Back to Triangle-distributed random numbers
#include "pastel/sys/random/random_triangle.h"
namespace Pastel
template <typename Real>
Real randomTriangle()
// See the more general function
// for derivation.
const Real dy = 2 * random<Real>();
if (dy >= 1)
return 1 - std::sqrt(dy - 1);
return std::sqrt(dy) - 1;
template <typename Real>
Real randomTriangle(
const NoDeduction<Real>& leftWidth,
const NoDeduction<Real>& rightWidth)
PENSURE_OP(leftWidth, >, 0);
PENSURE_OP(rightWidth, >, 0);
m = mode - min
n = max - mode
d = max - min
The area A of the triangle
(min, 0), (mode, h), (max, 0)
A = d * h / 2
Restricting A = 1 gives
1 = d * h / 2
h = 2 / d
The pdf u(x) of the triangle distribution is
as follows:
If x < min:
u(x) = 0
If min <= x < mode:
u(x) = h * (x - min) / m
= 2 * (x - min) / (m d)
If mode <= x <= max:
u(x) = h * (max - x) / n
= 2 * (max - x) / (n d)
If x > max:
u(x) = 0
The cdf f(x) of the triangle distribution is
as follows:
If x < min:
f(x) = 0
If min <= x < mode:
f(x) = (x - min) * (h * (x - min) / m) / 2
= h * (x - min)^2 / (2m)
= (h / 2) * ((x - min)^2 / m)
= (1 / d) * ((x - min)^2 / m)
If mode <= x <= max:
f(x) = h * m / 2 + (max - x) * (h * (max - x) / n) / 2
= h * m / 2 + h * (max - x)^2 / (2n)
= (h / 2) (m + (max - x)^2 / n)
= (1 / d) (m + (max - x)^2 / n)
If x > max:
f(x) = 1
Invert f(x) in the domain [min, max]:
If min <= x < mode:
y = (1 / d) * ((x - min)^2 / m)
d m y = (x - min)^2
sqrt(d m y) = x - min
x = min + sqrt(d m y)
If mode <= x <= max:
y = (1 / d) (m + (max - x)^2 / n)
d y = m + (max - x)^2 / n
d y - m = (max - x)^2 / n
(d y - m) n = (max - x)^2
sqrt((d y - m) n) = max - x
x = max - sqrt((d y - m) n)
// We assume:
// mode = 0
// min = -leftWidth
// max = rightWidth
const Real dy = (rightWidth + leftWidth) * random<Real>();
if (dy >= leftWidth)
return rightWidth - std::sqrt((dy - leftWidth) * rightWidth);
return std::sqrt(leftWidth * dy) - leftWidth;
template <typename Real>
Real trianglePdf(
const NoDeduction<Real>& x)
Real xAbs = abs(x);
if (xAbs > 1)
return 0;
return 1 - xAbs;
template <typename Real>
Real trianglePdf(
const NoDeduction<Real>& x,
const NoDeduction<Real>& leftWidth,
const NoDeduction<Real>& rightWidth)
PENSURE_OP(leftWidth, >, 0);
PENSURE_OP(rightWidth, >, 0);
if (x < -leftWidth || x > rightWidth)
return 0;
Real d = leftWidth + rightWidth;
if (x < 0)
return 2 * (x + leftWidth) / (leftWidth * d);
return 2 * (rightWidth - x) / (rightWidth * d);