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#include "pastel/sys/math/logarithm.h"
#include "pastel/sys/math/constants.h"
#include "pastel/sys/ensure.h"
#include "pastel/sys/math/number_tests.h"
#include "pastel/sys/sequence/binary_search.h"

#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>

namespace Pastel

    template <typename Real>
    integer floorLog2(
        NoDeduction<Real> x)
        PENSURE_OP(x, >=, 1);

        integer power = 0;
        while (x >= 2)
            x /= 2;

        return power;

    template <typename Real>
    Real log2(
        const NoDeduction<Real>& x)
        PENSURE_OP(x, >=, 0);

        return std::log(x) / constantLn2<Real>();

    template <typename Finite_Integer>
    integer integerLog2(const Finite_Integer& that)

        auto zeroShift = [&](integer level)
            return zero(that >> level);

        // We do not use the exponential binary search here:
        // it uses about 2 log(log(that)) comparisons, while the binary
        // search takes only log(bits) comparisons. For bits = 64,
        // and that >= 2^8, the exponential binary search takes
        // >= 6 comparisons, and <= 12 comparisons, while 
        // the binary search always takes 6 comparisons.

        // It is important to get the number of bits correct;
        // right shift by a greater amount of bits is undefined. 
        // In particular, such a right shift may not always be zero.
        // I hit this problem while testing this function with an
        // upper-bound of 64 and (integer)Infinity().

        return binarySearch(
            (integer)0, bits(that), 
            zeroShift) - 1;

    template <typename Finite_Integer>
    integer integerCeilLog2(const Finite_Integer& that)
        ENSURE_OP(that, >, 0);
        if (isPowerOfTwo(that))
            return integerLog2(that);

        return integerLog2(that) + 1;

