// Description: Mutual information between marginals of a normal distribution
// Documentation: mutual_information_analytic.txt
#include "tim/core/mytypes.h"
#include <pastel/sys/real/real_concept.h>
#include <cmath>
namespace Tim
//! Mutual information between marginals of a normal distribution.
Let X be a normally distributed random variable consisting of marginal
random variables (X_1, ..., X_m). Then the mutual information
(total correlation) between X_i is given by:
I(X_1, ..., X_m) = 0.5 log((|cov(X_1)| ... |cov(X_m)| / |cov(X)))
|cov(X_1)| ... |cov(X_m)|
template <typename Real>
Real mutualInformationNormal(
const NoDeduction<Real>& marginalCovarianceDeterminantProduct,
const NoDeduction<Real>& jointCovarianceDeterminant)
The differential entropy of a multivariate gaussian
with covariance C is given by:
H(x) = 0.5 log((2 pi e)^d |C|)
This is used to derive mutual information (total correlation)
between x = (x_1, ..., x_m) and x_i's. Here x_i in R^(d_i),
x in R^d, and sum_i d_i = d.
MI = sum_i[H(x_i)] - H(x)
= 0.5 sum_i[log((2 pi e)^d_i |C_i|)] - 0.5 log((2 pi e)^d |C|)
= 0.5 sum_i log(|C_i|) + 0.5 sum_i[log((2 pi e)^d_i)] -
0.5 log((2 pi e)^d) - 0.5 log(|C|)
= 0.5 sum_i log(|C_i|) - 0.5 log(|C|)
= 0.5 log((|C_1| * ... * |C_m|) / |C|)
return (Real)0.5 * std::log(
marginalCovarianceDeterminantProduct /