Back to Deterministic skip list
// Description: Skip-list element insertion
#include "pastel/sys/skiplist.h"
namespace Pastel
template <typename SkipList_Settings>
template <typename... That>
std::pair<typename SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::Iterator, bool>
const ConstIterator& hint,
Key key,
That&&... value)
// Find the element before which to insert
// the new element.
Iterator nextIter = upperBound(key, hint);
// Check if there already is an equivalent
// key in the skip-list.
bool keyAlreadyExists = false;
if (nextIter != begin())
// Either every element is smaller than the inserted
// element, or some are smaller and some not-smaller.
// Find out which is the case.
Iterator prevNextIter = std::prev(nextIter);
keyAlreadyExists = !Less()(prevNextIter.key(), key);
// Since the first element is greater than the
// inserted element, every element is. The
// key does not exist in the skip-list.
if (keyAlreadyExists && !MultipleKeys)
// Multiple keys are not allowed. Return
// the existing element.
return std::make_pair(std::prev(nextIter), false);
// Preallocate link-sets of sizes 2^i. This is needed
// to achieve strong exception safety, as well as to
// avoid additional calls to the memory manager.
// Create a new node with the given data.
std::unique_ptr<Data_Node> nodePtr(
new Data_Node(std::move(key), std::forward<That>(value)...));
Data_Node* node = nodePtr.get();
if (keyAlreadyExists)
// At least one equivalent key exists in the
// skip-list already.
// The equivalence class is created if and only
// if it contains at least two elements.
Node* prevNext = std::prev(nextIter).base();
SuperNode* super = prevNext->super();
if (!super)
// Create the equivalence class.
// The representative is the first element
// in the equivalence class; it is the
// 'prevNext'.
super = new SuperNode(prevNext);
prevNext->super() = super;
// Assign the equivalence class to the
// new element.
node->super() = super;
// If an equivalent element already exists in the
// skip-list, then we will only link it in the basic
// level. Otherwise we will also provide with a
// link in the first skip-level.
integer i = keyAlreadyExists ? 0 : 1;
// No exceptions beyond this point.
// Link the basic level.
Node* next = (Node*)nextIter.base();
Node* prev = next->link(0)[Prev];
link(prev, node, 0);
link(node, next, 0);
if (!keyAlreadyExists)
// The inserted key is unique to the skip-list.
// Link the skip-levels.
// Rebalance the skip-list.
// The skip-list contains keys
// which are equivalent to the
// inserted key. We will make the
// new element invisible to the
// skip-levels by not linking them.
// Update the size.
// Return an iterator to the new node.
return std::make_pair(Iterator(node), true);
template <typename SkipList_Settings>
void SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::rebalanceInsert(Node* node)
ASSERT_OP(node->height(), ==, 2);
ASSERT(node != end_);
if (maxHeight_ > 0 && node->height() == maxHeight_ + 1)
// We have reached the maximum height;
// all invariants now hold.
Node* middle = findMiddleOfEqualLevels(node);
if (!middle)
// All invariants now hold.
// The skip-list contains three subsequent
// elements on 'node's level.
// This breaks the invariant of the deterministic
// 1-2-skip-list to have at most two subsequent
// elements at a given level at the same level.
// The invariant is fixed locally by adding one
// logical level to 'middle'.
// Adding the level to 'middle' may have
// broken the invariant on the next level.
// Recurse to rebalance 'middle'.
node = middle;
template <typename SkipList_Settings>
void SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::preallocate()
if (!endSet_)
// The 'endSet_' is empty if and only if the skip-list
// is empty.
// The sentinel node is given 3 three levels,
// since the first inserted element has to have height 2,
// and the sentinel node has to have height one
// more than then the highest element.
integer levels = 3;
// The allocated amounts are always of the form 2^i.
LinkSet linkSet(new Link[4], levels);
// Store the one-level sentinel link-set
// to wait for clear().
endSet_ = std::move(end_->linkSet_);
// Link the sentinel node to itself on all
// levels.
for (integer i = 0;i < levels;++i)
link(end_, end_, i);
// Make sure the pre-allocated set
// can always extend the sentinel node.
// Let m be the size of the `allocatedSet_`,
// and h be the height of the sentinel node.
// Then h can be extended if
// 2^{m - 1} >= h + 1
// <=> m - 1 >= log_2(h + 1)
// <=> m >= log_2(h + 1) + 1
// <= m >= ceil(log_2(h + 1)) + 1
// h | h + 1 | ceil(log_2(h + 1)) | 2^[ceil(log_2(h + 1))]
// -- | ----- | ------------------ | ----------------------
// 0 | 1 | 0 | 1
// 1 | 2 | 1 | 2
// 2 | 3 | 2 | 4
// 3 | 4 | 2 | 4
// 4 | 5 | 3 | 8
// 5 | 6 | 3 | 8
// 6 | 7 | 3 | 8
// 7 | 8 | 3 | 8
// 8 | 9 | 4 | 16
integer m = allocatedSet_.size();
integer h = end_->height();
// The height of the link-array at allocatedSet_[i] is 2^i.
if (allocatedSet_.empty() ||
powerOfTwo<integer>(m - 1) < h + 1)
m = integerCeilLog2(h + 1) + 1;
// Preallocate all missing sizes of skip-link arrays.
for (integer i = 0;i < m;++i)
if (!allocatedSet_[i])
integer levels = powerOfTwo<integer>(i);
allocatedSet_[i].set(new Link[levels], levels);
template <typename SkipList_Settings>
void SkipList<SkipList_Settings>::increaseLevel(Node* node)
integer n = node->height();
// Find the node which will link to 'node' on
// the new level.
Node* prev = end_;
Node* next = end_;
if (node != end_)
if (maxHeight_ > 0 && n == maxHeight_ + 1)
// The node is already of the maximum height.
// Do nothing.
prev = findPrevious(node, n);
next = prev->link(n)[Next];
if (prev == end_)
// The link comes from the sentinel node.
// Make sure that the sentinel node has the
// necessary amount of levels.
ASSERT_OP(n, <, end_->height());
if (n == end_->height() - 1)
// This implies that the sentinel node
// always has the greatest amount of
// levels.
// A given node has a physical size of the form 2^i.
// If the number of levels in a node already is of
// this form, then we need to double the physical size.
if (isPowerOfTwo(n))
// The node needs to be physically resized
// to increase a level.
// Find out the index `i` such that
// `allocatedSet_[i]` is a link-set
// of size 2 * n.
// 2^i = 2n
// <=> i = log_2(n) + 1
integer i = integerLog2(n) + 1;
ASSERT_OP(i, <, allocatedSet_.size());
// This function attains a nothrow exception
// safety because it uses the preallocated memory,
// rather than allocating the memory now.
LinkSet& newLinkSet = allocatedSet_[i];
// The number of links stays the same, although
// the physical size increases.
// Copy the links into the new link-set.
copy_n(node->linkSet_.get(), n, newLinkSet.get());
// Possibly return the previously allocated memory.
if (node->linkSet_ &&
i > 0 &&
!allocatedSet_[i - 1])
allocatedSet_[i - 1] = std::move(node->linkSet());
// Move the new link-set into the node.
node->linkSet_ = std::move(newLinkSet);
// Increase the level of the node.
node->linkSet().resize(node->height() + 1);
// Link the 'node' on the new level.
link(prev, node, n);
link(node, next, n);