
Back to Red-black tree


// Description: Red-black tree


#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_fwd.h"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_concepts.h"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_node.h"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_iterator.h"
#include "pastel/sys/downfilter/all_downfilter.h"

namespace Pastel

    template <typename Settings>
    using Empty_RedBlackTree_Customization =

    //! Red-black tree
   Space complexity: O(size())
    template <
        typename Settings_,
        template <typename> class Customization_ = Empty_RedBlackTree_Customization>
    class RedBlackTree
        : public Customization_<Settings_>
        // See redblacktree_fwd.h for the documentation
        // for the following types.
        using Settings = Settings_;
        using Fwd = RedBlackTree_Fwd<Settings>;
        using Customization = Customization_<Settings_>;






        using iterator = Iterator;
        using const_iterator = ConstIterator;

        //! Constructs an empty tree.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: strong

       The tree is given a single sentinel node.
       The sentinel's propagation data, if exists, 
       is default-constructed.

        //! Copy-constructs from another tree.
       Time complexity: O(that.size())
       Exception safety: strong

       The tree is given separate sentinel nodes.
       The bottom node is shared with 'that'.
       The end node's propagation data, if exists, 
       is copy-constructed from 'that'.
        RedBlackTree(const RedBlackTree& that)
        : RedBlackTree(that, that.bottom_)

        //! Move-constructs from another tree.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: strong

       The tree is given separate sentinel nodes.
       The bottom node is shared with 'that'.
       The end node's propagation data, if exists,
       is copy-constructed from 'that'.
        RedBlackTree(RedBlackTree&& that)
            : bottom_(that.bottom_)
            , end_(std::make_shared<Sentinel_Node>())
            *this = std::move(that);

        //! Constructs from a list of keys.
       Time complexity: O(dataSet.size())
       Exception safety: strong

       The tree is given a single sentinel node.
       The user-data is default-initialized.
       The sentinel's propagation, if exists, 
       is default-constructed.
        template <typename Key_>
        RedBlackTree(std::initializer_list<Key_> dataSet)
            *this = dataSet;

        //! Constructs from a list of key-value pairs.
       Time complexity: O(dataSet.size())
       Exception safety: strong

       The tree is given a single sentinel node.
       The sentinel's propagation, if exists, 
       is default-constructed.
        RedBlackTree(std::initializer_list<std::pair<Key, Data_Class>> dataSet)
            *this = dataSet;

        //! Copy-assigns from another tree.
       Time complexity: O(size() + that.size())
       Exception safety: strong

       Preserves sentinels.
        RedBlackTree& operator=(const RedBlackTree& that)
            RedBlackTree copy(that, bottom_);
            return *this;

        //! Move-assigns from another tree.
       Time complexity: O(size())
       Exception safety: nothrow

       Preserves the end-node, shares 
       the bottom node with 'that'.
        RedBlackTree& operator=(RedBlackTree&& that)
            return *this;

        //! Assigns a list of keys.
       Time complexity: O(size() + dataSet.size())
       Exception safety: strong

       Preserves sentinels.
       The user-data will be default-initialized.
        template <typename Key_>
        RedBlackTree& operator=(std::initializer_list<Key_> dataSet)
            auto construct = [&](RedBlackTree& copy)
                RANGES_FOR(auto&& key, dataSet)

            return constructAndSwap(construct);

        //! Assigns a list of key-value pairs.
       Time complexity: O(size() + dataSet.size())
       Exception safety: strong

       Preserves sentinels.
        RedBlackTree& operator=(std::initializer_list<std::pair<Key, Data_Class>> dataSet)
            auto construct = [&](RedBlackTree& copy)
                RANGES_FOR(auto&& keyValue, dataSet)
                    copy.insert(keyValue.first, keyValue.second);

            return constructAndSwap(construct);

        //! Destructs the tree.
       Time complexity: O(size())
       Exception safety: nothrow

        //! Swaps two trees.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void swap(RedBlackTree& that);

        //! Swaps elements with another tree.

