
Back to Leonenko-Pronzato-Savani estimator


% A temporal Tsallis entropy estimate from samples
% using Leonenko-Pronzato-Savani nearest neighbor estimator.
% H = tsallis_entropy_lps_t(S, timeWindowRadius)
% H = tsallis_entropy_lps_t(S, timeWindowRadius, 'key', value, ...)
% where
% S is a signal set.
% Optional input arguments in 'key'-value pairs:
% Q ('q') is the power in the definition Tsallis entropy.
% In case Q = 1, differential_entropy_kl_t() is used to
% compute the result instead. Default 2.
% KSUGGESTION ('kSuggestion') is a suggestion for the k:th 
% nearest neighbor that should be used for estimation. The k can't
% be freely set because the estimation algorithm is only defined
% for k > q - 1. Value zero means an accurate (q-dependent) default 
% is used. For accurate results one should choose 
% kSuggestion >= 2 * ceil(q) - 1. Default 0.
% FILTER ('filter') is a real array, which gives the temporal 
% weighting coefficients. Default 1.
% Type 'help tim' for more documentation.

% Description: Temporal Tsallis entropy estimation
% Detail: Leonenko-Pronzato-Savani nearest neighbor estimator
% Documentation: tsallis_entropy_lps.txt

function H = tsallis_entropy_lps_t(S, timeWindowRadius, varargin)

import([tim_package, '.*']);

concept_check(nargin, 'inputs', 2);
concept_check(nargout, 'outputs', 0 : 1);

% Optional input arguments
q = 2;
kSuggestion = 0;
filter = 1;
eval(process_options({'q', 'kSuggestion', 'filter'}, varargin));

if isnumeric(S)
    S = {S};

    S, tim_package('signal_set'), ...
    timeWindowRadius, 'integer', ...
    timeWindowRadius, 'non_negative', ...
    q, 'real', ...
    q, 'positive', ...
    kSuggestion, 'integer', ...
    kSuggestion, 'non_negative', ...
    filter, tim_package('filter'));

H = tim_matlab('tsallis_entropy_lps_t', ...
    S, timeWindowRadius, ...
    q, kSuggestion, filter);