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// Description: Algorithms for aligned boxes


#include "pastel/sys/alignedbox.h"

namespace Pastel

    //! Converts a point to a linear index in an integer grid.
   The point to convert.   

   The 'stride[i]' tells how much the index increases
   when moving one unit along the i:th axis.

   The linear index, which is computed from 'dot(point, stride)'.
    template <integer N>
    integer linearIndex(
        const Vector<integer, N>& point,
        const Vector<integer, N>& stride);

    //! Converts a linear index into a point in an integer grid.
   This is the inverse function of 'linearIndex()'. 
   See the documentation for that function.
    template <integer N>
    Vector<integer, N> position(
        integer linearIndex,
        const Vector<integer, N>& stride,
        const Vector<integer, N>& order);

    //! Converts a linear index into a point in an integer grid.
   This function assumes that order = [0, 1, ..., n - 1],
   i.e. row-major.
    template <integer N>
    Vector<integer, N> position(
        integer linearIndex,
        const Vector<integer, N>& stride);

    //! Calls 'positionVisitor' at each point in the region.
   The set of points to visit.

   The functor to call at each point.
   See 'positionvisitor.txt'.
   The number of visited points.

   The number of visited points is not necessarily the number
   of points in the 'region', because the 'positionVisitor'
   can ask for an early exit.
    template <integer N, typename PositionVisitor>
    integer forEach(
        const AlignedBox<integer, N>& region,
        PositionVisitor positionVisitor);

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    Vector<Real, N> discreteToContinuous(
        const AlignedBox<Real, N>& continuousRange,
        const AlignedBox<integer, N>& discreteRange,
        const Vector<integer, N>& discretePoint);

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    AlignedBox<Real, N> discreteToContinuous(
        const AlignedBox<Real, N>& continuousRange,
        const AlignedBox<integer, N>& discreteRange,
        const AlignedBox<integer, N>& discreteBox);

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    Vector<integer, N> continuousToDiscrete(
        const AlignedBox<Real, N>& continuousRange,
        const AlignedBox<integer, N>& discreteRange,
        const Vector<Real, N>& continuousPoint);

    template <typename Real, integer N>
    AlignedBox<integer, N> continuousToDiscrete(
        const AlignedBox<Real, N>& continuousRange,
        const AlignedBox<integer, N>& discreteRange,
        const AlignedBox<Real, N>& continuousBox);


#include "pastel/sys/alignedbox/alignedbox_tools.hpp"