       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow

       Preserves the sentinels in both trees, 
       but swaps everything else.
        void swapElements(RedBlackTree& that);

        //! Removes all elements from the tree.
       Time complexity: O(size()) + onClear()
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void clear();

        //! Returns the number of elements in the tree.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        integer size() const
            return croot().size();

        //! Returns true if the tree is empty.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        bool empty() const
            return croot().isSentinel();

        //! Returns the black-height of the tree.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow

       The black-height of the tree is the black-height
       of the root node. If the tree is empty, then the
       black-height is zero. Note that, since we do not
       require the root to be black, a tree can have
       black-height zero without being empty.
        integer blackHeight() const
            return blackHeight_;

        //! Returns the black-height of a node.
       Time complexity: O(d)
       d is the depth of the the node.

       Exception safety: nothrow

       The black-height of a node is the number of black nodes
       on a downward path from that node to a sentinel node. This
       is well-defined by the red-black invariants.
        integer blackHeight(const ConstIterator& node) const
            if (node->isSentinel())
                return 0;

            integer result = blackHeight_;
                node = node->parent();
                result -= node->black();

            return result;

        //! Inserts an element into the tree.
       Time complexity: O(log(size())) * updatePropagation() + onInsert()
       Exception safety: strong + onInsert()

       If multiple keys are allowed, an iterator to the new element.
       Otherwise an iterator-bool pair, where the boolean tells whether
       the element was inserted. In case the element is not inserted,
       the iterator points to the existing equivalent element.
        Insert_Return insert(
            const Key_Class& key, 
            const Data_Class& data = Data_Class());

        //! Removes an element from the tree by its iterator.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow

       If that == cend(), then nothing happens. This is
       so that erase(find(key)) works even if the key is
       not stored in the tree.

        Iterator erase(const ConstIterator& that);

        //! Removes elements in a range.
       Time complexity: O(k log(size()))
       k is the number of removed elements.

       Exception safety: nothrow

        Iterator erase(const ConstRange& range);

        //! Removes elements in a range.
       This is a convenience function which calls
       erase(ConstRange(begin, end)).
        Iterator erase(
            const ConstIterator& begin,
            const ConstIterator& end);

        //! Removes all elements equivalent to the key.
       This is a convenience function which calls
        Iterator erase(const Key_Class& key);

        //! Splices an element from 'that' tree to this tree.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow

       The result of the splicing is the same as subsequent
       erase() and insert() calls, however, no constructors or 
       destructors are performed for the data.
        Insert_Return splice(
            RedBlackTree& that, 
            const ConstIterator& thatFrom);

        //! Returns whether an element is contained in the tree.
       This is a convenience function which returns
       find(key, filter) != cend().
        template <typename DownFilter = All_DownFilter>
        bool exists(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const DownFilter& filter = DownFilter()) const
            return find(key, filter) != cend();

        //! Searches for the first element with key == 'key'.
       The subtree-indicator holds for a subtree if and only 
       if the element-indicator holds for some element in the

       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow

       If there are multiple elements equivalent to 'key',
       then the first of them is returned (same as lowerBound()).
        template <typename DownFilter = All_DownFilter>
        ConstIterator find(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const DownFilter& filter = DownFilter()) const;

        template <typename DownFilter = All_DownFilter>
        Iterator find(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const DownFilter& filter = DownFilter())
            return cast(addConst(*this).find(
                key, filter));

        //! Finds the top-most element equivalent to key, and an upper bound.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow

       The upper bound is the smallest upper-bound located above the
       top-most element.
        FindEqual_Return findEqualAndUpper(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const ConstIterator& start) const;

        //! Finds the top-most element equivalent to key, and an upper bound.
       This is a convenience function which returns
       findEqualAndUpper(key, croot()).
        FindEqual_Return findEqualAndUpper(
            const Key_Class& key) const
            return findEqualAndUpper(key, croot());

        //! Finds the node under which to insert the key.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow

       If there are multiple equivalent elements, then
       the insertion position is chosen as the last in 
       the in-order sequence of equivalent keys. Thus
       the insertion always retains the order in which
       the equivalent keys were added.

