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A data structure is customizable, if
A customization is a single-parameter class template, parametrized by the settings-type of the data-structure that is to be customized. The data-structure is passed the customization from whose settings-instance it publicly derives from. The customization makes its constructors and its assignment operator available only to the data-structure, to avoid the possibility of slicing.
template <
typename Settings,
template <typename> class Customization>
class DataStructure
: public Customization<Settings>
void insert(int someParameter)
// A customization point.
template <typename Settings>
class Demo_Customization
// Since the data structure inherits from its customization,
// you can extend the public interface of the data structure
// by specifying public functions here.
void newMemberFunction()
// The customization functions should be protected
// so that they can only be called by the data structure.
Demo_Customization() {}
// The code for the customization points.
void onInsert(int someParameter) {}
// These functions will not be used, and so should
// be deleted to avoid accidental splicing.
Demo_Customization(const Demo_Customization& that) = delete;
Demo_Customization(Demo_Customization&& that) = delete;
Demo_Customization& operator=(Demo_Customization) = delete;
// Since the data structure is derived from the
// customization, a reference to the data structure
// can be obtained by casting.
DataStructure<Settings, ::Demo_Customization>& self()
return (DataStructure<Settings, ::Demo_Customization>&)*this;
const DataStructure<Settings, ::Demo_Customization>& self() const
return (const DataStructure<Settings, ::Demo_Customization>&)*this;
// Customization state can be introduced here.
int state_;
// This is how the data structure appears in code.
template <typename Settings, template <typename> class Customization>
void f(const DataStructure<Settings, Customization>& dataStructure)
int main()
class Settings {};
DataStructure<Settings, Demo_Customization> a;
return 0;
The red-black tree is a self-balancing binary search tree. In Pastel, this data structure is customizable. This allows, among other things, to define a propagation function which is used to propagate information from a children node to a parent node. This allows to solve many algorithmic problems, such as the maximum clique problem for aligned boxes, and to implement new data structures, such as the interval tree.