// Description: Maximal bipartite matching
#include "pastel/sys/mytypes.h"
#include "pastel/sys/output/output_concept.h"
namespace Pastel
//! Maximal bipartite matching
Maximal matching works as a fast
approximation to the maximum matching.
A maximal matching is not necessary
a maximum matching; see
for that.
nA >= 0
nB >= 0
Time complexity:
O(|A| + |E|) worst case
V = A union B is the set of vertices, and
E subset A x B is the set of edges.
nA, nB:
The number of vertices in the A and B set,
The number of edges in the maximal matching.
Optional arguments
forEachAdjacentToA (A x (B -> bool)) -> C):
A function g : A x (B -> bool) -> C, which for
g(a, f) calls f(b) for all (a, b) in E. The f
returns whether to continue iterating over adjacent
vertices, to which g must respond.
report (A x B -> C):
The edges in the maximal matching will be reported
in the form report(a, b), where a in A and b in B.
template <
typename ForEachAdjacentToA,
typename... ArgumentSet>
integer maximalBipartiteMatching(
integer nA,
integer nB,
const ForEachAdjacentToA& forEachAdjacentToA,
ArgumentSet&&... argumentSet);
#include "pastel/sys/graph/matching/maximal_bipartite_matching.hpp"