       See the documentation for FindInsert_Return
       in redblacktree_fwd.h
        FindInsert_Return findInsert(
            const Key_Class& key, 
            const FindEqual_Return& equalRoot) const;

        //! Finds the node at which to join another tree.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow
        ConstIterator findJoin(
            integer joinBlackHeight,
            bool right) const;

        //! Returns the elements equivalent to the given key.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow
        template <typename DownFilter = All_DownFilter>
        ConstRange equalRange(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const DownFilter& filter = DownFilter()) const
            auto equalAndUpper = findEqualAndUpper(key);
            return ConstRange(
                lowerBound(key, equalAndUpper, filter),
                upperBound(key, equalAndUpper, filter));

        std::pair<ConstIterator, ConstIterator> 
            equal_range(const Key_Class& key) const
            ConstRange range = equalRange(key);
            return std::make_pair(range.begin(), range.end());

        //! Returns the elements equivalent to the given key.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow

        template <typename DownFilter = All_DownFilter>
        Range equalRange(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const DownFilter& filter = DownFilter())
            return cast(addConst(*this).equalRange(key, filter));

        std::pair<Iterator, Iterator> 
            equal_range(const Key_Class& key)
            Range range = equalRange(key);
            return std::make_pair(range.begin(), range.end());

        //! Return the first element with key >= 'key'.
       This is a convenience function which calls
        template <typename DownFilter>
        ConstIterator lowerBound(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const DownFilter& filter) const
            return lowerBound(key, findEqualAndUpper(key), filter);

        template <typename DownFilter = All_DownFilter>
        Iterator lowerBound(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const DownFilter& filter = DownFilter())
            return cast(addConst(*this).lowerBound(key, filter));

        ConstIterator lower_bound(const Key_Class& key) const
            return lowerBound(key);

        Iterator lower_bound(const Key_Class& key)
            return lowerBound(key);

        //! Searches for the first element with key > 'key'.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow
        template <typename DownFilter = All_DownFilter>
        ConstIterator upperBound(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const DownFilter& filter = DownFilter()) const
            return upperBound(key, findEqualAndUpper(key), filter);

        template <typename DownFilter = All_DownFilter>
        Iterator upperBound(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const DownFilter& filter = DownFilter())
            return cast(addConst(*this).upperBound(key, filter));

        ConstIterator upper_bound(const Key_Class& key) const
            return upperBound(key);

        Iterator upper_bound(const Key_Class& key)
            return upperBound(key);

        //! Returns the first equivalent element below.
       Time complexity: O(log(below.size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow
        template <typename DownFilter>
        ConstIterator findFirstEquivalentBelow(
            const ConstIterator& below,
            const DownFilter& filter) const;

        //! Casts away iterator constness.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Iterator cast(const ConstIterator& that)
            return Iterator((Node*)that.base());          

        //! Casts away range constness.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Range cast(const ConstRange& that)
            return Range(

            //! Appends the elements of another tree.
       empty() || 
       that.empty() ||
       last().key() <= that.begin().key() ||
       that.last().key() <= begin().key()

       If multiple keys are not allowed, then the 
       comparisons above are required to hold strictly (<).

       Time complexity: 
       O(log(n_1 + 2) - log(n_2 + 2))
       n_1 = std::max(size(), that.size()),
       n_2 = std.:min(size(), that.size()).

       Exception safety: nothrow

       The sentinel nodes are preserved.
        RedBlackTree& join(RedBlackTree& that);

        //! Splits the tree into two.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()) + 2))
       Exception safety: strong

       A red-black tree which contains all the elements
       greater-than-or-equal-to 'rightBegin', and which 
       shares the bottom node with this tree.

