
Back to Uniform random orthogonal matrix


// Description: Uniform random orthogonal matrix


#include "pastel/math/matrix/matrix.h"
#include "pastel/sys/random/random_gaussian.h"
#include "pastel/sys/math/sign.h"

#include <armadillo>

namespace Pastel

    //! Returns a uniformly distributed random orthogonal matrix.
   n >= 0

   The returned matrix is Q in RR^{n x n} such that
   Q^T Q = I. If orientation != 0, then also 
   det(Q) = sign(orientation).

   The dimension of the matrix; Q in R^{n x n}.

   If zero, then det(Q) = +-1.
   If negative, then det(Q) = -1.
   If positive, then det(Q) = +1.
    template <typename Real>
    arma::Mat<Real> randomOrthogonal(
        integer n, integer orientation = 0)
        ENSURE_OP(n, >=, 0);

        // "How to Generate Random Matrices
        // from the Classical Compact Groups",
        // Francesco Mezzadri,
        // Notices of the AMS,
        // Volume 54, Number 5, 2007.

        arma::Mat<Real> x(n, n);

        for (auto& value : x)
            value = randomGaussian<Real>();

        arma::Mat<Real> q(n, n);
        arma::Mat<Real> r(n, n);

        qr(q, r, x);

        for (integer i = 0;i < n;++i)
            if (r(i, i)  < 0)
                q.col(i) = -q.col(i);

        if (orientation != 0)
            if (sign(det(q)) != sign(orientation))
                // While the following gives the correct
                // determinant, and preserves orthogonality,
                // I don't have a proof that this will preserve
                // the uniform distribution property. This may
                // or may not be correct.
                for (integer i = 0;i < n;++i)
                    q(i, 0) = -q(i, 0);

        return q;

