
Back to Doubly-linked list



#include "pastel/sys/list/list_partition.h"
#include "pastel/sys/tristate.h"

namespace Pastel

    template <
        typename Settings,
        template <typename> class Customization,
        typename Predicate>
    std::pair<std::pair<typename List<Settings, Customization>::iterator, integer>,
        std::pair<typename List<Settings, Customization>::iterator, integer> >
        List<Settings, Customization>& list,
        const typename List<Settings, Customization>::ConstRange& range,
        const Predicate& predicate)
        using List = List<Settings, Customization>;
        using Iterator = typename List::iterator;
        using ConstIterator = typename List::const_iterator;

        // The idea is to construct two lists,
        // those that fulfill the predicate and
        // those that don't.
        // The objects are not copied: instead
        // they are spliced between the lists.
        // In the end the individual lists
        // are spliced back to the original list.

        List trueList;
        List falseList;
        List trueBothList;
        List falseBothList;

        integer trueCount = 0;
        integer falseCount = 0;
        integer trueBothCount = 0;
        integer falseBothCount = 0;

        ConstIterator iter = std::begin(range);
        ConstIterator to = std::end(range);
        while(iter != to)
            ConstIterator next = iter;

            TriState side = predicate(*iter);
            if (side == TriState::True)
                trueList.splice(trueList.end(), list, iter);
            else if (side == TriState::False)
                falseList.splice(falseList.end(), list, iter);
                if (trueBothCount < falseBothCount)
                    trueBothList.splice(trueBothList.end(), list, iter);
                    falseBothList.splice(falseBothList.end(), list, iter);

            iter = next;

        if (trueCount < falseCount)
            trueList.splice(trueList.end(), falseBothList);
            falseList.splice(falseList.end(), trueBothList);
            std::swap(trueBothCount, falseBothCount);
            trueList.splice(trueList.end(), trueBothList);
            falseList.splice(falseList.end(), falseBothList);

        // Splice back to the original list.

        ConstIterator falseStart = falseList.begin();
        if (falseList.empty())
            falseStart = to;

        ConstIterator trueStart = trueList.begin();
        if (trueList.empty())
            trueStart = falseStart;

        list.splice(to, trueList);
        list.splice(to, falseList);

        return std::make_pair(
            std::make_pair(list.cast(trueStart), trueCount + trueBothCount),
            std::make_pair(list.cast(falseStart), falseCount + falseBothCount));

    template <
        typename Settings,
        template <typename> class Customization,
        typename Predicate>
    std::pair<std::pair<typename List<Settings, Customization>::iterator, integer>,
        std::pair<typename List<Settings, Customization>::iterator, integer> >
        List<Settings, Customization>& list,
        const typename List<Settings, Customization>::ConstRange& range,
        const Predicate& predicate)
        using List = List<Settings, Customization>;
        using Iterator = typename List::iterator;
        using ConstIterator = typename List::const_iterator;

        // The idea is to construct two lists,
        // those that fulfill the predicate and
        // those that don't. Because the predicate is
        // tertiary, there are also those that will get
        // included in both lists.
        // When the object goes to one list
        // only, it can be spliced if the lists
        // share an allocator.
        // When the object goes to both lists,
        // one extra copy needs to be done for the other
        // list, while for the other splicing can be used.
        // In the end, the invidual lists are again
        // spliced back to the original list.

        if (range.empty())
            // Nothing to do.

            return std::make_pair(
                std::make_pair(list.end(), 0),
                std::make_pair(list.end(), 0));

        List trueList;
        List falseList;

        integer trueCount = 0;
        integer falseCount = 0;

        ConstIterator iter = std::begin(range);
        ConstIterator to = std::end(range);
        while(iter != to)
            ConstIterator next = iter;

            const TriState side = predicate(*iter);
            if (side == TriState::True)
                trueList.splice(trueList.end(), list, iter);
            else if (side == TriState::False)
                falseList.splice(falseList.end(), list, iter);
            else if (side == TriState::Both)
                falseList.splice(falseList.end(), list, iter);

            iter = next;

        // Splice back to the original list.

        ConstIterator falseStart = falseList.begin();
        if (falseList.empty())
            falseStart = to;

        ConstIterator trueStart = trueList.begin();
        if (trueList.empty())
            trueStart = falseStart;

        list.splice(to, trueList);
        list.splice(to, falseList);

        return std::make_pair(
            std::make_pair(list.cast(trueStart), trueCount),
            std::make_pair(list.cast(falseStart), falseCount));