       The sentinel nodes are preserved.
        RedBlackTree split(const ConstIterator& rightBegin);

        //! Splits the tree into two by a key.
       This is a convenience function which returns
       split(lowerBound(key, filter)).
        template <typename DownFilter = All_DownFilter>
        RedBlackTree split(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const DownFilter& filter = DownFilter())
            return split(lowerBound(key, filter));

        //! Returns the number of equivalent elements.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow
        integer count(const Key_Class& key) const;

        //! Splits the sentinel node.

       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: strong

       The single sentinel node is split into an
       end node and a bottom node. This allows the 
       bottom node to be shared, which in turn allows 
       trees to be joined. The end-node is preserved.
        void splitSentinels();

        //! Merges the sentinel nodes.

       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow

       If the tree is empty, the bottom-node is replaced
       with the end-node, thus preserving the end-node.
       Otherwise the end-node is replaced with the bottom 
       node, thus preserving the bottom node.
        void mergeSentinels();

        //! Returns whether the tree has separate sentinels.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow

       By default, the tree has only one sentinel node,
       which works as both the bottom node and the end node.
        bool hasSeparateSentinels() const
            return endNode() != bottomNode();

        //! Shares the bottom node with another tree.

       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: 
       nothrow, if hasSeparateSentinels()
       strong, otherwise
        void useBottomFrom(const RedBlackTree& that) 
            bottom_ = that.bottom_;

        //! Returns whether the tree shares its bottom node.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        bool sharesBottom() const
            if (hasSeparateSentinels())
                return bottom_.use_count() > 1;

            return bottom_.use_count() > 2;

        //! Returns whether the trees share the same bottom node.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        bool sharesBottom(const RedBlackTree& that) const
            return bottom_ == that.bottom_;

        //! Sets the root black.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void setRootBlack()
            if (rootNode()->black())


        //! Updates propagation data on the path to root.
       * The propagation data of the children of 'node'
       are up-to-date.
       * The propagation data of a sibling in the path
       from 'node' to the root is up-to-date.

       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow

       Calls updatePropagation(node) for each node in 
       the path to the root, including 'node' itself.

       This function is needed whenever you change that
       data in 'node' from which the propagation data
       is computed.
        void updateToRoot(const ConstIterator& node)

        //! Updates propagation data on the paths to the root.
       * The propagation data of the children of the nodes
       in 'updateSet' are up-to-date.
       * The propagation data of a sibling in a path
       from a node in 'updateSet' to the root is up-to-date,
       provided that sibling is not contained in another
       such path.

       Time complexity: O(m) * updatePropagation()
       m is the number of nodes on the paths to the root.

       Exception safety: nothrow

       Calls updatePropagation(node) for each node in 
       the paths to the root, in correct order and exactly 
       once. This allows to make multiple changes to that 
       data from which the propagation data is computed,
       and then to update the propagation data all at once.
        template <typename ConstIterator_Range>
        void updateToRootMany(const ConstIterator_Range& updateSet);

        void updateToRootMany(
            const std::initializer_list<ConstIterator>& updateSet)

        //! Returns the smallest element.
        PASTEL_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS(begin, minNode());

        //! Returns the end node.
        PASTEL_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS(end, endNode());

        //! Returns the greatest element.
        PASTEL_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS(last, maxNode());

        //! Returns the root node.
        PASTEL_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS(root, rootNode());

        //! Returns the bottom node.
        PASTEL_ITERATOR_FUNCTIONS(bottom, bottomNode());

        //! Returns the element range.
        PASTEL_RANGE_FUNCTIONS(range, begin, end);

        //! Returns an extremum element.
        ConstIterator extremum(bool right) const
            return ConstIterator(extremumNode(right));

        Iterator extremum(bool right)
            return cast(addConst(*this).extremum(right));

        ConstIterator cextremum(bool right) const
            return extremum(right);

