
Back to Matrix class


// Description: Testing for Matrix
// DocumentationOf: matrix.h

#include "test/test_init.h"

#include "pastel/math/matrix.h"
#include "pastel/math/sampling.h"

#include "pastel/sys/view.h"

#include <algorithm>

namespace Pastel

    template class Matrix<real>;



    using MatrixD = Matrix<real>;


TEST_CASE("Implicit (Implicit)")
    auto f = [&](MatrixD matrix)

    // The matrix is implicitly constructible
    // from the matrix-expression.
    f(identityMatrix<real>(3, 3));

TEST_CASE("Norm (Norm)")
    MatrixD m(2, 3);
    m = { -1, 2, 3,
        4, -5, 6 };

        real correct = 
            square(-1) + square(2) + square(3) +
            square(4) + square(-5) + square(6);
        REQUIRE(frobeniusNorm2(m) == correct);
        REQUIRE(frobeniusNorm(m) == std::sqrt(correct));

        real correct = 4 + 5 + 6;
        REQUIRE(maxNorm(m) == correct);

        real correct = 3 + 6;
        REQUIRE(manhattanNorm(m) == correct);

TEST_CASE("Trace (Trace)")
    MatrixD m(2, 3);
    m = {-1, 2, 3,
        4, -5, 6};

        real correct = -1 + -5;
        REQUIRE(trace(m) == correct);

TEST_CASE("DiagonalProduct (DiagonalProduct)")
    MatrixD m(2, 3);
    m = {-1, 2, 3,
        4, -5, 6};

        real correct = -1 * -5;
        REQUIRE(diagonalProduct(m) == correct);

TEST_CASE("Determinant (Determinant)")
        MatrixD m(1, 1);
        m = -1;
        // VC2013 has a bug with singular initializer lists:
        //m = { -1 };
            real correct = -1;
            REQUIRE(determinant(m) == correct);

        MatrixD m(2, 2);
        m = {-1, 2,
            4, -5};
            real correct = (-1 * -5) - (2 * 4);
            REQUIRE(determinant(m) == correct);

        MatrixD m(3, 3);
        m = {-1, 2, 3,
                4, -5, 5,
                2, 3, 4};
            real correct = 89;
            REQUIRE(std::abs(determinant(m) - correct) < 0.0001);

    // MatrixD m = randomRotation<real>(10);
    // {
    //     REQUIRE(std::abs(determinant(m) - 1) < 0.0001);
    // }

TEST_CASE("MatrixExpressions (MatrixExpressions)")
    // Construct an empty matrix.
    MatrixD empty(0, 0);
        REQUIRE(empty.size() == 0);
        REQUIRE(empty.width() == 0);
        REQUIRE(empty.height() == 0);

    // Constructs from a matrix expression.
    MatrixD m = identityMatrix<real>(2, 3) * 2 + 5;
        real correctSet[] = 
            7, 5, 5,
            5, 7, 5

        REQUIRE(boost::equal(m.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

        MatrixD test(2, 3);
        test = {1, 2, 3,
            4, 5, 6};

        // Adds a matrix expression.
        test += identityMatrix<real>(2, 3);
            real correctSet[] =
                2, 2, 3,
                4, 6, 6

            REQUIRE(boost::equal(test.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

        // Subtracts a matrix expression.
        test -= identityMatrix<real>(2, 3);
            real correctSet[] =
                1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6

            REQUIRE(boost::equal(test.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

        // Multiplies with a matrix expression.
        test *= identityMatrix<real>(3, 2);
            real correctSet[] =
                1, 2,
                4, 5

            REQUIRE(boost::equal(test.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

    // Constructs an mxn identity matrix.
    MatrixD a(4, 6);
        real correctSet[] =
            1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
            0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0

        REQUIRE(boost::equal(a.cRange(), range(correctSet)));
        REQUIRE(a.height() == 4);
        REQUIRE(a.width() == 6);
        REQUIRE(a.m() == 4);
        REQUIRE(a.n() == 6);
        REQUIRE(a.size() == 4 * 6);

    real dataSet[] = 
        1, 2, 3,
        4, 5, 6,
        7, 8, 9,
        10, 11, 12

