Analytic solutions for Renyi entropies

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Integral over a multivariate gaussian to power q

Let be a positive-definite matrix. The probability density function of a multivariate gaussian in is given by :


We assume without loss of generality that the distribution is origin-centered. Let

By change of variables :

As a check for we get .

Renyi entropy of a multivariate gaussian

Using the notation from the previous section, the Renyi entropy is given for a multivariate gaussian by:

Renyi entropy of a uniform distribution

Let be random variable with a uniform distribution on . The corresponding probability density function is given by , where is the Lebesgue measure of and is the characteristic function of .


Notice that the Renyi entropy of a uniform distribution is independent of .


An aggregate file for analytic Renyi entropies.

Analytical solutions for Renyi entropies

Renyi entropy of a uniform distribution