
Back to Leonenko-Pronzato-Savani estimator


// Description: Renyi entropy estimation
// Detail: Leonenko-Pronzato-Savani nearest-neighbor estimator


#include "tim/core/signal.h"
#include "tim/core/generic_entropy.h"
#include "tim/core/generic_entropy_t.h"
#include "tim/core/differential_entropy_kl.h"

#include <pastel/sys/range.h>
#include "pastel/math/normbijection/euclidean_normbijection.h"

namespace Tim

    //! Returns the actual k:th neighbor to use given a suggestion.
   q > 0
   kNearestSuggestion >= 0

   If kNearestSuggestion == 0, then k = 2 * ceil(q).
   If 0 < kNearestSuggestion < q - 1, then k = ceil(q - 1).
   If kNearestSuggestion == q - 1, then k = kNearestSuggestion + 1.
   Otherwise, k = kNearestSuggestion.

   The k in the Leonenko-Pronzato-Savani estimator can't be set 
   freely because the algorithm is not defined when k <= q - 1.
   This functions helps to decide a proper k.
    inline TIM dreal renyiDecideK(dreal q, integer kNearestSuggestion)
        PENSURE_OP(q, >, 0);
        PENSURE_OP(kNearestSuggestion, >=, 0);

        integer kNearest = kNearestSuggestion;

        if (kNearestSuggestion == 0)
            // We get to decide the k.

            kNearest = 2 * std::ceil(q);
        else if (kNearestSuggestion <= q - 1)
            // The algorithm is not defined
            // for such k. Find the smallest
            // k for which the algorithm is
            // defined.

            if (kNearestSuggestion < q - 1)
                // 0 < kNearestSuggestion
                // thus
                // 0 < q - 1

                kNearest = std::ceil(q - 1);
                kNearest = kNearestSuggestion + 1;

        return kNearest;

    class LpsRenyi_EntropyAlgorithm
        // This algorithm computes the 
        // Leonenko-Pronzato-Savani estimator 
        // for Renyi entropy.

        typedef Euclidean_Norm<dreal> Norm;

            integer dimension,
            integer kNearest,
            dreal q)
            : distancePower_(dimension * (1 - q))
            , lnGammaDifference_(
                lnGamma<dreal>(kNearest) -
                lnGamma<dreal>(kNearest + 1 - q))
            , finalFactor_(inverse(1 - q))
            , q_(q)

        const Norm& norm() const
            return norm_;

        template <Distance_Concept Distance>
        dreal sumTerm(Distance distance) const
            // Let
            // C_k = (Gamma(k) / Gamma(k + 1 - q))^(1 / (1 - q))
            // V_m = Volume of unit ball in R^m
            // M = The total number of points participating
            //     in the estimate.
            // N = The number of non-zero d_i.

            // log(I) 
            // = log[(1 / N) sum_{i = 1}^M ((M - 1) C_k V_m (d_i)^m)^(1 - q)]
            // = log[((M - 1) C_k V_m)^(1 - q) (1 / N) sum_{i = 1}^M d_i^(m(1 - q))]
            // = F + log[(1 / N) sum_{i = 1}^M d_i^(m(1 - q))]
            // where
            // F = log[((M - 1) C_k V_m)^(1 - q)]

            return std::pow(

        dreal finishEstimate(
            dreal estimate, 
            integer dimension, 
            integer kNearest, 
            integer estimateSamples) const
            // F = log[((M - 1) C_k V_m)^(1 - q)]
            // = (1 - q) log[(M - 1) C_k V_m]
            // = (1 - q) (log[M - 1] + log[V_m]) +
            //   (1 - q) log[C_k]
            // = (1 - q) (log[M - 1] + log[V_m]) +
            //   (lnGamma(k) - lnGamma(k + 1 - q))
            // Finally, Renyi entropy estimator (for q != 1) is given by:
            // H_q(X) = (1 / (1 - q)) log(I)

            const dreal F = (1 - q_) * (
                std::log((dreal)(estimateSamples - 1)) + 
                lnVolumeUnitSphere(norm_, dimension)) +

            dreal renyiEntropy = 
                finalFactor_ * (F + std::log(estimate));

            return renyiEntropy;

        Norm norm_;
        dreal distancePower_;
        dreal lnGammaDifference_;
        dreal finalFactor_;
        dreal q_;

    // Temporal Renyi entropy
    // -----------------------------

    //! Computes temporal Renyi entropy of a signal.
   timeWindowRadius >= 0
   kNearestSuggestion >= 0
   q > 0

   An ensemble of signals representing trials
   of the same experiment.

