
Back to Red-black tree



#include "pastel/sys/redblacktree.h"

namespace Pastel

    template <typename Settings, template <typename> class Customization>
    auto RedBlackTree<Settings, Customization>::split(
        const ConstIterator& rightBegin)
        -> RedBlackTree
        RedBlackTree& leftTree = *this;
        RedBlackTree rightTree;

        if (rightBegin == cend())
            // The left tree contains everything, 
            // the right tree is empty.
            return rightTree;

        if (rightBegin == cbegin())
            // The left tree is empty, 
            // the right tree contains everything.
            return rightTree;

        // The path from the 'rightBegin' node
        // to the root (in increasing order of
        // indices). By storing the path bottom-up, 
        // we avoid doing any comparisons. 
        std::vector<Node*> path;

        // By the properties of the red-black tree,
        // and since we also retain the root black,
        // the height of the red-black tree is at
        // most 2 times the black-height; this is
        // achieved by alternating red and black
        // nodes. To guarantee strong exception safety, 
        // it is important that we do the memory
        // allocation here, before swapping this
        // tree to 'tree'.
        path.reserve(2 * blackHeight());

        Node* rightFirst = (Node*)rightBegin.base();
            // We will store the first node twice
            // in the path. This is so that the
            // same code can be used to split off 
            // both children of the 'rightBegin' node.
            Node* node = (Node*)rightBegin.base();

            // Store the path.
            while (!node->isSentinel())
                node = node->parent();

            // It would be nice if there were a way to
            // do the split bottom-up, so as to avoid
            // storing the path as above. However, I
            // was unable to devise such an algorithm.
            // The primary problem is possibly that the 
            // subtrees do not then get splitted in
            // decreasing order of height.

        // The tree from which subtrees are split off.
        // During this function 'tree' is in a state
        // which violates the red-black invariants.
        // However, they are fixed as soon as 'tree' 
        // becomes empty.
        RedBlackTree tree;

        // From now on nothing throws.

        struct State
            // The target tree where to place the splitted-off subtree.
            RedBlackTree* tree;
            // The node over which to place the splitted-off subtree.
            Node* join;
            // The black-height of the 'join' node.
            integer blackHeight;
            // A detached node whose key is an extremum of the 'tree'.
            Node* middle;

        State stateSet[] =

        Node* extremumSet[] = { tree.minNode(), tree.maxNode() };

        integer blackHeight = tree.blackHeight();
        for (integer i = path.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
            // Descend down the path from the root
            // to the 'rightBegin' node. It is important
            // to move through the path from top to bottom,
            // because this way the subtrees will be split
            // off in decreasing order of height.
            Node* node = path[i];

            // Find out which subtree to split off
            // from the 'tree'.
            bool right = (i == 1);
            if (i > 1)
                // The subtree to split off is opposite
                // to where the path is going.
                right = !(path[i - 1] == node->right());

            if (i > 0)
                // Track the black-height of 'node' 
                // as we descend down the path.
                blackHeight -= node->black();

            // The target tree is on the 'right'.
            State& state = stateSet[right];

            // Retrieve the subtree to split off.
            Node* subtree = node->child(right);

            // The black-height of the splitted subtree
            // is equal to the tracked black-height.
            integer subtreeBlackHeight = blackHeight;

            if (subtree->red())
                // Turn the root of the splitted subtree black. 

            if (state.join->isSentinel())
                // Whenever we join to the root node, we
                // reset the black-height of the state to
                // the black-height of the tree. This is
                // important, because previous joins to 
                // the root node may increase the black-height.
                state.blackHeight = state.tree->blackHeight();

            ASSERT(!state.join->isSentinel() ||
                state.blackHeight == state.tree->blackHeight());

            if (!state.tree->empty())
                // Find, in the target tree, a black node
                // with black-height equal to the subtree's
                // black-height. We call this the 'join' node.

                // Rather than searching the tree from the
                // root every time, we descend the tree
                // iteratively as parts are joined into
                // the target tree. In addition, we track
                // the black-height of the 'join' node.

