
Back to Uniform random rotation matrix


// Description: Uniform random rotation
// Documentation: random_rotation_matrix.txt


#include <armadillo>

namespace Pastel

    //! Returns a uniform random orthogonal matrix.
   n >= 0


   n (integer):
   The dimension of the returned matrix.

   Optional arguments

   orientation (integer : 0):
   Specifies constraints for the determinant of Q.
      -1: det(Q) = -1,
       0: no constraint, or
       1: det(Q) = +1.


   A random uniformly (Haar) distributed orthogonal 
   (n x n) matrix Q.
    template <
        typename Real,
        typename... ArgumentSet>
    arma::Mat<Real> randomOrthogonal(
        integer n, 
        ArgumentSet&&... argumentSet)
        ENSURE_OP(n, >=, 0);

        integer orientation = 
            PASTEL_ARG_S(orientation, (integer)0);

        // "How to Generate Random Matrices
        // from the Classical Compact Groups",
        // Francesco Mezzadri,
        // Notices of the AMS,
        // Volume 54, Number 5, 2007.

        arma::Mat<Real> Q;
        if (n == 0)
            return Q;

        // Generate a random matrix M where each 
        // element is normally distributed.
        arma::Mat<Real> M = arma::randn<arma::Mat<Real>>(n, n);

        // Take the qr-decomposition of M.
        arma::Mat<Real> R;
        arma::qr(Q, R, M);

        // The Q is now a random orthogonal matrix, but it
        // is not quite uniformly (Haar) distributed. The 
        // problem is that the qr-decomposition algorithm has
        // freedom in how to choose the signs of the diagonal
        // elements of R, which brings in systematic bias.
        // We remove this bias by forcing the diagonal of R 
        // to be non-negative.
        Q.cols(R.diag() < 0) = -Q.cols(R.diag() < 0);

        // There is no need to negate the corresponding 
        // rows of R, since we do not use R.

        if (orientation != 0 &&
            sign(arma::det(Q)) != sign(orientation))
            // The sign of the determinant is incorrect.
            // Negate some column of Q. 
            Q.col(0) = -Q.col(0);

            // This negation does not affect the uniform
            // distribution property, because choosing to
            // do it is based on the properties of the 
            // generated random matrix.

        return Q;

