#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree.h"
namespace Pastel
template <typename Settings, template <typename> class Customization>
auto RedBlackTree<Settings, Customization>::splice(
RedBlackTree& that,
const ConstIterator& thatFrom)
-> Insert_Return
Iterator element = cast(thatFrom);
Node* node = element.base();
if (element.isSentinel())
ENSURE(element == that.end());
return insertReturnType(end(), false);
if (this == &that && !Settings::MultipleKeys)
// The splicing is done inside this tree.
// Since in addition every key is unique,
// this has no effect.
return insertReturnType(element, false);
// Notify the customization of 'that' tree.
// Detach the node from 'that' tree.
auto equalAndUpper = findEqualAndUpper(element.key());
bool keyExists = (equalAndUpper.equal != cend());
if (!Settings::MultipleKeys && keyExists)
// The tree already contains an
// equivalent element.
// Compute the lower-bound for the element.
ConstIterator lower =
lowerBound(element.key(), equalAndUpper, All_DownFilter());
// Remove the detached element.
// Return the existing element.
return insertReturnType(cast(lower), false);
// Find the place where to insert the element.
auto parentAndRight = findInsert(element.key(), equalAndUpper);
Iterator parent = cast(parentAndRight.parent);
bool right = parentAndRight.right;
// Attach the new node into this tree.
Node* updateNode = attach(node, parent.base(), right);
// Update propagation data upwards.
// Notify the customization of this tree.
// Return an iterator to the new element.
return insertReturnType(element, true);