an upper triangular matrix
// See the books "Introduction to algorithms" and
// "Numerical recipes, 3rd edition".
// The algorithm assumes (without loss of generality)
// that the diagonal elements of L are 1. Then all the data
// can be stored in the same amount of space
// than the original matrix, for example:
// U00 U10 U20
// L10 U11 U12
// L20 L21 U22
// Rather than storing the permutation matrix,
// we store the a vector that gives the permutation
// of the rows.
singular_ = false;
evenPermutation_ = true;
integer width = packedLu_.width();
integer height = packedLu_.height();
ENSURE_OP(width, ==, height);
for (integer i = 0;i < width;++i)
rowPermutation_[i] = i;
// Find the largest element in each row
// for implicit pivoting.
for (integer i = 0;i < height;++i)
Real largestAbsValue = 0;
for (integer j = 0;j < width;++j)
Real absValue = abs(packedLu_(i, j));
if (absValue > largestAbsValue)
largestAbsValue = absValue;
if (largestAbsValue == 0)
// Whole row of zeros => singular.
singular_ = true;
return false;
invLargestInRow_[i] = inverse(largestAbsValue);
for (integer k = 0;k < width;++k)
// Find the relatively largest element
// in the column below the current element.
Real largestAbsValue = 0;
integer largestIndex = k;
for (integer i = k;i < height;++i)
const Real absValue = invLargestInRow_[i] * abs(packedLu_(i, k));
if (absValue > largestAbsValue)
largestAbsValue = absValue;
largestIndex = i;
if (largestAbsValue == 0)
// There was no non-zero pivot element.
// => The matrix is singular
singular_ = true;
return false;
if (largestIndex != k)
// Swap rows.
for (integer j = 0;j < width;++j)
using std::swap;
swap(packedLu_(largestIndex, j),
packedLu_(k, j));
std::swap(invLargestInRow_[largestIndex], invLargestInRow_[k]);
evenPermutation_ = !evenPermutation_;
std::swap(rowPermutation_[largestIndex], rowPermutation_[k]);
for (integer i = k + 1;i < height;++i)
// Rather than make the rest of the column k
// zero, like in normal Gaussian elimination,
// we divide it by lu(k, k) so
// that it ends up containing the element
// of the L matrix.
packedLu_(i, k) /= packedLu_(k, k);
// This is as in normal Gaussian elimination.
Real factor = packedLu_(i, k);
for (integer j = k + 1;j < width;++j)
packedLu_(i, j) -= factor * packedLu_(k, j);
return true;
#include "pastel/math/matrix/solve_linear.h"
namespace Pastel
template <typename Real, integer N, typename Expression>
Vector<Real> solveLinear(
const LuDecomposition<Real>& lu,
const VectorExpression<Real, N, Expression>& b)
const Matrix<Real>& packedLu = lu.packedLu();
integer n = packedLu.width();
ENSURE2(b.size() == n, b.size(), n);
if (lu.singular())
return Vector<Real>(ofDimension(n));
// Ax = b <=> PLU x = b
// First solve Pz = b.
Vector<Real> x(ofDimension(n));
const Tuple<integer>& rowPermutation = lu.rowPermutation();
for (integer i = 0;i < n;++i)
x[i] = b[rowPermutation[i]];
// Then solve Ly = z.
x = solveUnitLowerTriangular(lu.packedLu(), x);
// Then solve Ux = y.
x = solveUpperTriangular(lu.packedLu(), x);
return x;
template <typename Real>
Real determinant(
const LuDecomposition<Real>& lu)
if (lu.singular())
return 0;
Real value = diagonalProduct(lu.packedLu());
if (lu.evenPermutation())
return value;
return -value;