
Back to Generic entropy estimation


// Description: EntropyAlgorithm concept
// Documentation: generic_entropy.txt


#include "tim/core/mytypes.h"

#include "pastel/math/normbijection/normbijection_concept.h"

namespace Tim

    class EntropyAlgorithm
        // Defines the norm bijection to use
        // for k-nearest neighbor searching.
        typedef UserDefinedType Norm;

        // The norm bijection object is stored in 
        // the entropy algorithm object so that
        // it can be initialized properly
        // (e.g. Minkowski_Norm).
        const Norm& norm() const;

        // Compute a term in the sum based
        // on the distance to another point.
        // Note: the distance is in terms of the
        // norm.
        dreal sumTerm(Distance_Concept auto distance) const;

        // Apply some final transformation to
        // the estimate before being stored.
        dreal finishEstimate(
            dreal estimate, 
            integer dimension, 
            integer kNearest, 
            integer estimateSamples) const;

