
Back to Signal class


// Description: Properties of signals


#include "tim/core/mytypes.h"
#include "tim/core/signal.h"

#include <pastel/sys/range.h>
#include <pastel/sys/tuple.h>

#include <algorithm>

namespace Tim

    //! Returns the largest time interval on which all signals are defined.
    template <
        ranges::forward_range Signal_Range, 
        ranges::forward_range Lag_Range>
    Integer2 sharedTimeInterval(
        const Signal_Range& signalSet,
        const Lag_Range& lagSet)
        // In the following we think of having signals
        // embedded on the time axis, delayed with the given
        // lags. We accept to the merged signal only that
        // part in which all signals are present. E.g,
        // if the following are the time intervals that
        // three signals span:
        //        +--------------+
        //   +--------+
        //         +------+
        // Then the their merged signal spans the following
        // time interval:
        //         +--+
        // Note that each signal also has its own lag which
        // must be added to the given lag.

        // Find out the common time interval
        // [tLeftMax, tRightMin[.

        auto lagIter = std::begin(lagSet);
        auto lagIterEnd = std::end(lagSet);
        auto signalIter = ranges::begin(signalSet);

        integer tLeftMax = (*lagIter) + signalIter->t();
        integer tRightMin = tLeftMax + signalIter->samples();

        while(lagIter != lagIterEnd)
            const integer tLeft = *lagIter + signalIter->t();
            const integer tRight = tLeft + signalIter->samples();

            if (tLeft > tLeftMax)
                tLeftMax = tLeft;
            if (tRight < tRightMin)
                tRightMin = tRight;


        if (tRightMin < tLeftMax)
            return Integer2(0, 0);

        return Integer2(tLeftMax, tRightMin);

    //! Returns the largest time interval on which all signals are defined.
   This is a convenience function that calls
       constantRange(0, ranges::size(signalSet)));
    template <ranges::forward_range Signal_Range>
    Integer2 sharedTimeInterval(const Signal_Range& signalSet)
        return sharedTimeInterval(
            constantRange(0, ranges::size(signalSet)));

    //! Returns the minimum number of samples among the signals.
    template <ranges::forward_range Signal_Range>
    integer minSamples(const Signal_Range& signalSet)
        return ranges::empty(signalSet) ? 0 : ranges::min(
            [](auto&& signal) {return signal.samples();}));

    //! Returns true if all signals have the same dimension.
    template <ranges::forward_range Signal_Range>
    bool equalDimension(const Signal_Range& signalSet)
        if (ranges::empty(signalSet))
            return true;

        integer first = std::begin(signalSet)->dimension();
        return ranges::all_of(
            [](auto&& signal) {return signal.dimension();}), 
            [first](int x) {return x == first;});

    //! Returns true if all signals have the same number of samples.
    template <ranges::forward_range Signal_Range>
    bool equalSamples(const Signal_Range& signalSet)
        if (ranges::empty(signalSet))
            return true;

        integer first = std::begin(signalSet)->samples();
        return ranges::all_of(
            [](auto&& signal) {return signal.samples();}), 
            [first](int x) {return x == first;});

