
Back to Memory management


// Description: Smart array pointer
// Documentation: memory.txt


#include "pastel/sys/mytypes.h"
#include "pastel/sys/ensure.h"

namespace Pastel

    template <typename Type>
    class ArrayPtr
        //! Constructs an empty array-pointer.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        : data_(0)
        , size_(0)

        //! Array-pointers can not be copied.
        ArrayPtr(const ArrayPtr& that) = delete;

        //! Move-constructs an array-pointer.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        ArrayPtr(ArrayPtr&& that)
        : ArrayPtr()

        //! Constructs from a raw-array-pointer and size.
       data has been allocated with new[]
       size >= 0

       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        ArrayPtr(Type* data, integer size)
        : data_(data)
        , size_(size)
            PENSURE_OP(size, >=, 0);

        //! Destructs an array-pointer.
       Calls clear().

       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow

        explicit operator bool() const
            return data_ != 0;

        //! Assigning is not allowed.
        ArrayPtr& operator=(const ArrayPtr& that) = delete;

        //! Move-assigns from another array-pointer.
       The memory stored in the array-pointer is deallocated
       with delete[].

       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        ArrayPtr& operator=(ArrayPtr&& that)
            ArrayPtr moved(std::move(that));
            return *this;

        //! Deallocates stored memory.
       The memory stored is deallocated using delete[].

       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void clear()
            if (data_)
                delete[] data_;
            data_ = 0;
            size_ = 0;

        //! Sets the stored raw-array-pointer and size.
       data has been allocated with new[]
       size >= 0

       The existing memory is deallocated with clear().

       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void set(Type* data, integer size)
            PENSURE_OP(size, >=, 0);

            ArrayPtr copy(data, size);

        //! Returns the stored raw-array-pointer.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Type* get()
            return data_;

        //! Returns the stored raw-array-pointer.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        const Type* get() const
            return data_;

        //! Swaps two array-pointers.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void swap(ArrayPtr& that)
            std::swap(data_, that.data_);
            std::swap(size_, that.size_);

        //! Returns the element at index i.
       See the documentation for const version.
        Type& operator[](integer i)
            PENSURE_OP(i, >=, 0);
            PENSURE_OP(i, <, size());
            return data_[i];

        //! Returns the element at index i.
       0 <= i < size()

       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        const Type& operator[](integer i) const
            PENSURE_OP(i, >=, 0);
            PENSURE_OP(i, <, size());
            return data_[i];

        //! Resizes the array.
       size >= 0

       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void resize(integer size)
            ENSURE_OP(size, >=, 0);
            size_ = size;

        //! Returns the size of the array.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        integer size() const
            return size_;

        Type* data_;
        integer size_;

