
Back to Red-black tree



#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree.h"

namespace Pastel

    template <typename Settings, template <typename> class Customization>
    template <typename DownFilter>
    auto RedBlackTree<Settings, Customization>::find(
        const Key_Class& key,
        const DownFilter& filter) const
    -> ConstIterator
        auto equalAndUpper = findEqualAndUpper(key);
        return findFirstEquivalentBelow(
            equalAndUpper.equal, filter);

    template <typename Settings, template <typename> class Customization>
    auto RedBlackTree<Settings, Customization>::findEqualAndUpper(
        const Key_Class& key,
        const ConstIterator& start) const
        -> FindEqual_Return
        ConstIterator node = start;
        ConstIterator upper = cend();
        while (!node.isSentinel())
            if (less(key, node.key()))
                // Since this node is strictly greater than the
                // key, it is an upper bound, although maybe not
                // a smallest upper bound.
                upper = node;

                // The possible equivalent element lies in the
                // left subtree.
                node = node.left();
            else if (less(node.key(), key))
                // The possible equivalent element lies in the
                // right subtree.
                node = node.right();
                // The node is equivalent to the key, so
                // we have found what we searched for.

        if (node.isSentinel())
            node = cend();

        return FindEqual_Return{node, upper};

    template <typename Settings, template <typename> class Customization>
    template <typename DownFilter>
    auto RedBlackTree<Settings, Customization>::lowerBound(
        const Key_Class& key,
        const FindEqual_Return& equalAndUpper,
        const DownFilter& filter) const
        -> ConstIterator
        ConstIterator equal = equalAndUpper.equal;
        if (equal.isSentinel())
            // The key does not exist in the tree.
            // Therefore the lower bound is the same
            // as the upper bound.
            return upperBound(key, equalAndUpper, filter);

        ConstIterator result = findFirstEquivalentBelow(equal, filter);
        if (!result.isSentinel())
            // A marked equivalent element was found.
            return result;

        // The key exists in the tree, but none of the
        // equivalent elements is marked. Therefore the 
        // upper bound is the lower bound.

    template <typename Settings, template <typename> class Customization>
    auto RedBlackTree<Settings, Customization>::findInsert(
        const Key_Class& key, 
        const FindEqual_Return& equalAndUpper) const
        -> FindInsert_Return
        ConstIterator child = 
            equalAndUpper.equal.isSentinel() ? 
            croot() : equalAndUpper.equal;
        ConstIterator parent = child.parent();
        ConstIterator upper = equalAndUpper.upper;

        bool right = false;
            parent = child;
            right = !less(key, parent.key());
            if (!right)
                upper = parent;
            // If the node key is equivalent
            // to the searched key, then we will go right,
            // so as to place the new element at the
            // end of the equivalent range of elements.
            child = parent.child(right);

        return FindInsert_Return{parent, right, upper};

