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% Computes a lag-array from a lag set.
% L = compute_lagarray(lagSet)
% where
% LAGSET is an arbitrary dimensional cell-array
% containing either real arrays or scalars.
% All the real arrays that are not scalars must
% have the same number M of elements. The LAGSET
% is treated by its linearization, as are the
% contained arrays. The scalars will be extended
% to arrays of the size M with the same scalar
% in all elements.
% L is a 2-dimensional real array, where L(i, :)
% contains M lags corresponding to LAGSET(i).
% Description: Computes a lag-array from a lag set
% Documentation: tim_matlab_impl.txt
function L = compute_lagarray(lagSet)
lagArrays = numel(lagSet);
% Check for errors and find out the
% maximum number of lags L.
lags = 1;
for i = 1 : lagArrays
if ~isnumeric(lagSet{i})
error('The members of LAGSET must be numeric arrays.');
iLags = numel(lagSet{i});
if iLags > lags
if lags > 1
error(['The members of LAGSET must be either scalars ', ...
'or arrays with the same number of elements.']);
lags = iLags;
% Expand scalars to arrays of length L.
newLagSet = lagSet;
for i = 1 : lagArrays
if numel(lagSet{i}) == 1
newLagSet{i} = ones(1, lags) * lagSet{i};
newLagSet{i} = lagSet{i}(:)';
% Form a numeric array from the cell-array.
L = cell2mat(newLagSet');