
Back to Deterministic skip list


// Description: Skip-list element removal


#include "pastel/sys/skiplist.h"

namespace Pastel

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>  
    typename SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::Iterator 
        SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::erase(const ConstIterator& that)
        if (that == cend())
            // Removing the end-iterator has no effect.
            // It is important to handle this, so that it is
            // possible to do, for example, list.erase(list.find(2))
            // without special cases when 2 is not in the list.
            return end();

        Node* node = (Node*)that.base();
        Node* prev = node->link(0)[Prev];
        Node* next = node->link(0)[Next];

        // Find the successor or predecessor, whichever
        // exists, if exists. If both exist, then the 
        // successor has priority, since if a node is 
        // a representative of its multi-element 
        // equivalence class, then the successor 
        // stays in the class.
        bool direction = (next != end_);
        Node* sibling = node->link(0)[direction];

        // If the node is linked on higher skip-levels,
        // or the node is a representative of its multi-key
        // equivalence class, pass its links to its sibling.
        integer n = node->height();
        bool multipleKeys = (node->super() != 0);
        if (n > 2 || (multipleKeys && node->isRepresentative()))
            // By the conditions just testsed, there must be at 
            // least two elements in the skip-list. Therefore the 
            // node must have a sibling.
            ASSERT(sibling != end_);

            integer m = sibling->height();
            if (n > 2)
                // The sibling of a higher-than-two node has
                // height two.
                ASSERT_OP(m, == , 2);
                // The sibling of a representative of a multi-key
                // equivalence class has height one.
                ASSERT_OP(m, ==, 1);

            // Backup the sibling's link-set.
            LinkSet siblingSet = std::move(sibling->linkSet_);

            // Pass the link-set of the node to the sibling.

            // Copy the forward-links from the sibling's old link-set.
            for (integer i = 0;i < m;++i)
                sibling->link(i)[direction] = siblingSet[i][direction];

            // Return the memory in the old link-set.

            // Make neighboring links point to the sibling node.
            for (integer i = 0;i < sibling->height();++i)
                Node* prev = sibling->link(i)[!direction];
                prev->link(i)[direction] = sibling;

                Node *next = sibling->link(i)[direction];
                next->link(i)[!direction] = sibling;

            // As a result, the 'node' has also been extracted
            // off from the list.
            // Link the node off from the list.
            for (integer i = 0;i < n;++i)
                Node* prev = node->link(i)[Prev];
                Node* next = node->link(i)[Next];

                link(prev, next, i);

        if (multipleKeys)
            // There are multiple equivalent elements
            // in the skip-list.
            SuperNode* super = node->super();

            if (node->isRepresentative())
                // The deleted element is a representative 
                // of its equivalence class. Make the next 
                // element a new representative.

                super->repr() = next;

            if (super->keys() == 1)
                // After deletion there will be only
                // one element in the equivalence class.
                super->repr()->super() = 0;

                // Delete the equivalence class.
                delete super;

        // Deallocate the node.

        if (!multipleKeys)
            // The deleted element is unique.

            Node* left = prev;
            Node* right = next;

            if (n > 2)
                left = sibling;
                right = sibling->link(0)[direction];
                if (!direction)
                    std::swap(left, right);

            left = left->repr();
            right = right->repr();

            rebalanceErase(left, right);

        if (empty())

        // Return the next iterator.
        return Iterator(next);

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>
    void SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::rebalanceErase(Node* left, Node* right)
        integer expectedHeight = 2;
        while (true)
            if (left->height() == expectedHeight ||
                right->height() == expectedHeight)
                // At least one of the surrounding elements
                // have the expected height. All invariants 
                // hold.

            // We are expecting to see a surrounding element
            // with height 'expectedHeight', but neither left
            // or right is. Due to the bottom-up nature of the
            // erase algorithm, at least one them must have
            // height 'expectedHeight + 1'. Let us shorten
            // that element to satisfy the expectancy.
            Node* borrow = (left->height() == expectedHeight + 1) ? left : right;
            ASSERT_OP(borrow->height(), ==, expectedHeight + 1);

            Node* nextLeft = left;
            Node* nextRight = right;
            if (borrow == left)
                nextLeft = borrow->link(expectedHeight)[Prev];
                nextRight = borrow->link(expectedHeight)[Next];

            // Satisfy the expectancy by shortening 'borrow'.

            Node* middle = findMiddleOfEqualLevels(borrow);
            if (middle)
                // As a result of shortening 'borrow',
                // there are now three subsequent elements
                // with the same level. Lenghten the middle
                // one.

                // An element is shortened, and then an element
                // is lengthened. All invariants now hold.

            if (borrow == end_)

            // Shortening 'borrow' may have broken an invariant
            // if it was the only one of its height in subsequence.
            // We will now expect an element of height 'expectedHeight + 1'.
            left = nextLeft;
            right = nextRight;

    template <typename SkipList_Settings>
    void SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::decreaseLevel(Node* node)
        ASSERT_OP(node->height(), >, 2);

        // A given node has a physical size of the form 2^i.
        // If the number of levels in a node already is of
        // this form, then we need to double the physical size.

        integer n = node->height() - 1;

        // Link the 'node' off from the top level.
            Node* prev = node->link(n)[Prev];
            Node* next = node->link(n)[Next];
            link(prev, next, n);

        if (isPowerOfTwo(n))
            // The node needs to be physically resized
            // to decrease a level.

            // Find out the index `i` such that 
            // `allocatedSet_[i]` is a link-set
            // of size n.
            //     2^i = n
            // <=>  i = log_2(n)
            integer i = integerLog2(n);
            ASSERT_OP(i, <, allocatedSet_.size());

            // This function attains a nothrow exception
            // safety because it uses the preallocated memory,
            // rather than allocating the memory now.
            LinkSet& newLinkSet = allocatedSet_[i];

            // The number of links stays the same, although
            // the physical size decreases.

            // Copy the links into the new link-set.
            copy_n(node->linkSet_.get(), n, newLinkSet.get());

            // Possibly return the previously allocated memory.
            if (node->linkSet_ && 
                i + 1 < allocatedSet_.size() && 
                !allocatedSet_[i + 1])
                allocatedSet_[i + 1] = std::move(node->linkSet_);

            // Move the new link-set into the node.
            node->linkSet_ = std::move(newLinkSet);

        // Decrease the level of the node.
        node->linkSet().resize(node->height() - 1);

