Class wrapping

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Class wrapping is a technique for transparently indirecting operations to a native type through a class type. This is useful in the implementation of a data structure which supports embedding user-data in its parts. First, deriving from the wrapped type automatically makes use of the empty base-class optimization, so that memory-use can be completely avoided when user-data is not needed. Second, being able to derive from arbitrary types makes it possible to fuse several layers of user-data and data-structure-specific data seamlessly together.


The idea behind class wrapping is best demonstrated by its actual implementation:

template <typename Type>
class Class

        : member_()

    Class(Type that)
        : member_(that)

    operator Type&()
        return member_;

    operator const Type&() const
        return member_;

    Type member_;

template <>
class Class<void>
: boost::less_than_comparable<Class<void>,
> >


    bool operator<(const Class& that) const
        return false;

    bool operator==(const Class& that)
        return true;

Trivial comparison functions, and a trivial hash function, are defined for the void-wrapper. This way Class<void> works, for example, as a key in the red-black tree (it is useful!). A void-wrapper can only be default-constructed, or constructed from a null-pointer. This way nullptr can be passed, for example, in place of the key in a red-black tree. A redirecting hash function is defined for the non-void wrappers. We allow wrapping only for scalar types, and the void type, since there is no advantage in doing so for the other types. Correspondingly, we provide a way to wrap a type conditionally as follows:

template <typename Type>
using As_Class = 
    typename std::conditional<
    std::is_scalar<Type>::value ||
    Class<Type>, Type


An example is given by a generic graph data structure which allows to embed user-defined labels into the edges and vertices. In case the user data-type (say, for the edges) is void, no memory should be allocated for the user data. Using the class-wrapping pattern in this section, this would be implemented similarly to the following.

#include "pastel/sys/generic/class.h"

using namespace Pastel;

class Vertex {};

template <typename EdgeData>
class Edge
    : public As_Class<EdgeData>
    using Base = As_Class<EdgeData>;

    Edge& operator=(Edge edge) = delete;

    Vertex* from() {return from_;}
    Vertex* to() {return to_;}

    //! Assigns to the contained data.
    template <typename Type>
    Edge& operator=(Type&& that)
        ((Base&)*this) = std::forward<Type>(that);
        return *this;

    Vertex* from_;
    Vertex* to_;

class Label
    int label;

int main()
    Edge<void> a;

    Edge<int> b;
    b = 5;;

    Edge<Label> c;
    c.label = 5;

    return 0;


Class wrapping

Testing for class wrapping