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// Description: ConstantIterator class
// Detail: A constant value iterator 
// Documentation: iterator.txt


#include "pastel/sys/mytypes.h"
#include "pastel/sys/range.h"

#include <boost/operators.hpp>

#include <iterator>

namespace Pastel

    template <typename Type>
    class ConstantIterator
        : public boost::random_access_iterator_helper<
        ConstantIterator<Type>, Type, integer, const Type*, const Type>
        // Note the reference is const Type and not const Type&.
        // You can't return a reference since a temporary 
        // iterator can get destructed before the data
        // is accessed.

        // Using default copy constructor.
        // Using default assignment.
        // Using default destructor.

            : index_(0)
            , data_()

        explicit ConstantIterator(const Type& data, integer index = 0)
            : index_(index)
            , data_(data)

        ConstantIterator& operator++()
            return *this;

        ConstantIterator& operator--()
            return *this;

        ConstantIterator& operator+=(integer that)
            index_ += that;
            return *this;

        ConstantIterator& operator-=(integer that)
            index_ -= that;
            return *this;

        integer operator-(const ConstantIterator& that) const
            return index_ - that.index_;

        //const Type& operator*() const
        Type operator*() const
            return data_;

        bool operator==(const ConstantIterator& that) const
            return index_ == that.index_;

        bool operator<(const ConstantIterator& that) const
            return index_ < that.index_;

        integer index_;
        Type data_;

    template <typename Type>
    ConstantIterator<Type> constantIterator(
        const Type& that, integer index = 0)
        return ConstantIterator<Type>(that, index);

    template <typename Type>
    using ConstantRange = 

    template <typename Type>
    ConstantRange<Type> constantRange(
        const Type& that, integer size = 1)
        return Pastel::range(constantIterator(that), constantIterator(that, size));

