
Back to Red-black tree



#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree.h"

namespace Pastel

    template <typename Settings, template <typename> class Customization>
    template <typename DownFilter>
    auto RedBlackTree<Settings, Customization>::findFirstEquivalentBelow(
        const ConstIterator& below,
        const DownFilter& filter) const
        -> ConstIterator
        if (below.isSentinel() || !filter.downSet(below))
            return cend();

        const Key_Class& key = below.key();
        ConstIterator minElement = cend();
        ConstIterator minSubtree = cend();
        ConstIterator node = below;
        while(!node.isSentinel() && filter.downSet(node))
            // Loop invariant:
            ASSERT(equivalent(node.key(), key, Less()));

            if (filter.element(node))
                // This is the least element seen
                // thus far.
                minElement = node;

                // Invalidate the candidate subtree
                // for the minimum.
                minSubtree = cend();
            else if (node != below &&
                // The subtree at node.right() must
                // consist solely of elements equivalent
                // to the key.

                // This is the best candidate subtree
                // for the minimum element. 
                minSubtree = node.right();

                // Any element in the subtree is
                // a better candidate than the 
                // currently least element.
                minElement = cend();

            // Move to the left node.
            node = node.left();
            if (node.isSentinel())
                // The left node does not
                // exist. We are done searching
                // for candidates in the left
                // branch.

            if (!less(node.key(), key))
                // The left node has the key
                // equivalent to the searched key.
                // Therefore we may start the
                // loop over.

            // The left node does not have a key
            // equivalent to the searched key.
            // However, there may still be such
            // a node in the right subtree.
            while (!node.isSentinel() &&
                   less(node.key(), key))
                node = node.right();

        if (!minElement.isSentinel())
            // We found the minimum element
            // of the equivalent elements.
            return minElement;

        if (!minSubtree.isSentinel())
            // We found the subtree which
            // contains the minimum element
            // of the equivalent elements.
            return minSubtree.findFirstBelow(true, filter);

        node = below;
        while(!node.isSentinel() && filter.downSet(node))
            // Loop invariant:
            ASSERT(equivalent(node.key(), key, Less()));

            if (node != below &&
                // The subtree at node.left() must
                // consist solely of elements equivalent
                // to the key.
                minSubtree = node.left();

                // The subtree contains the minimum
                // of the equivalent elements.
            else if (filter.element(node))
                // This is the minimum of the 
                // equivalent elements.
                minElement = node;

            // Move to the right node.
            node = node.right();
            if (node.isSentinel())
                // The right node does not
                // exist. We are done.

            if (!less(key, node.key()))
                // The right node has the key
                // equivalent to the searched key.
                // Therefore we may start the
                // loop over.

            // The right node does not have a key
            // equivalent to the searched key.
            // However, there may still be such
            // a node in the left subtree.
            while (!node.isSentinel() &&
                   less(key, node.key()))
                node = node.left();

        if (!minElement.isSentinel())
            // We found the minimum element
            // of the equivalent elements.
            return minElement;

        if (!minSubtree.isSentinel())
            // We found the subtree which
            // contains the minimum element
            // of the equivalent elements.
            return minSubtree.findFirstBelow(true, filter);

        // There is no marked equivalent element.
        return cend();

