Release history

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This section summarizes the release history of TIM. The versioning of TIM is given in the form x.y.z, where x, y, and z are integers. The x increments only for major changes, the y increments for feature changes, and the z increments for bug fixes or documentation updates. Whenever y is incremented, z is zeroed, and whenever x is incremented, both y and z are zeroed. The x, y, and z need not consist of a single digit, and, for example, 1.12.0 is a much later version than 1.1.3.

TIM 1.3.0

Release date 31.10.2021.

Original webpage


TIM Matlab

TIM 1.2.0

Release date 01.06.2011.

Original webpage

TIM Core

TIM Matlab

Other stuff

TIM 1.1.0

Original webpage is not provided, because this version contained a critical bug.

Release date 17.3.2011.

TIM Core

TIM Matlab

TIM Console

TIM Matlab and TIM Console

Breaking changes in TIM Matlab

Other stuff


TIM Console and most of the update from version 1.0 to 1.1 were programmed under funding from the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion.

TIM 1.0.0

Original webpage

Release date 13.1.2010.



The version 1.0 of TIM was programmed under funding from the EU project GABA (FP6-2005-NEST-Path 043309).

Germán Gómez Herrero is the driving force behind the idea of creating TIM, having created a similar library in Matlab himself. Germán provided substantial amount of testing, feedback, and guidance during the development. He has also written the tutorials in this documentation.