    // Constructs from a shared array.
    MatrixD shared(4, 3, withAliasing(dataSet));
        REQUIRE(boost::equal(shared.cRange(), range(dataSet)));

    REQUIRE(shared.valid(0, 0));
    REQUIRE(!shared.valid(-1, 0));
    REQUIRE(!shared.valid(0, -1));
    REQUIRE(!shared.valid(4, 3));
    REQUIRE(!shared.valid(3, 3));
    REQUIRE(shared.valid(3, 2));

        dataSet, dataSet + 1));
        dataSet + shared.size() - 1, 
        dataSet + shared.size()));
        dataSet + shared.size(), 
        dataSet + shared.size() + 10));
        dataSet - 10, dataSet));

    // Element access
    for (integer i = 0;i < 12;++i)
        REQUIRE(shared(i) == i + 1);
        REQUIRE(shared(i / 3, i % 3) == i + 1);

    // Column ranges
        real correctSet[] = 
            2, 5, 8, 11

        REQUIRE(boost::equal(shared.cColumnRange(1), range(correctSet)));

    // Row ranges
        real correctSet[] = 
            4, 5, 6

        REQUIRE(boost::equal(shared.cRowRange(1), range(correctSet)));

        MatrixD test(3, 2);
        test = {1, 2, 3,
            4, 5, 6};

        // Subtracts a constant from all elements.
        test -= 1;
            real correctSet[] = 
                0, 1, 2,
                3, 4, 5

            REQUIRE(boost::equal(test.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

        // Adds a constant to all elements.
        test += 1;
            real correctSet[] = 
                1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6

            REQUIRE(boost::equal(test.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

        // Multiplies all elements with a constant.
        test *= 2;
            real correctSet[] = 
                2, 4, 6,
                8, 10, 12

            REQUIRE(boost::equal(test.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

        // Divides all elements by a constant.
        test /= 2;
            real correctSet[] = 
                1, 2, 3,
                4, 5, 6

            REQUIRE(boost::equal(test.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

    a = {1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
        0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
        2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
        0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1};
        real correctSet[] = 
            1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
            0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
            2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
            0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1

        REQUIRE(boost::equal(a.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

    // The 2x2 identity-matrix repeated 2 times vertically,
    // and 3 times horizontally.
    MatrixD b = repeat(
        identityMatrix<real>(2, 2),
        2, 3);
        real correctSet[] = 
            1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
            0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1,
            1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,
            0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1

        REQUIRE(boost::equal(b.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

    // You can refer to a submatrix of a matrix.

    b(Vector2i(2, 0), Vector2i(4, 2)) = 
        identityMatrix<real>(2, 2) * 2;

    REQUIRE(a == b);

    MatrixD c(2, 9);
    c = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
        10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18};

    // You can assign a submatrix to a submatrix
    // inside the same matrix.

    c(Vector2i(0, 7), Vector2i(2, 9)) =
        c(Vector2i(0, 5), Vector2i(2, 7));

    MatrixD d(2, 9);
    d = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7,
        10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 15, 16};

    REQUIRE(c == d);

   c(Range(0, 1), Range(0, 2)) =
       c(Range(0, 1), Range(5, 3));

    // You can assign a submatrix to a submatrix
    // inside the same matrix, even if the data
    // ranges overlap. In this case a temporary
    // is created behind the scenes to guarantee
    // correct behaviour.
    // Note also that you can view the subranges
    // in a reversed manner by reversing the range
    // values.

    SubMatrix<real> v = c(Vector2i(0, 2), Vector2i(2, -1));
    SubMatrix<real> v2 = c(Vector2i(0, 0), Vector2i(2, 3));

    v2 = v;

    d = {3, 2, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 7,
        12, 11, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 15, 16};

    REQUIRE(c == d);

TEST_CASE("SubMatrix (SubMatrix)")
    integer width = 4;
    integer height = 4;

    Matrix<real32> a(height, width);
    for (integer y = 0;y < height;++y)
        for (integer x = 0;x < width;++x)

            a(x, y) = x * y;

    // The matrix can also be viewed as a sequence
    // of values, so that algorithms from the
    // standard library can be used at will.

