
Back to PastelSys


// Description: Fundamental types and macros
// Documentation: pastelsys.txt


// FIX: Aim to remove this dependency.
#include "omp.h"

#include <cstddef>
#include <climits>
#include <type_traits>
#include <functional>

#define PASTEL_FWD(member) using member = typename Fwd::member

// FIX: Remove when default error-message becomes available in C++17.
#define PASTEL_STATIC_ASSERT(...) static_assert((__VA_ARGS__), #__VA_ARGS__);
#define PASTEL_GETTER(name) \
   const auto& name() const {return name##_;};

namespace Pastel

    namespace Types

        // Shortened native types

        using schar = signed char;
        using longlong = long long;

        using uchar = unsigned char;
        using ushort = unsigned short;
        using uint = unsigned int;
        using ulong = unsigned long;
        using ulonglong = unsigned long long;

        // Absolute size types

        // PORTABILITY: the size of the native
        // types is not defined in standard C++.
        // We check these assumptions at compile-time
        // in pastelsys.cpp.

        using int8 = char;
        using int16 = short;
        using int32 = int;
        using int64 = long long;

        using uint8 = std::make_unsigned<int8>::type;
        using uint16 = std::make_unsigned<int16>::type;
        using uint32 = std::make_unsigned<int32>::type;
        using uint64 = std::make_unsigned<int64>::type;

        using real32 = float;
        using real64 = double;
        using real32_ieee = real32;
        using real64_ieee = real64;

        //! Integer capable of holding a pointer.
       sizeof(void*) == sizeof(pointer_integer)
       'pointer_integer' is a native signed integer type.
        using pointer_integer = std::ptrdiff_t;

        //! Abstract native integer type
       This should be the native integer type on the computer.
       For example, on 32-bit computers we expect this to be 32-bit,
       and on 64-bit computers we expect this to be 64-bit.
        using uinteger = std::size_t;
        using integer = std::make_signed<uinteger>::type;

        // Parametrized absolute size types.

        //! A native signed integer with the given number of bits.
        template <integer N> struct IntegerOfSize_F {};
        template <> struct IntegerOfSize_F<8> { using type = int8; };
        template <> struct IntegerOfSize_F<16> { using type = int16; };
        template <> struct IntegerOfSize_F<32> { using type = int32; };
        template <> struct IntegerOfSize_F<64> { using type = int64; };

        //! A native signed integer with the given number of bits.
        template <integer N>
        using IntegerOfSize = typename IntegerOfSize_F<N>::type;

        //! A native unsigned integer with the given number of bits.
        template <integer N> 
        struct UIntegerOfSize_F
            using type = typename std::make_unsigned<IntegerOfSize<N>>::type;

        //! A native unsigned integer with the given number of bits.
        template <integer N>
        using UIntegerOfSize = typename UIntegerOfSize_F<N>::type;

        //! A native floating-point number with the given number of bits.
        template <integer N> struct RealOfSize_F {};
        template <> struct RealOfSize_F<32> { using type = real32; };
        template <> struct RealOfSize_F<64> { using type = real64; };

        //! A native floating-point number with the given number of bits.
        template <integer N>
        using RealOfSize = typename RealOfSize_F<N>::type;

        template <typename Type>
        struct SizeInBits
            // Note that 
            // std::numeric_limits<Type>::digits is 
            // CHAR_BIT for unsigned integers, and
            // CHAR_BIT - 1 for signed integers.
            // So CHAR_BIT is really what we want 
            // to use here.
            static constexpr integer value =
                sizeof(Type) * CHAR_BIT;

        //! Returns the number of bits a type takes.
       This is equal to sizeof(Type) * CHAR_BIT.
        template <typename Type>
        constexpr integer sizeInBits()
            return SizeInBits<Type>::value;

        //! An integer with half the number of bits as in 'integer'.
        using integer_half = IntegerOfSize<SizeInBits<integer>::value / 2>;
        using uinteger_half = std::make_unsigned<integer_half>::type;

        //! Abstract native real type
       'real' is a native floating point type.
        using real = real64;

        //! Integer for holding hash integers.
       An integer of this type is used to hold hash
        using hash_integer = std::size_t;

        template <bool Value>
        using BoolConstant = 
            std::integral_constant<bool, Value>;

        template <integer Value>
        using IntegerConstant = 
            std::integral_constant<integer, Value>;


    // FIX: Get rid of these by substituting proper concepts
    // where they are used.
    namespace Types

        // An integer literal for documenting concepts.
        static constexpr integer UserDefinedInteger = 0;
        // A boolean literal for documenting concepts.
        static constexpr bool UserDefinedBoolean = true;
        // A type for documenting concepts.
        class UserDefinedType {};


    namespace Types

        static constexpr int Dynamic = -1;


    using namespace Pastel::Types;


namespace Pastel

    //! Returns the size of an array.
    template <typename Type, integer N>
    constexpr integer arraySize(Type (&)[N])
        return N;


// Note that the order of the includes here is important.
// We are bringing basic functionality in one header at a time.

#include "pastel/sys/template_class.h"
#include "pastel/sys/type_checks.h"
#include "pastel/sys/sfinae.h"
#include "pastel/sys/infinity.h"
#include "pastel/sys/nan.h"
#include "pastel/sys/concept.h"
#include "pastel/sys/generic/tag.h"
#include "pastel/sys/settings_type.h"
#include "pastel/sys/iterator_macros.h"
#include "pastel/sys/no_op_functions.h"
#include "pastel/sys/allocation.h"
#include "pastel/sys/named_parameter.h"
#include "pastel/sys/range.h"
#include "pastel/sys/operators.h"
#include "pastel/sys/predicate/derived_predicates.h"
#include "range/v3/range_for.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/printable/printable_concept.h"
#include "pastel/sys/hashing.h"