   The radius of the time-window in samples to use.
   Smaller values give more temporal adaptivity,
   but increase errors.

   A dreal output iterator, denoting the start
   of the region where the sequence of temporal
   Renyi entropies are to be stored.

   The exponent in the definition of Renyi entropy.
   If q == 1, the result of temporalDifferentialEntropyKl() 
   is returned instead.
   If q < 1, the results have huge errors: you
   should not use this estimator for those values.

   A suggestion for the k:th nearest neighbor that should be
   used for estimation. The k can't be set freely because the 
   estimation algorithm is only defined for k > q - 1. 
   Value zero means an accurate (q-dependent) default is used.
   The actual k that is used is given by renyiDecideK().
   For accurate results one should choose 
   kNearestSuggestion >= 2 * ceil(q) - 1.

   The number of time instants that had an
   undefined estimate. If not all estimates
   were undefined, they were reconstructed from 
   the defined estimates using interpolation.
    template <
        ranges::forward_range Signal_Range, 
        ranges::forward_range Filter_Range>
    SignalData temporalRenyiEntropyLps(
        const Signal_Range& signalSet,
        integer timeWindowRadius,
        dreal q,
        integer kNearestSuggestion,
        const Filter_Range& filter)
        ENSURE_OP(timeWindowRadius, >=, 0);
        ENSURE_OP(q, >, 0);
        ENSURE_OP(kNearestSuggestion, >=, 0);

        if (q == 1)
            // Renyi entropy is not defined for q = 1.
            // However, the limit of Renyi entropy as q
            // approaches 1 is given by the Shannon
            // differential entropy. We will return
            // this value instead for convenience.

            integer kNearest = kNearestSuggestion;
            if (kNearestSuggestion == 0)
                kNearest = 1;

            return temporalDifferentialEntropyKl(

        if (ranges::empty(signalSet))
            return SignalData();

        integer kNearest = renyiDecideK(q, kNearestSuggestion);
        integer dimension = std::begin(signalSet)->dimension();

        LpsRenyi_EntropyAlgorithm entropyAlgorithm(
            dimension, kNearest, q);

        return temporalGenericEntropy(

    //! Computes temporal Renyi entropy of a signal.
   This is a convenience function that calls:

       signalSet, timeWindowRadius, result, 
       q, kNearestSuggestion,
       constantRange((dreal)1, 1));

   See the documentation for that function.
    template <ranges::forward_range Signal_Range>
    SignalData temporalRenyiEntropyLps(
        const Signal_Range& signalSet,
        integer timeWindowRadius,
        dreal q = 2,
        integer kNearestSuggestion = 0)
        return Tim::temporalRenyiEntropyLps(
            signalSet, timeWindowRadius,
            q, kNearestSuggestion,
            constantRange((dreal)1, 1));

    // Renyi entropy
    // --------------------

    //! Computes Renyi entropy of a signal.
   kNearestSuggestion > 0
   signalSet contains Signal's.

   An ensemble of signals representing trials
   of the same experiment.

   The exponent in the definition of Tsallis entropy.
   If q == 1, the result of differentialEntropyKl() 
   is returned instead.
   If q < 1, the results have huge errors: you
   should not use this estimator for those values.

   A suggestion for the k:th nearest neighbor that should be
   used for estimation. The k can't be set freely because the 
   estimation algorithm is only defined for k > q - 1. 
   Value zero means an accurate (q-dependent) default is used.
   The actual k that is used is given by renyiDecideK().
   For accurate results one should choose 
   kNearestSuggestion >= 2 * ceil(q) - 1.

   A Renyi entropy estimate if successful,
   NaN otherwise. The estimation may fail only
   if all points are at the same position or
   there are no samples to estimate from.
    template <ranges::forward_range Signal_Range>
    dreal renyiEntropyLps(
        const Signal_Range& signalSet,
        dreal q = 2,
        integer kNearestSuggestion = 0)
        ENSURE_OP(q, >, 0);
        ENSURE_OP(kNearestSuggestion, >=, 0);

        if (q == 1)
            // Renyi entropy is not defined for q = 1.
            // However, the limit of Renyi entropy as q
            // approaches 1 is given by the Shannon
            // differential entropy. We will return
            // this value instead for convenience.

            integer kNearest = kNearestSuggestion;
            if (kNearestSuggestion == 0)
                kNearest = 1;

            return differentialEntropyKl(

        integer kNearest = renyiDecideK(q, kNearestSuggestion);
        integer dimension = std::begin(signalSet)->dimension();

        LpsRenyi_EntropyAlgorithm entropyAlgorithm(
            dimension, kNearest, q);

        return genericEntropy(