    Matrix<real32>::Iterator iter = a.begin();
    Matrix<real32>::Iterator iterEnd = a.end();

    integer i = 0;
    while(iter != iterEnd)

        *iter = i;
        REQUIRE(i <= a.size());
        real32 correctSet[] = 
            0,  1,  2,  3,
            4,  5,  6,  7,
            8,  9,  10, 11,
            12, 13, 14, 15,

        REQUIRE(boost::equal(a.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

    std::random_shuffle(a.begin(), a.end());
    std::sort(a.begin(), a.end());
        real32 correctSet[] = 
            0,  1,  2,  3,
            4,  5,  6,  7,
            8,  9,  10, 11,
            12, 13, 14, 15,

        REQUIRE(boost::equal(a.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

    i = 0;
    iter = a.begin();
    while(iter != iterEnd)
        real32 correctSet[] = 
            0,  1,  2,  3,
            4,  5,  6,  7,
            8,  9,  10, 11,
            12, 13, 14, 15,

        REQUIRE(boost::equal(a.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

    // Finally, a matrix can be viewed as
    // a collection of row vectors.

    for (integer j = 0;j < width;++j)
        a.column(j) = unitAxis<real32, Dynamic>(height, j) * 2;
        REQUIRE(a(j, j) == 2);
        a.column(j) = evaluate(unitAxis<real32, Dynamic>(height, j) * 3);
        REQUIRE(a(j, j) == 3);

    // Because of the way the matrix is stored,
    // it's width and height can be varied
    // without reallocation given that the
    // number of elements stays the same.
    // The data retains its row-major ordering.

    a.reshape(8, 2);
        real32 correctSet[] = 
            3, 0,
            0, 0,
            0, 3,
            0, 0,
            0, 0,
            3, 0,
            0, 0,
            0, 3

        REQUIRE(boost::equal(a.cRange(), range(correctSet)));

TEST_CASE("MatrixArray (MatrixArray)")
    MatrixD a(3, 3);
    a = {1, 2, 3,
            -2, 3, -4,
            7, -3, 2};

    Vector3 b = max(a);
    REQUIRE(b[0] == 7);
    REQUIRE(b[1] == 3);
    REQUIRE(b[2] == 3);

    Vector3 c = min(a);
    REQUIRE(c[0] == -2);
    REQUIRE(c[1] == -3);
    REQUIRE(c[2] == -4);

TEST_CASE("MatrixLowDimensional (MatrixLowDimensional)")
        Matrix<real> a = matrix1x1<real>(5);
            a(0, 0) == 5);
        Matrix<real> a = 
            1, 2,
            3, 4);
        REQUIRE(a(0, 0) == 1);
        REQUIRE(a(0, 1) == 2);
        REQUIRE(a(1, 0) == 3);
        REQUIRE(a(1, 1) == 4);

        Matrix<real> b(2, 2);

        b = a;
        REQUIRE(b(0, 0) == 1);
        REQUIRE(b(0, 1) == 2);
        REQUIRE(b(1, 0) == 3);
        REQUIRE(b(1, 1) == 4);

        Matrix<real> c(b);
        REQUIRE(c(0, 0) == 1);
        REQUIRE(c(0, 1) == 2);
        REQUIRE(c(1, 0) == 3);
        REQUIRE(c(1, 1) == 4);


        Matrix<real> a = 
            1, 2, 3,
            4, 5, 6,
            7, 8, 9);
        REQUIRE(a(0, 0) == 1);
        REQUIRE(a(0, 1) == 2);
        REQUIRE(a(0, 2) == 3);
        REQUIRE(a(1, 0) == 4);
        REQUIRE(a(1, 1) == 5);
        REQUIRE(a(1, 2) == 6);
        REQUIRE(a(2, 0) == 7);
        REQUIRE(a(2, 1) == 8);
        REQUIRE(a(2, 2) == 9);