        //! Returns an extremum element.
        template <typename DownFilter>
        ConstIterator extremum(
            bool right,
            const DownFilter& filter) const
            return croot().findFirstBelow(!right, filter);

        template <typename DownFilter>
        Iterator extremum(
            bool right,
            const DownFilter& filter)
            return cast(addConst(*this).extremum(right, filter));

        template <typename DownFilter>
        ConstIterator cextremum(
            bool right,
            const DownFilter& filter) const
            return extremum(right, filter);


        enum EqualRange

        struct EqualRange_Return
            ConstRange range;
            ConstIterator equal;

        template <typename Type, bool MultipleKeys>
        class As_Insert_Return
            Type operator()(
                const Iterator& that, bool success) const
                return that;

        template <typename Type>
        class As_Insert_Return<Type, false>
            Type operator()(
                const Iterator& that, bool success) const
                return Type(that, success);

        Insert_Return insertReturnType(
            const Iterator& that, bool success) const
            return As_Insert_Return<Insert_Return, Settings::MultipleKeys>()(that, success);

            const RedBlackTree& that,
            const SentinelPtr& bottom);

        //! Allocates a data-node.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: strong
        Key_Node* allocateNode(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const Data_Class& data);

        //! Deallocates a data-node.

       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void deallocateNode(Key_Node* node);

        //! Attaches a new subtree into the tree.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow

       size > 0
       Attaching the subtree preserves the binary search property.
       The attached subtree shares the bottom node with this tree.

       The root of the subtree to attach into the tree.

       parent, right:
       The attachment position.

       The number of elements in the attached subtree.

       No rebalancing or propagation updates are done 
       after attaching.
        void attachSubtree(
            Node* node,
            Node* parent,
            bool right,
            integer size);

        //! Attaches a new node into the tree and rebalances.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow

       Attaching the node preserves the binary search property.
       The propagation data will not be updated.

       The node to attach into the tree.

       parent, right:
       The attachment position.
        Node* attach(
            Node* node,
            Node* parent,
            bool right);

        //! Detaches a node from the tree and rebalances.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow

       The successor of the detached node.
        Node* detach(Node* node);

        //! Fixes a black-height loss.
       * The left subtree and the right subtree of 'parent' are
       red-black trees, with propagation data up-to-date.
       * The number of black nodes on a downward path starting from
       'parent', or its ancestor, and ending in a sentinel node in the 
       'right' subtree of 'parent' is one less than it is on
       a path that does not end in the 'right' subtree of 'parent'.

       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow

       The rebalancing uses either 0, 1, 2, or 3 rotations.
       If it uses 2 rotations, then it is because of a double-rotation.
       If it uses 3 rotations, then it is because of a rotation and
       a double-rotation. 

       The node at which the black-loss rebalancing completed.
       The propagation data must be updated from this node upwards.
        Node* rebalanceBlackLoss(
            Node* parent, bool right);

        //! Fixes a red-red violation.
       * The subtree rooted at 'node' is a red-black tree,
       with propagation data up-to-date.
       * node->red()
       * !node->isSentinel()

       Time complexity: 
       d is the depth of 'node'.

       Exception safety: nothrow

       The rebalancing uses either 0, 1, or 2 rotations.
       If it uses 2 rotations, then it is because of a double-rotation.

       The node at which the red-red rebalancing completed.
       The propagation data must be updated from this node upwards.
        Node* rebalanceRedViolation(Node* node);

        template <typename DownFilter>
        ConstIterator lowerBound(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const FindEqual_Return& equalAndUpper,
            const DownFilter& filter) const;

        template <typename DownFilter>
        Iterator lowerBound(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const FindEqual_Return& equalAndUpper,
            const DownFilter& filter)
            return cast(addConst(*this).lowerBound(key, equalAndUpper, filter));

        template <typename DownFilter>
        ConstIterator upperBound(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const FindEqual_Return& equalAndUpper,
            const DownFilter& filter) const
            ConstIterator upper = 
                findInsert(key, equalAndUpper).upper;
            if (!filter.element(upper))
                upper =;
            return upper;

        template <typename DownFilter>
        Iterator upperBound(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const FindEqual_Return& equalAndUpper,
            const DownFilter& filter)
            return cast(addConst(*this).upperBound(key, equalAndUpper, filter));

