
Back to Translational point-pattern matching


% Finds a matching translation between unpaired point-sets.
% match = point_pattern_matching_kr(
%         modelSet, sceneSet,
%         matchingDistance, 'key', value, ...)
% where
% MODELSET is a (d x m)-real-array, where each column contains
% a d-dimensional point.
% SCENESET is a (d x n)-real-array, where each column contains
% a d-dimensional point.
% MATCHINGDISTANCE ('matchingDistance') is a non-negative real number 
% which gives the distance under which a mapped point from the 
% 'modelSet' is considered to match a point from the 'sceneSet'.
% Optional input arguments in 'key'-value pairs
% ---------------------------------------------
% KNEAREST ('kNearest') is a positive integer which specifies the number
% of nearest neighbor to search for each model point. The additional
% nearest neighbors are used in case the nearest neighbors coincide
% between model points; the algorithm then computes a maximum pairing
% from the available neighbors. Default: 16.
% MINMATCHRATIO ('minMatchRatio') is a real number in the range [0, 1]. 
% It gives the fraction of points in 'modelSet' that a translation 
% must match with points in 'sceneSet' to be accepted. For example,
% 0.8 means that 80% of the points must match. Default: 1.
% MAXBIAS ('maxBias') is a real number in the range [0, 1] which gives 
% the maximum allowed bias for a pairing to be accepted as a match. See 
% below for the definition of bias. Default: 0.2
% MATCHINGMODE ('matchingMode') is a non-negative integer specifying which 
% match to return among all the matches. The values are: 
%     0: the first match, or
%     1: the best match (of maximum size, of minimum bias)
% Default: 0.
% Return values
% -------------
% The results are returned in a structure which contains the following
% fields.
% PAIRSET ('pairSet') is a (2 x k)-integer-array of indices, where each 
% column is a pair (i, j), where i is the index of a model point, and j 
% is the index of its matched scene point. 
% TRANSLATION ('translation') is a (d x 1)-real-array which gives the 
% matching translation in case such is found ('success' is 1). The 
% translation transform the model-set into the scene-set.
% BIAS ('bias') is a real number in the range [0, 1] which gives the bias 
% of the found match. See below for the definition of bias.
% SUCCESS ('success') is a real number, which is 1 if a match was found, 
% and 0 otherwise.
% A transformed model-point is said to match if it has a unique scene 
% point in its matching distance, where distance is measured by the
% Euclidean norm.
% The bias is computed as the norm of the mean difference between the 
% paired points, divided by the matching distance. For example, if the 
% differences are uniformly scattered (due to noise), then the bias is 
% close to zero. On the other hand, if the pairs of each point are 
% located consistently at the same direction, then the bias is positive.
% Bias is indicative of an unoptimal translation, although the pairing 
% is correct. As an example, think of picking the scene point to align 
% with an extraneous point near an embedded model point.

% Description: Finds a matching translation between unordered pointsets
% Documentation: match_points_kr.txt

function match = point_pattern_matching_kr(...
    modelSet, sceneSet, matchingDistance, varargin)


% Optional input arguments
kNearest = 16;
minMatchRatio = 1;
maxBias = 0.2;
matchingMode = 0;
eval(process_options({'kNearest', 'minMatchRatio', ...
    'matchingDistance', 'maxBias',  'matchingMode'}, ...

    modelSet, 'pointset', ...
    sceneSet, 'pointset', ...
    minMatchRatio, 'real', ...
    matchingDistance, 'real', ...
    maxBias, 'real');

if kNearest < 1
    error('kNearest must be at least 1.');

if minMatchRatio < 0 || minMatchRatio > 1
    error('minMatchRatio must be in the range [0, 1].');

if matchingDistance < 0
    error('matchingDistance must be non-negative.');

if maxBias < 0 || maxBias > 1
    error('maxBias must be in the range [0, 1].');

if matchingMode ~= 0 && matchingMode ~= 1
    error('matchingMode must be 0 or 1.');

if size(modelSet, 1) ~= size(sceneSet, 1)
    error('The dimensions of modelSet and sceneSet must be equal.');

[pairSet, translation, bias, success] = ...
    pastelgeometrymatlab('match_points_kr', ...
    modelSet, sceneSet, kNearest, ...
    minMatchRatio, matchingDistance, maxBias, ...

match = struct(...
    'pairSet', pairSet, ...
    'translation', translation, ...
    'bias', bias, ...
    'success', success);