        Matrix<real> b(3, 3);

        b = a;
        REQUIRE(b(0, 0) == 1);
        REQUIRE(b(0, 1) == 2);
        REQUIRE(b(0, 2) == 3);
        REQUIRE(b(1, 0) == 4);
        REQUIRE(b(1, 1) == 5);
        REQUIRE(b(1, 2) == 6);
        REQUIRE(b(2, 0) == 7);
        REQUIRE(b(2, 1) == 8);
        REQUIRE(b(2, 2) == 9);

        Matrix<real> c(b);
        REQUIRE(c(0, 0) == 1);
        REQUIRE(c(0, 1) == 2);
        REQUIRE(c(0, 2) == 3);
        REQUIRE(c(1, 0) == 4);
        REQUIRE(c(1, 1) == 5);
        REQUIRE(c(1, 2) == 6);
        REQUIRE(c(2, 0) == 7);
        REQUIRE(c(2, 1) == 8);
        REQUIRE(c(2, 2) == 9);

        Matrix<real> a =
            1, 2, 3, 4,
            5, 6, 7, 8,
            9, 10, 11, 12,
            13, 14, 15, 16);
        REQUIRE(a(0, 0) == 1);
        REQUIRE(a(0, 1) == 2);
        REQUIRE(a(0, 2) == 3);
        REQUIRE(a(0, 3) == 4);
        REQUIRE(a(1, 0) == 5);
        REQUIRE(a(1, 1) == 6);
        REQUIRE(a(1, 2) == 7);
        REQUIRE(a(1, 3) == 8);
        REQUIRE(a(2, 0) == 9);
        REQUIRE(a(2, 1) == 10);
        REQUIRE(a(2, 2) == 11);
        REQUIRE(a(2, 3) == 12);
        REQUIRE(a(3, 0) == 13);
        REQUIRE(a(3, 1) == 14);
        REQUIRE(a(3, 2) == 15);
        REQUIRE(a(3, 3) == 16);

        Matrix<real> b(4, 4);

        b = a;
        REQUIRE(b(0, 0) == 1);
        REQUIRE(b(0, 1) == 2);
        REQUIRE(b(0, 2) == 3);
        REQUIRE(b(0, 3) == 4);
        REQUIRE(b(1, 0) == 5);
        REQUIRE(b(1, 1) == 6);
        REQUIRE(b(1, 2) == 7);
        REQUIRE(b(1, 3) == 8);
        REQUIRE(b(2, 0) == 9);
        REQUIRE(b(2, 1) == 10);
        REQUIRE(b(2, 2) == 11);
        REQUIRE(b(2, 3) == 12);
        REQUIRE(b(3, 0) == 13);
        REQUIRE(b(3, 1) == 14);
        REQUIRE(b(3, 2) == 15);
        REQUIRE(b(3, 3) == 16);

        Matrix<real> c(b);
        REQUIRE(c(0, 0) == 1);
        REQUIRE(c(0, 1) == 2);
        REQUIRE(c(0, 2) == 3);
        REQUIRE(c(0, 3) == 4);
        REQUIRE(c(1, 0) == 5);
        REQUIRE(c(1, 1) == 6);
        REQUIRE(c(1, 2) == 7);
        REQUIRE(c(1, 3) == 8);
        REQUIRE(c(2, 0) == 9);
        REQUIRE(c(2, 1) == 10);
        REQUIRE(c(2, 2) == 11);
        REQUIRE(c(2, 3) == 12);
        REQUIRE(c(3, 0) == 13);
        REQUIRE(c(3, 1) == 14);
        REQUIRE(c(3, 2) == 15);
        REQUIRE(c(3, 3) == 16);


TEST_CASE("MatrixSimpleArithmetic (MatrixSimpleArithmetic)")
    Matrix<real> a(2, 3);

    a = {1, 2, 3,
        4, 5, 6};

    Matrix<real> b(3, 2);

    b = {7, 8,
        4, 3,
        3, 6};