        //! Returns the elements equivalent to the given key.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow
        EqualRange_Return equalRange(
            const Key_Class& key, 
            const FindEqual_Return& equalAndUpper,
            EqualRange compute) const;

        //! Returns the top-most element equivalent to the key.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow

       Equivalently, this is the first element equivalent to
       the key when traversing the tree in pre-order.
        ConstIterator findEqual(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const ConstIterator& start) const
            return findEqualAndUpper(key, start).equal;

        Iterator findEqual(
            const Key_Class& key,
            const ConstIterator& start)
            return cast(addConst(*this).findEqual(key, start));;

        //! Updates propagation data.
       Time complexity: updatePropagation()
       Exception safety: nothrow

       The update is performed only if both children
       of the node have valid propagation data.

       Whether the update was performed.
        bool update(const Iterator& element);

        bool update(Node* node)
            return update(Iterator(node));

        //! Updates propagation data on the path to root.
       Time complexity: O(log(size()))
       Exception safety: nothrow

       Calls updatePropagation(node) for each node in 
       the path to the root, including 'node' itself.
       However, if a node has a child with invalid
       propagation data, then the update is terminated.

       The node at which the update was terminated,
       due to reaching a node which either the sentinel
       node, or a node with a child with invalid
       propagation data.
        Node* updateToRoot(Node* node);

        //! Invalidates propagation data.
       Time complexity: 
       d is the number of steps needed to
       reach an invalidated ancestor node.

       Exception safety: nothrow

       This function is useful as a way to amortize the
       cost of multiple changes to propagation data. The
       idea is to mark the path to the root as invalid.
       This marking is complete as soon as an invalidated 
       node is encountered. Later, the invalidated paths
       can be updated, using updateToRoot(), without
       performing redundant updates. This decreases the
       complexity of split() from O(log^2) to O(log).

       Either the end-node, or the first ancestor node
       which is already invalidated.
        Node* invalidateToRoot(Node* node);

        Iterator invalidateToRoot(const ConstIterator& node)
            return Iterator(invalidateToRoot((Node*)node.base()));

        //! Copy-constructs a subtree.
       Exception safety:
       strong, except for not deallocating
       memory in 'allocator', which must be
       done later.
        Node* copyConstruct(
            Node* parent,
            const RedBlackTree& that,
            Node* thatNode);

        //! Assigns a constructed tree.
       Time complexity: construct()
       Exception safety: strong

       This function assigns a tree constructed with
       the passed-in construct() function. The purpose
       of this function is to guarantee that the
       sentinel nodes are preserved in the process.
        template <typename Construct>
        RedBlackTree& constructAndSwap(Construct construct)
            RedBlackTree copy;
            return *this;

        //! Returns the result of comparing keys.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        bool less(const Key_Class& left, const Key_Class& right) const
            return Less()(left, right);

        //! Destructs the nodes of a subtree.
       Time complexity: O(n)
       where 'n' is the number of nodes in the subtree
       rooted at 'node'.

       Exception safety: nothrow
        void clear(Node* node);

        //! Links a parent and a child together.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void link(Node* parent, Node* child, bool linkRight);

        //! Rotates the tree around the 'node'.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Node* rotate(Node* node, bool rotateRight);

        //! Joins 'that' subtree to this tree.
       * The black-height of 'that' equals the black-height of 'node'.
       * The operation preserves the binary-search property.

       Time complexity: O(1) amortized 
       Exception safety: nothrow

       Replaces 'node' with 'middle', makes
       'node' as the '!right' child of 'middle',
       and 'that' as the 'right' child of 'middle'.
       Rebalances any red-violations. In case 'right'
       is true, the maximum will not be updated. Similarly
       for the minimum if 'right' is false. The propagation
       data will not be updated from 'middle' upwards, and
       therefore must be done later.