                // The incremental tracking is possible because 
                // we split the subtrees in decreasing order of 
                // height.
                ASSERT_OP(subtreeBlackHeight, <=, state.tree->blackHeight());

                // If we have done the incremental tracking right,
                // then we never need to back down. This is important,
                // because backing down risks O(log(n)^2) complexity.
                ASSERT_OP(state.blackHeight, >= , subtreeBlackHeight);

                if (state.blackHeight > subtreeBlackHeight ||
                    // If the black-height of 'state.join' is too high,
                    // then descend down the '!right' spine of
                    // 'state.tree'.

                    if (state.join->isSentinel())
                        state.join = state.tree->rootNode();
                        state.blackHeight -= state.join->black();

                    while (state.blackHeight > subtreeBlackHeight ||
                        state.join = state.join->child(!right);
                        state.blackHeight -= state.join->black();


                ASSERT_OP(state.blackHeight, == , subtreeBlackHeight);

            ASSERT(state.join->isSentinel() || 
                state.join == state.tree->rootNode() ||
                state.join == state.join->parent()->child(!right));

#          if defined(DEBUG)
            // This code is for debugging purposes only.
            if (!state.join->isSentinel())
                // Check that the black-height of 'state.join'
                // really equals state.blackHeight, and that
                // it is on the '!right' spine of 'join.tree'.
                Node* node = state.join;
                integer realBlackHeight = 
                    Node* parent = node->parent();
                    ASSERT(parent->isSentinel() || 
                        node == parent->child(!right));

                    realBlackHeight -= node->black();
                    node = parent;
                ASSERT_OP(realBlackHeight, ==, state.blackHeight);
#          endif

            // Join the 'subtree' into the target tree.
            Node* updateNode =
                state.join, !right,

            // Invalidate propagation information upwards from 'middle'.

            // Make sure the 'middle' node is not
            // used again in a join.
            state.middle = state.tree->endNode();

            if (node != rightFirst)
                // When splitting off 'subtree', the 'node',
                // which is on the path, is left behind.
                // Since its key is smaller/larger than any
                // key in the target tree, it is used
                // as the 'middle' node for the next split.
                state.middle = node;

        // While the 'tree' may have gone through multiple
        // invalid states, we now reset it to a valid state
        // by forgetting that it ever owned any nodes.

        // Update the extrema.
        for (bool right : {false, true})
            State& state = stateSet[right];
            if (!state.tree->empty())
                // Find the new extremum.
                Node* extremum =
                    state.join->isSentinel() ?
                    state.tree->rootNode() :
                while (!extremum->child(!right)->isSentinel())
                    extremum = extremum->child(!right);

                // Update the new extremum.
                state.tree->extremumNode(!right) = extremum;

                // Update the other extremum, which is from the original tree.
                state.tree->extremumNode(right) = extremumSet[right];

                // Make sure the left child of the minimum, and the right
                // child of the maximum, points to the end-node of 'state.tree'.
                state.tree->extremumNode(right)->child(right) = state.tree->endNode();
                state.tree->extremumNode(!right)->child(!right) = state.tree->endNode();

        // Attach the possible left-over middle nodes.
        for (bool right : {false, true})
            State& state = stateSet[right];
            if (!state.middle->isSentinel())
                // A middle node was left unattached. Do that now.
                Node* updateNode = 
                    state.tree->extremumNode(!right), !right);

        // Isolate the 'rightFirst' node for attaching.

        // Attach the 'rightFirst' node.
        // It is, by definition, the minimum node in the right tree,
        // so we immediately know its position.
            Node* updateNode = 
                rightTree.attach(rightFirst, rightTree.minNode(), false);

        // Update the propagation data all at once.
            Node* updateNode = 0;
            for (integer i = 1;i < path.size();++i)
                updateNode = updateToRoot(path[i]);

        // The left tree is stored in this tree;
        // return the splitted-off right tree.
        return rightTree;