    Matrix<real> c(a * b);
    REQUIRE(c(0, 0) == 1 * 7 + 2 * 4 + 3 * 3);
    REQUIRE(c(0, 1) == 1 * 8 + 2 * 3 + 3 * 6);
    REQUIRE(c(1, 0) == 4 * 7 + 5 * 4 + 6 * 3);
    REQUIRE(c(1, 1) == 4 * 8 + 5 * 3 + 6 * 6);

    Matrix<real> d(1, 3);
    d = {5, 2, 6};

    Matrix<real> e(3, 1);
    e(0, 0) = -3;
    e(1, 0) = 6;
    e(2, 0) = -4;
    Matrix<real> f(d * e);

    REQUIRE(f(0, 0) == 5 * -3 + 2 * 6 + 6 * -4);

    Matrix<real> g =
        1, 2,
        3, 4);

    g =
    {1, 2,
    3, 4};
    g *= 4;
    REQUIRE(g(0, 0) == 1 * 4);
    REQUIRE(g(0, 1) == 2 * 4);
    REQUIRE(g(1, 0) == 3 * 4);
    REQUIRE(g(1, 1) == 4 * 4);

    g =
        {1, 2,
        3, 4};
    g /= 4;
    REQUIRE(g(0, 0) == (real)1 / 4);
    REQUIRE(g(0, 1) == (real)2 / 4);
    REQUIRE(g(1, 0) == (real)3 / 4);
    REQUIRE(g(1, 1) == (real)4 / 4);


TEST_CASE("Inverse (Inverse)")
    integer n = 10;
    integer matrices = 100;

    integer count = 0;

    for (integer i = 0;i < matrices;++i)
        Matrix<real> m = randomMatrix<real>(n, n);

        Matrix<real> mInv = inverse(m);

        real leftError =
            manhattanNorm(m * mInv - identityMatrix<real>(n, n));
        real rightError =
            manhattanNorm(mInv * m - identityMatrix<real>(n, n));
        if (leftError > 0.001 ||
            rightError > 0.001)

    REQUIRE(count < 3);

TEST_CASE("MatrixMultiply (MatrixMultiply)")
    integer n = 10;
    integer matrices = 100;

    integer count = 0;

    for (integer i = 0;i < matrices;++i)
        Matrix<real> a = randomMatrix<real>(n, n);
        Matrix<real> b = randomMatrix<real>(n, n);

        VectorD v = randomVectorCube<real, Dynamic>(n);

        VectorD result1 = v * (a * b);
        VectorD result2 = (v * a) * b;

        a *= b;

        VectorD result3 = v * a;

        real error1 = norm(result1 - result2);
        real error2 = norm(result3 - result2);
        if (error1 > 0.001 ||
            error2 > 0.001)

    REQUIRE(count < 3);

TEST_CASE("MatrixAssigns (MatrixAssigns)")
    // The idea here is to test
    // for an assignment with an expression
    // which involves the matrix itself.

    integer n = 10;
    integer matrices = 100;
    for (integer i = 0;i < matrices;++i)
        Matrix<real> a = randomMatrix<real>(n, n);

        Matrix<real> b(n, n);
        b = a;

        REQUIRE(b == a);

        a += b;
        b += b;

        REQUIRE(a == b);

        a -= b;
        b -= b;

        REQUIRE(a == b);

        a *= b;
        b *= b;

        REQUIRE(a == b);

        a += identityMatrix<real>(n, n) + (5 * b);
        b += identityMatrix<real>(n, n) + (5 * b);

        REQUIRE(a == b);

        a += identityMatrix<real>(n, n) + (b * b);
        b += identityMatrix<real>(n, n) + (b * b);

        REQUIRE(a == b);

TEST_CASE("MatrixSolve (MatrixSolve)")
    integer iterations = 100;
    integer n = 10;

    integer count = 0;

    for (integer i = 0;i < iterations;++i)
        Matrix<real> a = randomMatrix<real>(n, n);

        VectorD b(randomVectorCube<real, Dynamic>(n));

        VectorD x(solveLinear(a, b));

        real error =
            norm(a * x - b);

        if (error > 0.001)

    REQUIRE(count < 3);