       The time-complexity arises from calling the rebalancing
       algorithm for the red-red violations.
        Node* join(
            Node* that, 
            integer thatBlackHeight,
            Node* parent, bool right,
            Node* middle);

        //! Release the ownership of the nodes.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        void forget()
            minNode() = endNode();
            maxNode() = endNode();
            rootNode() = endNode();

            blackHeight_ = 0;

        //! Returns whether the tree can be joined with 'that'.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow

       Trees can be joined if
       * either tree is empty, or
       * multiple keys are not allowed and
       [last.key() < that.begin().key() or
       that.last().key() < begin().key()], or
       * multiple keys are allowed and 
       [last.key() <= that.begin().key() or
       that.last().key() <= begin().key()].
        bool canJoin(const RedBlackTree& that) const;

        //! Returns the root node.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Node*& rootNode() const
            return (Node*&)root_;

        //! Returns the minimum node.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Node*& minNode() const
            return (Node*&)end_->right();

        //! Returns the maximum node.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Node*& maxNode() const
            return (Node*&)end_->parent();

        //! Returns an extremum node.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Node*& extremumNode(bool right) const
            return right ? maxNode() : minNode();

        //! Returns the end node.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Node* endNode() const
            return (Node*)end_.get();

        //! Returns the bottom node.
       Time complexity: O(1)
       Exception safety: nothrow
        Node* bottomNode() const
            return (Node*)bottom_.get();

        //! The bottom node.
       The bottom node is used to denote a missing child node.
       The only exception is that the right child of the maximum
       node is denoted by the end node. The parent, the left
       child, and the right child are the bottom node itself.
        SentinelPtr bottom_ = SentinelPtr(new Sentinel_Node());

        // FIX: Visual Studio 2013 has a bug which does not allow 
        // std::make_shared to be used as a member initializer.
        // SentinelPtr bottom_ = std::make_shared<Sentinel_Node>();

        //! The end node.
       The parent of the root node and the right child
       of the maximum node are denoted by the end node.
       The parent of the end node is the maximum 
       element, and the left child is the end node
       itself. The right child of the end node 
       is the minimum node. The end node then works as 
       the one-past-last node (end() iterator). 
        SentinelPtr end_ = bottom_;

        //! The root node.
        Node* root_ = (Node*)end_.get();

        //! The black-height of the tree.
       In a red-black tree, the downward paths from a given 
       node to a sentinel node have the same number of black 
       nodes, which is called the black-height of the node. 
       The black-height of the tree is the black-height of the
       root. Tracing the black-height of the tree is 
       important because it allows to compute the join
       and union of two red-black trees in logarithmic
       time. Interestingly, the black-height of the tree 
       can be traced incrementally with almost no overhead.
        integer blackHeight_ = 0;


namespace Pastel

    // Map

    template <
        typename Key = void, 
        typename Data = void,
        typename Less = LessThan,
        typename Propagation = void,
        typename SentinelData = void,
        bool UserDataInSentinelNodes = false,
        template <typename> class Customization = Empty_RedBlackTree_Customization>
    using RedBlackTree_Set = 
        Key, Data, Less, Propagation, SentinelData, false, UserDataInSentinelNodes>, 

    // Multi-map

    template <
        typename Key = void, 
        typename Data = void,
        typename Less = LessThan,
        typename Propagation = void,
        typename SentinelData = void,
        bool UserDataInSentinelNodes = false,
        template <typename> class Customization = Empty_RedBlackTree_Customization>
    using RedBlackTree_MultiSet = 
        Key, Data, Less, Propagation, SentinelData, true, UserDataInSentinelNodes>, 


#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_copy.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_count.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_erase.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_find_below.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_insert.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_invariants.h"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_join.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_rebalance_black_loss.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_rebalance_red_violation.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_search.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_sentinels.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_splice.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_split.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_swap.hpp"
#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree/redblacktree_quantile.h"
