
Back to TIM Matlab implementation


// Description: Functions to ease interfacing with Matlab
// Documentation: tim_matlab_impl.txt

#ifndef TIM_TIM_MEX_H
#define TIM_TIM_MEX_H

#include "tim/core/mytypes.h"
#include "tim/core/signal.h"
#include "tim/core/signal_tools.h"

#include <pastel/sys/ensure.h>
#include <pastel/sys/sequence/copy_n.h>
#include <pastelmatlab/matlab_argument.h>

#include <vector>

namespace Tim

    inline Signal asSignal(const MatrixView<dreal>& matrix) {
        // It is intentional to assign the width
        // and height the wrong way. The reason
        // is that Matlab uses column-major storage
        // while we use row-major storage.

        integer samples = matrix.cols();
        integer dimension = matrix.rows();

       The output signal aliases the input signal such that
       the NaNs from the beginning of the signal are skipped.

       TIM Matlab allows two forms for signals, a _lagged form_, 
       and a _NaN-padded form_. In NaN-padded form the start of the 
       signal contains NaNs, whose role is only to keep the first
       sample associated to the time instant zero. When converting 
       from NaN-padded form to lagged form, the NaN part is removed 
       from the signal and the signal is interpreted to begin at
       the first non-NaN sample. To maintain time-correspondence,
       the first sample in the lagged form is taken to begin at a 
       time instant given by the number of NaN samples in the 
       NaN-padded form.

        integer nans = 0;
        while(nans < samples)
            if (!isNan(matrix(0, nans)))

        return Signal(matrix.slicex(nans), nans);

    template <ranges::forward_range Range>
    ranges::forward_range auto matlabMatricesAsSignals(const Range& matrices) 
        return matrices | ranges::views::transform(
            [](auto&& matrix) -> Signal {return asSignal(matrix.view());}

    //! Retrieves an array of signals.
    template <typename Real>
    inline Array<Signal> asSignalArray(
        const Array<MatlabMatrix<Real>> matrices)
        integer trials = matrices.width();
        integer signals = matrices.height();

        Array<Signal> signalSet(Vector2i(trials, signals));
        for (integer y = 0;y < signals;++y)
            for (integer x = 0;x < trials;++x)
                signalSet(x, y) = asSignal(matrices(x, y).view());

        return signalSet;

